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WECF's Russian Language Gender and Environment Fact Sheets

A number of factsheets in Russian covering mobility, gender, energy, food production, waste and eco awareness

23.11.2005 |Ulrike Röhr

The WECF Russian language fact sheets have been prepared by the WECF gender working group, coordinated by Dr. Ulrike Roehr of LIFE/Genanet (Germany) and Muborak Sharipova of Open Asia (Denmark/Tadjikstan).

The Fact sheets "Data - Facts - Arguments" present in a brief overview gender differences in several environmental areas. Most of the data are from Germany. If you know about similar data or research  from your countries, we would be happy if you could send it to us. Thus we may update the facts sheets more general for the European and Central Asia level.

The English versions of these fact sheets and some more you may find at Genanet.

Published in: Towards Gender Justice in Environmental Policy. Gender Mainstreaming in Germany. LIFE e.V./FrauenUmweltnetz (ed)

Being determines (environmental) awareness
The fact sheet shows that women are more aware about envrionmental problems and act in a more environmental friendly way. On the other hand it is men who's knowledge about environmental issues is higher. Some of he reasons behind these differences are highlighted.

Gender on your plate. Food production and consumption from the gender perspective
Women's situation in food production and differences in nutritional behaviour between women and men are in the center of this fact sheet.

The power of the sexes: energy from the gender perspective
Energy is an issues which is only recently viewed from a gender perspective. The paper presents first results and entry points to the energy debate.

Women’s mobility compared with men’s
Undoubtly women and men do have different purposes of mobility and use private and public transport differently. But their requirements are seldom taken into account in transport pallning and policy.