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Women, Forests and Plantations

The WRM has just published a new book (available in Spanish, English and French) titled: "Women, Forests and Plantations. The Gender Dimension".

28.09.2005 |Sascha Gabizon

Forests provide the source and means of survival for millions of people, who find there firewood, medicinal plants, food, fibres, housing materials, and a full range of other uses. They are also vital for the healthy state of our global environment.

Though the historical contribution of women to forest conservation has often been made "invisible" - as in many other areas - it has been them, the indigenous and peasant women, with an intimate knowledge of the forest, who have been the principal caretakers and guardians of the forests.

At present, the encroachment of global commerce and "development" projects into the forests - such as plantations, oil exploitation, logging, mining, shrimp farming, dams and others - have not only destroyed nature but also distorted ancestral relationships of forest peoples between them and with the forest. Such forest change or loss has not been gender neutral and has had a double and differentiated impact on women, depriving them of their traditional rights to and link with the forests while reinforcing a patriarchal society model.

With this book we aim at generating awareness on the issue, as a way of contributing positively to the struggles women carry out to defend the forest and to highlight their positive role in forest conservation.

Non Governmental Organizations and Indigenous Peoples Organizations can ask for a free copy of the book. To do so, please contact WRM International Secretariat at: and send your postal address.