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WECF briefing on the EU Natura-2000 programme and SARD

24.02.2005 |Isabel Ripa Julia

The NATURA 2000 briefing is a summary for WECF members. The Natura 2000 Network is the ecological network of the European Union (EU), comprising the protected areas designated under the Birds and Habitats Directives. The objective of Natura 2000 is to contribute to the conservation of biodiversity in the EU. Natura 2000 is currently financed via the EU LIFE funding programme. In a few years this programme will end. What are the new funding programmes for biodiversity? What  role can WECF members play?

Download the briefing on Natura 2000 (doc).

The SARD briefing is a summary to inform WECF members, friends and other interested individuals about the concept of Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (SARD). In this factsheet you will find information about the origin of the concept and the international, European and national dimensions.

Download the briefing on Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (doc).

Both briefings were prepared by WECF's agriculture and rural development Working Group coordinator, Isabel Ripa, WECF Spain.

The briefings are financially supported by the EU Commission DG Environment.