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EU Environmental Policy Handbook

Better use and implementation of EU environmental legislation


The book serves as a reference volume, presenting an outline of EU environmental policy history as well as explanation and analysis of the network of some sixty EU environmental laws and policies. With this new publication the EEB intends to give practical assistance to citizens’ organisations and environmental administrations – as well as decision-makers – on both understanding and using EU environmental laws in order to achieve the EU’s ambitious environmental targets.
EU’s environmental laws can offer a lot, but are rarely applied correctly or sometimes even not respected at all. Against this and the current trend towards subordinating environmental policy to economic growth, EEB’s Handbook encourages an informed and intelligent use of existing legislative networks and calls for resistance to attempts to water down existing environmental laws.

The EEB will send to all its Member Organisations one hard copy of the book within the next 14 days. In case you want one for your own use and can't get hold of it from your office, please send by 10 Nov a request for further free copies to Chantal de Meersman at, clearly stating for which organisation you work. We will take stock and hope to be able to provide you with the requested copies.

Download the EEB book on EU Environmental Policy.
Download the EEB book cover.