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Report of project Eco Efficiency and High-Level Roundtable

WECF project on Environmental Burden of Disease and the Lisbon Agenda

01.03.2007 |Irma Thijssen

Prof Philippe Grandjean speaking at the WECF high level roundtable in Brussels, on the Environmental Burden of Disease on the European Economy

Downloade the final report (WORD document) on the WECF project Eco Efficiency and the WECF advice report to the Dutch Ministry of Environment (VROM).

Aims of the WECF Eco-Efficiency, Lisbon Enviornmental Health project
The primary objective of the project was to attract the attention of European policy makers, politicians, citizens, social organizations and industry to the effects of environmental pollution on health (the environmental burden of disease-EBD). Further, WECF wanted to convince these stakeholders that implementing environmental health aspects into policy (e.g. the Lisbon Strategy) is necessary for a healthy and competitive European Union.
Main Results
  • Insights and new evidence obtained form the International Expert Workshop helped boost the production of the Environmental Burden of Disease Briefing. The Workshop, the Briefing, and a discussion paper of the issues and recommendations served as a basis for the HLRT.
  • There were 60 attendees to the High Level Roundtable, representing European policymakers, politicians, social organizations and industry.
  • Presentations of new facts and figures by internationally renown scientists that convinced the audience of the impact of environmental pollution on the health of European citizens
  • Presentation of convincing evidence and argumentations of the impact of the EBD on the economy, and the interest to incorporate the environmental effects on health into the Lisbon Agenda.
  • Via the intensive lobby and publicity, WECF brought the message under the attention of European Commissioners, the European Directorate Generals of Environment, Health and Industry, EU Ministers of Health, Environment and Industry, and man y representatives of social organizations and industry. The target DGs (Environment, Health and Enterprise) said they take the new information seriously, and would consider (new) ways to integrate the EBD into their policies.
  • The European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL, formerly EPHA EEN) supported the event and will use relevant outcomes for their European lobby work.
  • Publication of results in, amongst others, ENDS Europe Daily, the most read internet newsletter in Brussels
  • Accounting for insights and outcomes of the HLRT, a Position Paper was developed and sent to the European Commissioners, European Parliamentarians, and Ministers of the EU for Environment, Health and Industry.  Commissioner Dimas and Vice President Wallström notified us officially that they found this issue important. Commissioner Dimas referred us also to the review of the Environment and Health action plan 2004-2010.
WECF Follow-Up
Following the event, a WECF press release was issued and appeared in ENDS Europe daily, along with other diverse news publications. WECF amended the discussion paper presented at the event to reflect the insights and outcomes of the afternoon and sent a personal letter coupled with a position paper and recommendations to European Commission President Barroso, Commissioners Dimas, Kyprianou and Vice Presidents Verheugen and Wallström, the Director Generals for Health, Environment and Enterprise, Ministers of Environment, Health and Industry, as well as to MEPs of the Environment, Public Health & Food Safety (ENVI), Women’s Rights & Gender Equality (FEMM), Industry& Trade (ITRE), and Employment &Social Affairs (EMPL) Commissions. The materials were meant to draw attention to the great amount of scientific evidence about the influence of environmental factors on health, the urgent need to translate this into all policies, and to give recommendations on how to move forward in the right direction.

WECF is preparing a new lobby and research strategy that continues to press for environmental health aspects to be incorporated in European policy. Already stronger links have been established with the EEB and HEAL and to strengthen the ability for WECF recommendations to come through international lobby circles.

WECF continues its work in the fight to ensure a healthy environment for all.

Short Evaluation
The high level WECF event in Brussels was a success and this has been noted by many. With it, new evidence was presented by internationally renowned scientists about the environmental burden of disease was brought to the attention of European politicians, and representatives from civil society and industry. Further the link between a healthy population and a healthy economy was clearly made, and supported strongly at the event by DG SANCO.

Main Activities and Products
  • Factsheets on the Lisbon Agenda, the Sustainable Development Strategy and Eco-efficiency
  • Briefing on the Environmental Burden of Disease
  • International Expert Workshop on the Environmental Burden of Disease – Brussels, April 2006
  • Strategy development on how to implement environmental health aspects in the EU Lisbon Agenda and the EU SDS, from a citizen’s perspective
  • International High-Level Roundtable “Clean, Clever and Competitive from a Citizen’s perspective“ – Brussels, November 2006
  • Position Policy Paper, including Recommendations on strengthening the environmental health aspects of the EU Lisbon and SDS strategies
  • Lobby Letters to EU Commission President Barroso, EU Ministers of Environment, Health and Industry, Commissioners and Directorate Generals of Environment, Health and Industry, Members of Parliament in Committees on Environment, Health, Industry and Gender.
  • Several Press announcements and Press Releases
  • Reaction from Mr Dimas (EU Commisisoner for Environment)
  • Reaction from Ms. Wallström (Vice President, European Union)