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Elisabeth Ruffinengo

Health and Environment Advocacy Manager/Responsable plaidoyer WECF France


Elisabeth Ruffinengo is the Health and Environment Advocacy & Project Manager for the European network of NGO’s Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF). She has an LLM in European and international law, and protection of human rights.

She joined WECF in 2009 and is in charge of advocacy and projects development in the field of chemicals and health, and environmental health at the national, European, and international level. She represents WECF in several negotiations/processes as well as during hearings and conferences dealing with environmental health (biocides, health and environment action plans, etc.).

She planned and took part in the organization of several events all dealing with science, chemicals, health and prevention of populations’ exposure to chemicals of concern and other risk factors, especially dealing with women’s reproductive health, endocrine disruptors, and children’s health. She is an active member LLM of the Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDC)-Free European coalition of NGOs. She is the author of the news section article of and other articles and position papers, and is blogger invited by Huffington Post France since 2013.