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WECF and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Breast Cancer: Policy and Prevention

WECF training programmes and capacity building on gender and sustainability

International “Nesting” programme – A Healthy Environment for Healthy Children

Women's Major Group -Sustainable Development Goals and the Post 2015 Development Agenda

WECF representation in international and UN policy processes

Safe and Sustainable Sanitation for Women and Girls

EDC Free Coalition Public Consultation

Asbestos: a silent killer on a global scale – substitute it now!

WHO European Environment and Health Process (EEHP)

EVENT: WHO 6th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, Ostrava

EVENT: Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions Conference of the Parties, 2017

EVENT: Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards, COP22, Marrakesh

EVENT: WECF on the road to the COP22

Women and Gender Constituency at UNFCCC

Women's Global Call for Climate Justice

EVENT: WECF at the COP21

Don't Nuke the Climate - Paris 2015

Gender E3 Working Group in the European Parliament

Women and Gender Constituency at COP20 Lima, Peru

UNECEs 5th MOP to the Aarhus Convention, Maastricht 2014

Nuclear Power is not a solution to climate change – plug into renewables

WECF at the COP19 in Warsaw: Climate Finance and Gender Equality

International ‘Safe Toys’ Coalition – toxic free children products

Online discussion group INTERA

UN Conference on Sustainable Development 2012 - Rio +20

Toxic free beauty - safe cosmetics

The Golden Nuclear Fuelrod Award

ToNi-Finder - WECF's Map for Sustainable School Toilets and Nitrate Levels

Children's Environmental Health Award 2010

Children's Environmental Action Plan for Europe

REACH - Eliminating Toxic Chemicals in the EU

"Better Health, Better Environment, Sustainable Choices"

WHO European Region 6th Ministerial Conference on Environment & Health

Countries: Czech Republic
Donors: Ministry of Environment The Netherlands, Ministry of Environment, Germany
Partners: Journalists for Human Rights, Macedonia; AWHHE, Armenia; Eco-accord, Russia; Youth Reps in the EHP
Issues: Chemicals & Health; Climate & Energy
Duration: 06/2017 - 06/2017

The ministerial conferences of the European Environment and Health Process provide a unique intersectoral policy platform bringing together relevant sectors and partners to shape policies and actions on environment and health, support the implementation of effective evidence-based policies and advance actions on environment, health and well-being in the WHO European Region.


Defining Europe’s environment and health priorities in the 21st century

Almost one and a half million deaths per year in the WHO European Region are caused by environmental risks that could be avoided and/or eliminated. There is therefore urgent need to continue and strengthen efforts addressing the leading environmental determinants of ill health. These include:

  • air pollution;
  • inadequate water and sanitation services;
  • hazardous chemicals;
  • waste and contaminated sites; and
  • climate change.

Related News

Report on National Workshop on SDGs in Georgia
On the Interlinkages of Environment & Health in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Policy Dialogue On Sustainable Development, Health and Social justice in Tirana, Albania
Linking the Ostrava Declaration of the European Environment and Health Process to SDGs Agenda 2030

Women, Chemicals & UNEA
Our Executive Director Sascha Gabizon being interviewed by UNEP, emphasising that we need greater collective action, than the voluntary efforts made by the chemical's sector, to eliminate hazardous chemicals in our environment.

Film premiere: what does chemicals have to do with gender? (UNEA3 resistance event)

UN Summit on Eradicating Poverty and Promoting Prosperity in a Changing World
8 days of advocacy and activism for a gender just future within the SDG process. WECF recently attended the UN summit on the Sustainable Development Goals (High Level Political Forum, HLPF) in New York and reports back on their experiences.

Youth at the heart of ECO Forum's participation in Ostrava
Reporting back on WHO’s regional conference on environment and health, where WECF (and its ECO Forum delegation of 23 youths and seniors) was to advocate for a healthy future

"Let's Ensure a Healthy Future" - WECF side event at WHO 6th Ministerial Conference
Protecting children from exposure to harmful chemicals to avoid irreversible damage.

Sixth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health

Side Event "Let's Ensure a Healthy Future" - WHO 6th Ministerial Conference

WHO European Environment and Health Process (EEHP)
In April 2015 Israel brought together health and environment ministers from 53 countries to assess how far we have progressed with the targets set in 2010
20.03.2016 | WECF Campaign

Improving Environment And Health In Europe: How Far Have We Gotten?
WHO report

Midterm review of environment and health progress in the European Region
From 28 to 30 April WECF was part of the Ecoforum delegation, representing environmental organisations from the European Region, participating at the mid-term review meeting of the WHO European Environment and Health Process in Haifa, Israel

At least one in three Europeans can be exposed to asbestos at work and in the environment
WHO press release
30.04.2015 | WHO Regional Office for Europe

Baby’s in couveuse blootgesteld aan extra gezondheidsrisico’s door lekken hormoonverstorende stoffen uit medische hulpmiddelen
Deze week verschijnt, gelijktijdig met de WHO-conferentie over Gezondheid & Milieu in Israël, een nieuw rapport dat laat zien dat ziekenhuizen in een aantal landen al volop bezig zijn met deze vervanging. Nederland blijft achter

WECF/EcoForum and HEAL represent European Region Environmental Health Organisations at WHO meeting in Haifa, Israel
WECF/EcoForum and aiming to critically assess implementation of 2010 Parma Declaration to protect (children’s) health at high-level meeting of the European Environment and Health Process (EEHP)

WHO high-level meeting of the Task Force – the Mid-term Review (MTR) Meeting of the European Environment and Health Process (EEHP)

Towards non-toxic healthcare: HCWH Europe reports on alternatives to phthalates and BPA in medical devices
HCWH press release
28.04.2015 | Health Care Without Harm Europe (HCWH)

From Parma to Haifa: how far have we gotten?
Environment and health progress review in the WHO European Region
28.04.2015 | WHO Regional Office for Europe

Air pollution costs European economies US$ 1.6 trillion a year in diseases and deaths, new WHO study says
WHO press release
28.04.2015 | WHO Regional Office for Europe

WECF’s Position Paper on EEHP, WHO MTR in Haifa 2015
Eco Forum, HEAL, WECF International and undersigned signatories present position paper on EEHP

Poor indoor environments at school
WECF represents environmental NGOs in WHO mid-term review of European Environment and Health Process (EEHP)

Stronger action required on environmental pollutants
WECF represents environmental NGOs in WHO mid-term review of European Environment and Health Process (EEHP)

Time running out to reduce climate change threats to health
WECF represents environmental NGOs in WHO mid-term review of European Environment and Health Process (EEHP)

Water and sanitation: still a luxury for millions of Europeans
WECF represents environmental NGOs in WHO mid-term review of European Environment and Health Process (EEHP)

Mid-term review of WHO Environment and Health process, April 2015
In April 2015, representatives of health and environment ministries from 53 countries will come together to assess progress in reaching ambitious targets to protect children from environmental threats.
22.11.2014 | WECF