Please check out the new WECF website on!

Stay here to browse our website archive (2004-2019).

WECF Deutschland

WECF France

WECF Nederland




WECF and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Breast Cancer: Policy and Prevention

WECF training programmes and capacity building on gender and sustainability

International “Nesting” programme – A Healthy Environment for Healthy Children

Women's Major Group -Sustainable Development Goals and the Post 2015 Development Agenda

WECF representation in international and UN policy processes

Safe and Sustainable Sanitation for Women and Girls

EDC Free Coalition Public Consultation

Asbestos: a silent killer on a global scale – substitute it now!

WHO European Environment and Health Process (EEHP)

EVENT: WHO 6th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, Ostrava

EVENT: Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions Conference of the Parties, 2017

EVENT: Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards, COP22, Marrakesh

EVENT: WECF on the road to the COP22

Women and Gender Constituency at UNFCCC

Women's Global Call for Climate Justice

EVENT: WECF at the COP21

Don't Nuke the Climate - Paris 2015

Gender E3 Working Group in the European Parliament

Women and Gender Constituency at COP20 Lima, Peru

UNECEs 5th MOP to the Aarhus Convention, Maastricht 2014

Nuclear Power is not a solution to climate change – plug into renewables

WECF at the COP19 in Warsaw: Climate Finance and Gender Equality

International ‘Safe Toys’ Coalition – toxic free children products

Online discussion group INTERA

UN Conference on Sustainable Development 2012 - Rio +20

Toxic free beauty - safe cosmetics

The Golden Nuclear Fuelrod Award

ToNi-Finder - WECF's Map for Sustainable School Toilets and Nitrate Levels

Children's Environmental Health Award 2010

Children's Environmental Action Plan for Europe

REACH - Eliminating Toxic Chemicals in the EU

TTIP: Public Health vs. Private Profit

The United States and the European Union are negotiating a new trade agreement called the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). This agreement is a threat to the EU’s ability to protect people from toxic chemical exposure. We are calling for a removal of chemicals from the EU-USA trade talks.

| WECF Campaign

Countries: Global
Issues: Chemicals & Health
Duration: 01/2016 - 01/2016

© Flickr/John Voo, edits by HEAL/CIEL

The Campaign

When the 13th round of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations opened in New York in end of April, the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) and the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) launched a new campaign to support European efforts to protect people and the environment from toxic chemicals and pesticides. The new campaign website is available here and a Twitter handle was also created @TTIPingToxics to share campaign materials on social media, build a campaign presence and increase awareness of TTIP and chemicals.
As part of the campaign launch, CIEL, HEAL, the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and ClientEarth sent a letter to EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström to urge that she ensures that aspects of the EU deregulatory agenda are not codified in TTIP.

We are calling for:

  • Chemicals to be excluded from regulatory cooperation because it would provide new channels for private profit to hold power in the drafting or revision of EU laws.
  • No elements of the controversial EU policy “Better Regulation” embedded in a legally binding trade agreement.
  • No provisions enabling multinationals to sideline the EU courts and sue European states, the so-called Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) or Investment Court System.


The United States and European Union are negotiating a new trade agreement called the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). This agreement is a threat to the EU’s ability to protect people from toxic chemical exposure.

EU legislation is currently much more protective than US regulations. If chemicals are included in this trade deal, the EU could see its global leadership in protecting public health through tough laws like REACH watered down. In addition to pesticide legislation, TTIP could halt the EU’s progress on a policy to limit exposure to hormone disrupting chemicals.

The campaign is organized by the Health and Environmental Alliance (HEAL) which is a leading European not-for-profit organisation addressing how the environment affects health in the European Union (EU). With the support of more than 70 member organisations, HEAL brings independent expertise and evidence from the health community to different decision-making processes. The broad alliance represents health professionals, not-for-profit health insurers, doctors, nurses, cancer and asthma groups, citizens, women’s groups, youth groups, environmental NGOs, scientists and public health institutes

HEAL launched the campaign together with the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) which is working on the protectection of the environment, the promotion of human rights, and the ensuring of a just and sustainable society.



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Overheidscampagne Waarzitwatin schiet tekort in bescherming consument
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Overheidscampagne Waarzitwatin schiet tekort in bescherming consument
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WECF brengt Ecofeministische Kieswijzer #ecofeministscorecard
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Overzicht stand van zaken onderzoek weidevogels Gelderland
Na presentatie onderzoeksresultaten ontstak mediastorm, gevolgd door kamervragen

Was haben Chemikalien mit Gender mit zu tun?
BRS- Konventionen: Gender-Strategien, um Chemikalien und Müll besser und sicherer zu managen

Was haben Chemikalien mit Gender mit zu tun?
BRS- Konventionen: Gender-Strategien, um Chemikalien und Müll besser und sicherer zu managen
09.05.2019 |

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Hintergrundgespräch zur Agenda2030 am 02.04.19
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Fachgespräch zu Umweltschadstoffen und Frauengesundheit am 28.03. in Berlin
WECF stellt neue Broschüre vor

App „Giftfrei Einkaufen“ jetzt im neuen Design
WECF App gibt noch mehr Tipps zum schadstofffreien Einkaufen und Leben - Kostenloser Download für Smartphones im PlayStore und als iOS-App

App „Giftfrei Einkaufen“ jetzt im neuen Design
WECF App gibt noch mehr Tipps zum schadstofffreien Einkaufen und Leben - Kostenloser Download für Smartphones im PlayStore und als iOS-App

Weltweit mehr als 1,6 Millionen Tote jährlich durch gefährliche Chemikalien
Verhandlungen zu künftigem internationalem Chemikalienmanagement (SAICM 2.0)

Weltweit mehr als 1,6 Millionen Tote jährlich durch gefährliche Chemikalien
Verhandlungen zu künftigem internationalem Chemikalienmanagement (SAICM 2.0)

Kongressdokumentation: SUSTAIN - 1. Münchner Nachhaltigkeitskongress
Der Videomitschnitt des Abends ist jetzt auf Youtube zu finden!

WECF fordert Aussetzung der Zulassung von Glyphosat
Neue Studie zeigt hormonelle Wirksamkeit von Herbiziden auf Glyphosatbasis

EINLADUNG - Hintergrundgespräch für Multiplikatoren, Medien und Nachhaltigkeitsakteure - 02.04.19
AGENDA 2030 als Politikkonzept für Multilateralismus

Information für die Medien
NGOs fordern von Bundesregierung mehr Schutz vor Hormongiften, EDCs

Nationaal Actieplan Ostrava
WECF´s aanbevelingen voor de Nederlandse prioriteiten voor het Nationaal Actieplan 2018 voor de implementatie van de Ostrava Declaratie in Nederland

„Ich bin schwanger - Wie Sie sich, Ihr Baby und Ihre Familie vor schädlichen Chemikalien schützen können“
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NGOs fordern von Bundesregierung mehr Schutz vor Hormongiften
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Time is Honey - Nachhaltige Zeitkultur und die Grenzen der Natur - 03.02.2019
Vorträge von Prof. Harald Lesch, Prof. Karlheinz Geißler und Jonas Geißler

Die bessere Stadt
17 ExpertInnen erklären, was sich in ihrem Bereich noch ändern muss

PERSBERICHT: Wake-up call van burgercomité naar overheid: “Moet er eerst een ramp gebeuren?”
Comité Bezorgde Burgers Zaltbommel organiseert bijeenkomst op zaterdag 2 februari

WECF coalitiepartner van Plastic Health Coalition
The Plastic Soup Foundation heeft het initiatief genomen om met vooraanstaande wetenschappers, frontrunners en changemakers een nieuwe alliantie op te richten te weten: The Plastic Health Coalition.

Vortrag - Besser leben ohne Plastik
SAVE THE DATE - 22.05.2019

Chemische industrie bij woonwijk Zaltbommel. Is er een duurzame oplossing?
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'Samen naar een Schoon Klimaat' in Den Haag
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Getting to the Future We Want
4-7 November, Brussels: European Environmental Bureau’s (EEB) Annual Conference

WECF Nederland reageert op de landbouwnota van Minister Schouten: “Kringlooplandbouw is mooi, maar gaat niet samen met pesticiden”
In september presenteerde Minister van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit Carola Schouten haar visie op de toekomst van de Nederlandse landbouw: “Landbouw, Natuur en Voedsel: Waardevol en Verbonden, Nederland als koploper in kringlooplandbouw.” Deze week werd over haar plannen voor de financiering van deze visie in de Tweede Kamer gedebatteerd.

Mehr Schutz vor hormonwirksamen Chemikalien (EDCs) in Deutschland
Mehr Informationen zu EDCs und bessere gesetzliche Regulierungen

Chemieskandal - Profit First
Ungeprüfte Chemikalien in Spielsachen, Kosmetik, Möbeln und vielem mehr

Anstieg von Brustkrebserkrankungen
Arbeitskreise Frauengesundheit fordert mehr Schutz vor hormonell wirksamen Chemikalien

Chemieskandal – Profit First
Ungeprüfte Chemikalien in Spielsachen, Kosmetik, Möbeln und vielem mehr 

WECF presenteert Petititie Nationaal Plan Hormoonverstorende Stoffen in Tweede Kamer
Afgelopen dinsdag 25 september was Sanne Van de Voort (links op de foto) namens WECF in de Tweede Kamer om samen met Wemos, Tegengif en de Plastic Soup Foundation haar Nationaal Actieplan Hormoonverstorende Stoffen aan te bieden aan Tweede Kamerleden.

Human Biomonitoring for Europe
Vienna, 26 September: stakeholder forum

A life without plastic, wouldn't it be fantastic?!
Interview with Charlotte Schueler of @PlastikfreiLeben, who lives a zerowaste life in Munich, Germany and shares her experiences to her 25.2 thousand followers on instagram & 37.2 thousand followers on facebook

Calling for periods free from plastic & hazardous chemicals
Letter to Frédérique Ries, MEP, European Parliament on behalf of the #BreakFreeFromPlastics movement

10 years ago today: our push for safe toys in the European Parliament

Wohlfühlnest oder Schadstoffquelle informiert darüber, wie Eltern Schadstoffe im Wohnumfeld reduzieren können

WECF organiseert in huis Consultatiesessie Waterkwaliteit
Woensdag 27 juli jongstleden vond de consultatiesessie waterkwaliteit plaats op het kantoor van WECF aan de Korte Elisabethstraat in Utrecht. Er waren verschillende deelnemers met verschillende achtergronden, maar allen met één doel: zorgen uiten en de overheid adviseren over het verbeteren van de waterkwaliteit in Nederland.

Dinsdagochtend 10 juli namen we luisteraars mee in de wereld van plastic en gingen in op de consequenties die veel stoffen in plastics hebben op jouw gezondheid.

Hohe Zahl von Brustkrebserkrankungen
Gynäkologinnen fordern mehr Schutz vor hormonwirksamen Stoffen

Plastic, Gender en het Milieu
Levenscyclus van plastic en de impact op vrouwen en mannen, van productie tot (zee)afval

Nederland in actie voor schoon water! Wat vind jij?
WECF organiseert woensdag 27 juni Consultatiesessie Waterkwaliteit

Menstrual Hygiene Day 2018
Intersecting Menstrual Hygiene Management and the Sustainable Development Goals - an overview by WECF

Report on National Workshop on SDGs in Georgia
On the Interlinkages of Environment & Health in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

'De reis van plastic en hoe het ons leven beïnvloedt'
Op 17 april gaven Manon Zwart, coördinerend adviseur duurzaamheid bij het RIVM en Chantal Van den Bossche, coördinator communicatie WECF, een gezamenlijke workshop over plastic tijdens de jaarlijkse Atlas Dag van de Leefomgeving.

Acht Forderungen für eine EU EDC-Strategie
Die EU steht in der Verantwortung, ihre Bürgerinnen und Bürger und die Umwelt vor allen endokrin schädlichen Chemikalien zu schützen

Our eight demands for an EU EDC strategy
EU has the obligation to protect its people and the environment from all harm caused by endocrine disrupting chemicals

Afrika-dag in Amsterdam: eco-activisme en WECF
Op zaterdag 14 april 2018 hield Women Engage for a Common Future haar eerste workshop tijdens de jaarlijkse Afrika-Dag in Amsterdam.

AfricaDay in Amsterdam: Raising Awareness on Eco-Activism
Saturday April 14th 2018, Women Engage for a Common Future held its first workshop at the annual AfrikaDag in Amsterdam. With this year’s theme being “New Activism”, members of the organization took it upon themselves to raise awareness on eco-activism

Eco-Activism: What it is and Why it is Relevant
In light of this year’s theme “New Activism”, Women and Environment Network WECF, Women Engage for a Common Future, will organize a workshop on eco-activism during Africaday in Amsterdam. What is eco-activism and what are its challenges?
13.04.2018 | Audrey Van Schoote

WECF at the second SAICM International meeting in Stockholm, IP2
NGOs active for a future international chemicals and waste framework, aiming high level of protection for human health and environment

Hazardous chemicals: replacing it is not the solution.
Corporations and industrials are permitted to switch out one EDC for another that possesses the same hazardous properties.

How was your #PlasticFreeLent?
The last 40 days WECF ran a different Lent, a Plastic-free Lent!

CSW62: Women's Major Group side event on chemicals, gender equality and rural women

Greenpeace EU Director pushes for "Friends of the Bees" behaviour at the European Commission
Discussions to ban Neonicotinoids (insecticides) have been going on for a year at the European Commission, considering the threat they pose to bees and other major pollinators. Yet, the vote on the proposal keeps on getting delayed.

2030-Agenda für Nachhaltige Entwicklung: Kommunen als zentrale Akteure
Wunschzettel für nachhaltige und gerechte Welt: Die Nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele (Sustainable Development Goals SDGs)

WECF at CSW62: challenges and opportunities in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of rural women and girls
Follow the latest updates on our work at CSW62, download related publications and learn about our activities.

Policy Dialogue On Sustainable Development, Health and Social justice in Tirana, Albania
Linking the Ostrava Declaration of the European Environment and Health Process to SDGs Agenda 2030

Infoblad over de normen van bestrijdingsmiddelen
De huidige toelatingsprocedures voor bestrijdingsmiddelen zijn onverantwoord.

Menstrual hygiene and the environment
Check out our videos for the #plasticfreelent campaign!

"Worries about consequences for children of pesticides present in water" - Report from Drenthe
Far too many residues of pesticides are present in the waters of Drenthe (Dutch province). This needs to be reduced. But how?

"Zorgen over gevolgen voor kinderen van bestrijdingsmiddelen in Drents grondwater" - WECF doet verslag
In Drentse wateren zitten veel te veel resten bestrijdingsmiddelen. Dat moet minder. Maar hoe?

Women, Chemicals & UNEA
Our Executive Director Sascha Gabizon being interviewed by UNEP, emphasising that we need greater collective action, than the voluntary efforts made by the chemical's sector, to eliminate hazardous chemicals in our environment.

Plastics Campagne: #plasticvasten
Op Valentijnsdag begint de #plasticvasten campagne: 40 dagen geen plastic!

A Plastic Free Lent
Join us on our challenge for this Lent: reduce your plastics consumption for 40 days!

Symposium Bestrijdingsmiddelen in het milieu - Samenwerken aan schoon water
De Natuur en Milieufederatie Drenthe en WECF (Women Engage for a Common Future) organiseren 16 februari symposium in Drents Provinciehuis

WECF en WEP Nigeria presenteren documentaire over schadelijke stoffen in afval en het effect hiervan op de gezondheid
De invloed van persistente organische verontreinigende stoffen, schadelijke stoffen en afval op de gezondheid van vrouwen en mannen.

First edition of WECF’s “DESIGN-MOI UN JOUET” (Design me a toy) contest
Two teams of students were awarded for their creative designs of healthy toys

"What has gender got to do with chemicals" documentary gets broadcasted on Nigerian International TV
On Monday 15th of January 2018, Nigerian International TV is showing the 30 minute documentary produced by the BRS (Basel-Stockhom-Rotterdam) Conventions , WECF and WEP and made by filmmaker Laure Poinsot entitled “What has Gender got to do with Chemicals”.

Gender, Chemicals and Waste high level event in Abuja, Nigeria
Women Environment Programme (WEP) Nigeria, and WECF organise high-level meeting in Abuja, Nigeria on Gender, Chemicals and Waste, on 10-12 of January 2018

Presentation of documentary film "what has Gender got to do with Chemicals" on Nigerian tv

Women's exposure to toxic chemicals
Women’s bodies are ready to produce a new life and milk, hence it’s easier to accumulate toxic chemicals in their higher levels of fatty tissue.

Schädliche Wirkung auf Bienen - Werden bestimmte Insektizide verboten?
Berichterstattung auf Spiegel Online und Wirtschaftswoche über Neonicotinoide

Press Release “What has Gender got to do with Chemicals”.
The secretariat of the global chemicals conventions, the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions (BRS) jointly with WECF International, WEP Nigeria and Balifokus Indonesia, announce the release of a film “What has Gender got to do with Chemicals”.

Medieninformation zur Entscheidung des EU Parlaments zu Hormongiften
Gemeinsames Statement deutscher NGOs zur heutigen Abstimmung zu Umwelthormonen im Pestizidausschuss der EU

Gemeinsame Stellungnahme: Kein Schutz vor Umwelthormonen: Nach der Entscheidung ist vor der Entscheidung
EU Mitgliedstaaten stimmen umstrittenen Entwurf der EU-Kommission zur Identifizierung hormonschädlicher Chemikalien in Pestiziden zu

#BeatPollution: WECF at UNEA3 in Nairobi
Reflections on the UN Environmental Assembly in Nairobi “Towards a Pollution free Planet

Europese NGO's richten Save The Bees Coalition op om compleet verbod op neonicotinoïden te eisen
In December 2013 beperkte de Europese Commissie het gebruik van 3 insecticiden die zeer giftig zijn voor bijen. Nu, vier jaar later stellen wetenschappers dat deze beperkingen lang niet ver genoeg gaan. 80 Europese NGOs, waaronder WECF, hebben zich daarom verenigd in de Save the Bees Coalition, met als doel zogeheten neonics geheel te verbieden

What Has Gender Got To Do with Chemicals?
WECF, WEP and Balifokus present new publication and documentary film at United Nations

Save the Bees Coalition Launched
80 European NGOs gathered to form the Save the Bees Coalition, in order to pressure EU decision makers to enforce a full ban of neonicotinoids

Save the Bees Coalition Launched #savethebees
80 European NGOs gathered to form the Save the Bees Coalition, in order to pressure EU decision makers to enforce a full ban of neonicotinoids

Bienen und Artenvielfalt schützen
Europäische Save the Bees Coalition fordert ein umfassendes Verbot von Neonikotinoiden

Film premiere: what does chemicals have to do with gender? (UNEA3 resistance event)

Berliner Erklärung: NGOs fordern bis 2022 Verbot von hochgiftigem Quecksilber in der Zahnmedizin in der EU
Pressemeldung von WECF und Partnern

End mercury use in dentistry by 2022, civil society challenge European Union
A call to phase out mercury use in dentistry by 2022 in the European Union has been made by health and environmental NGOs.
04.12.2017 | erlin, Brussels, Munich, Washington

Gender Dimensions of Hazardous Chemicals and Waste policies under the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions
WECF, WEP and BaliFokus with support of the BRS Conventions secretariat have launched the advanced copy of the study "Gender Dimensions of Hazardous Chemicals and Waste Policies under the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions'

Findings of a literature study: Plastics, Gender and the Environment
Lifecycle of plastics and its impacts on women and men from production to (marine) litter

Männliche Unfruchtbarkeit und Bisphenol A
Johanna Hausmann im Interview mit dem Gesundheitsmagazin des Bayerischen Rundfunks, B5 Radio

Mogelijk relatie tussen medicijnvervuiling en autisme
In onlangs gepubliceerd Amerikaans onderzoek in Neuroscience Letters wordt een verband gelegd tussen verontreiniging van oppervlaktewater door uitgescheiden medicijnen en autisme bij de mens. De hoofdauteur van dit onderzoek, Gaurav Kaushik, licht tijdens de Green Pharmacy conferentie in Utrecht, op 27 oktober, zijn onderzoeksbevindingen toe

EDC freie Stadt München für mehr Gesundheitsschutz
Stadtratsfraktion DIE GRÜNEN / ROSA LISTE stellt einen Antrag, hormonwirksame und hormonartig wirkende Stoffe in München zu reduzieren

Green Pharmacy: nu maatregelen nodig om vervuiling door medicijnen aan banden te leggen
Vrijdag 27 Oktober vindt de Green Pharmacy Conference 2017 plaats, georganiseerd door de VVM en Huize Aarde, in samenwerking met o.a. WECF en HCWH.

UNEP’s election results are in: Sascha is now regional representative
We are incredibly glad to inform you that our Executive Director Sascha Gabizon has been elected to be UNEP's regional representative for civil society in Europe. Thank you, we couldn't have made it without your incredible support and votes!

Schoon en circulair: kan het samen?
Woensdag 11 oktober vond het halfjaarlijkse minisymposium over het stoffenbeleid beleid, georganiseerd door het Ministerie van IenM, VNO-NCW, de VNCI en WECF

Environmental toxins' influence on male fertility

WECF welcomes European Parliament veto to flawed and unlawful EDC criteria
European Parliament rejected the flawed criteria proposed by the European Commission on the definition of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs)

Mehr Schutz von Gesundheit und Umwelt vor hormonschädlichen Pestiziden
WECF Appell: Stimmen Sie am 4. Oktober gegen den Vorschlag der EU Kommission zur Identifizierung hormonschädlicher Pestizide - Aufruf an die deutschen Abgeordneten des Europäischen Parlaments

Wenn Umweltgifte krankmachen – Politik schützt Mensch und Umwelt nicht vor hormonell wirksamen Chemikalien
EU Parlament entscheidet über unzureichende Vorlage zur Identifizierung von Hormongiften (EDCs)

European Parliament Environment Committee blocks proposed EDC criteria in vote
The proposed criteria for new EDC regulation were blocked by the EU Parliament Committee

Umweltausschuss im EU Parlament sagt NEIN zu vorgelegten EDC Kriterien
EU Parlament entscheidet am 4. Oktober 2017

Hormoonverstoorders hopen zich op in menselijk brein
Recent wetenschappelijk onderzoek, geleid door het UMCG, heeft nu aangetoond dat hormoonverstorende stoffen zich ophopen in het menselijk brein.

EU Parliament to vote on criteria for endocrine disruptors
This vote will determine the future EU regulation on endocrine disruptors (EDCs)

EU stemming over criteria hormoonverstorende stoffen: gezondheid en milieu in gevaar
WECF, Wemos, HEAL en Gezinsbond roepen Europarlementariërs op om criteria te verwerpen

Drents water nog steeds vervuild met bestrijdingsmiddelen
Na eerder onderzoek door WECF tonen metingen van de provincie vervuiling boven de norm aan

Petition unterschreiben - Sagen Sie NEIN zu endokrinen Disruptoren!

Arbeitskreis Frau und Gesundheit setzt sich ein für ein EDC-freies München
WECF informiert über die Zusammenhänge von Umweltchemikalien, insbesondere von EDCs, und Fertilitäts- und Gesundheitsstörungen

WECF co-organising partner Green Pharmacy Conference 2017
The environmental cycle of medicines - an incentive for innovation in the human and veterinary medicine chain

EU LIFE launches AskREACH Project
New project from EU Life to generate more attention and consciousness about Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC).

Biomonitoring of lead and cadmium: Preliminary study on the added value for human exposure and effect assessment
The RIVM (Dutch national institute for public health and the environment) published a report on the biomonitoring of substances possibly hazardous to health

Mehr Schutz vor schädlichen Umwelthormonen
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie fordert von Politik schärfere Bestimmungen

Mehr Schutz vor hormonwirksamen Chemikalien (EDCs) in Deutschland
WECF arbeitet mit Medien, Wissenschaftler(inne)n, lokalen und nationale Behörden, um Maßnahmen für mehr Schutz vor endokrin wirksamen Chemikalien zu erreichen

Milestone achievement: Asbestos banned in Ukraine
Ukraine's Ministry of Health banned asbestos in Ukraine. WECF's and other civil society organisations' work paid off!

Belangrijke mijlpaal bereikt: asbest verboden in Oekraïne
Het Oekraïense ministerie van gezondheid heeft het gebruik van asbest verboden. Het werk van WECF en andere civil society organisaties heeft haar vruchten afgeworpen!

Moving Beyond Tokenism of Youth
Our Eco-Forum* youth delegates Mareike Peschau and Nikolina Stålhand report back on their experiences in Ostrava earlier this summer where they participated in WHO’s regional (UNECE) conference on Environment and Health.

EDCs in Germany: WECF is networking for more protection
WECF encourages media, scientists, local communities and national authorities and local communities to take action for more protection from endocrine disrupting chemicals

Hormongifte in unseren Alltagsprodukten
Johanna Hausmann im Interview mit dem ARTE Magazin Vox Pop

#Save the bees! Help ban the neonics
WECF and European Save the Bee Coalition call for a comprehensive ban on neonicotinoids

NGO’s en endocrinologen luiden alarmbel over Europese EDC-criteria
Onvoldoende bescherming tegen hormoonverstorende stoffen: EU Pesticide Comité stemt voor gebrekkige chemische criteria en brengt zodoende milieu en gezondheid in gevaar

NGOs acknowledge vote on first ever EDC criteria - call on European Parliament to reject flawed criteria for the sake of human health and environment protection
Today, representatives of European member states from the EU pesticides committee adopted the criteria that are supposed to be used to identify endocrine disrupting chemicals (or EDCs) in the future

Gemeinsame Stellungnahme zur Entscheidung zu EDC Kriterien
Kein ausreichender Schutz vor Hormongiften: Mitglieder des EU Pestizidausschusses stimmen für Kriterien-Vorschlag der EU-Kommission zur Identifizierung von hormonschädigenden Chemikalien

WECF and Women Major Group partners submit their proposals for UNEA-3
Read our full proposal here.

Pestizidindustrie versucht im EU Umweltausschuss Verbot von Neonicotinoiden zu verhindern
Umweltverbände fordern den Schutz von Bienen

Bienen schützen, schädliche Pestizide verbieten
WECF und europäische Bee-Coaltion fordern ein umfassendes Verbot von Neonikotinoiden

Die Jugend im Mittelpunkt der WECF/ECO-Forum Aktivitäten in Ostrava
WECF/Eco Forum treten mit einer Delegation von 17 Jugendlichen auf der Sechsten Ministerkonferenz für Umwelt und Gesundheit (EHP) für eine gesunde Zukunft ein – ein Report

Youth at the heart of ECO Forum's participation in Ostrava
Reporting back on WHO’s regional conference on environment and health, where WECF (and its ECO Forum delegation of 23 youths and seniors) was to advocate for a healthy future

Prozess zu Umwelt und Gesundheit in Europa - EHP
WECF Highlights - von der Sechsten Ministerkonferenz für Umwelt und Gesundheit in Europa (EHP) in Ostrava

"Let's Ensure a Healthy Future" - WECF side event at WHO 6th Ministerial Conference
Protecting children from exposure to harmful chemicals to avoid irreversible damage.

"Lasst uns eine gesunde Zukunft sichern" – WECF Side-Event bei der Sechsten EHP Ministerkonferenz
Kinder vor schädlichen Chemikalien schützen, die irreversible Schäden verursachen

Sixth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health

"Better Health, Better Environment, Sustainable Choices"
WHO European Region 6th Ministerial Conference on Environment & Health

Not Wasting Our Future

Side Event "Let's Ensure a Healthy Future" - WHO 6th Ministerial Conference

How POPs, hazardous chemicals and waste have different exposures and impacts on women's and men's health
WECF presents a film on the gender dimensions of POPs and hazardous chemicals in Nigeria

Sustainable Technologies vital and needed for Rural Areas the Balkan Region
Closing the loop central theme of final conference of the project “Dry toilets Reducing chemicals and contamination of drinking water sources in rural communities in Bosnia-Herzegovina, FYR Macedonia and Albania“

Hormongifte gefährden Umwelt und Gesundheit
Bundesregierung muss sich stärker gegen ihre Verwendung einsetzen. Gemeinsames NGO Statement zur fünften Verhandlungsrunde über die Vorschläge der EU Kommission zur Identifizierung hormonschädlicher Substanzen (EDCs). NGO fordern von deutscher Regierung eine rasche Nachbesserung der Kriterien und eine zügige Entscheidung für mehr Gesundheit- und Umweltschutz.

Beyond 2020: Sustainable Chemistry - NGO recommendations
Position Paper by WECF & IPEN

Further delay on flawed EDC criteria maintains unnecessary risks on human health and the environment
The criteria to identify hormone disrupting chemicals (or EDCs), for which a decision was expected today, continue to cause disagreements among EU member states.

Open Letter To the G20 Health Ministers Signed
As a HEAL (Health and Environment Alliance) member, WECF has signed the open letter to the G20 Health Ministers, ahead of their first ever meeting coming Friday, 19th May in Berlin.

Lessons and best practices integrating gender into the implementation of the BRS Conventions

Recycling contaminates plastic children’s toys with toxic chemicals from electronic waste
A new global survey finds that recycling plastics containing toxic flame retardant chemicals found in electronic waste results in contamination of the world’s best-selling toy: The Rubik’s Cube.

Plastic speelgoed, door recycling, vervuild met giftige stoffen uit electronisch afval
“Giftige stoffen uit elektronisch afval mogen gewoon niet teruggevonden worden in kinderspeelgoed. Dit probleem moet op nationaal en mondiaal niveau worden aangepakt,” stelt Chantal Van den Bossche, woordvoerder van het Gender- en Duurzaamheidsnetwerk WECF, dat als Nederlands IPEN-lid meewerkte aan het onderzoek

Plastic speelgoed, door recycling, vervuild met giftige stoffen uit electronisch afval
Uit deze week gepubliceerd, wereldwijd, onderzoek is gebleken dat giftige stoffen, uit gerecycled kunststof van elektronisch afval, terechtkomen in speelgoed, waaronder de populaire Rubik’s Cube

Komt er ooit een verbod op hormoonverstorende stoffen?
Of er in de toekomst een verbod komt op EDC’s blijft vooralsnog een vraag. In juni 2017 zal de Europese Commissie nieuwe regelgeving rondom chemische middelen presenteren, waarin duidelijk moet worden of er strengere maatregelen komen rondom hormoonverstorende stoffen in producten.

Ekoforum Zenica and WECF organised training and presentation on 'EcoSan: Reducing chemicals and pollution of drinking water sources in rural communities'
Eco Forum Zenica, in partnership with WECF International, Journalists for Human Rights (Macedonia), Women and Development (Albania) and UNEP, work together on the construction and installation of EcoSan toilets, filters for waste water and composting help, in order to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and protect drinking water sources

Veel bestrijdingsmiddelen in Drents oppervlaktewater; de helft geclassificeerd als zeer gevaarlijk
WECF publiceert rapport over bestrijdingsmiddelen in het oppervlaktewater in Drenthe

"Bestrijdingsmiddelen in beken en kanalen - Feiten over bestrijdingsmiddelen in het oppervlaktewater in Drenthe"
WECF Nederland publiceert rapport over bestrijdingsmiddelen in het oppervlaktewater in Drenthe

"Bestrijdingsmiddelen in beken en kanalen - Feiten over bestrijdingsmiddelen in het oppervlaktewater in Drenthe"
WECF Nederland publiceert rapport over bestrijdingsmiddelen in het oppervlaktewater in Drenthe
24.03.2017 | Margriet Samwel-Mantingh

Stop für Neonikodinoide
WECF fordert deutsche Regierung auf, sich für ein Verbot von bienenschädigenden Pestiziden einzusetzen

WECF: “Waarom is milieu & gezondheid in Nederland geen verkiezingsthema?”
Nieuw rapport WHO toont aan dat milieuvervuiling verantwoordelijk is voor de dood van 1,7 miljoen kinderen per jaar

WECF vraagt zich af waarom milieu & gezondheid in Nederland geen thema's zijn in de verkiezingscampagnes
Nieuw rapport WHO toont aan dat milieuvervuiling verantwoordelijk is voor de dood van 1,7 miljoen kinderen per jaar

Integrating gender dimensions into the implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions
Gender and Chemicals

INVITATION: for youth to participate in a regional high-level UN conference on our health and environment

Prozess zu Umwelt und Gesundheit in Europa: 6. Ministerkonferenz 2017 muss Zunahme umweltbedingter Krankheiten stoppen
NGOs engagieren sich für mehr Schutz von Umwelt und Gesundheit in der Europäischen Region im Rahmen des Prozesses Umwelt und Gesundheit in Europa

The Gender Dimensions of Hazardous Substances and Waste
WECF and Indonesian partner Balifokus organised stakeholder forum on how to address POPs and how to protect women and men from banned hazardous chemicals

Hazardous substances and wastes in Indonesia: Gender Dimensions
BaliFokus, Indonesia, and Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF), Netherlands, organised a stakeholder meeting this week at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry office in Jakarta to address the gender dimensions of hazardous substances and waste management.

EU Vorschlag schützt weder Mensch noch Natur vor Hormongiften
NGOs fordern deutsche Regierung auf, den EU Kommissionsvorschlag zur Identifizierung von hormonwirksamen Chemikalien nicht zu zustimmen

"Beyond 2020 Green Chemistry and Sustainable Chemistry"
WECF at SAICM Intercessional Meeting, 7-9 February 2017, Brasilia, Brazil

Call to implement Better Regulation principles in EU action on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
NGOs call for horizontal criteria to identify endocrine disruptors in all types of applications, not just pesticides and biocides and urge EU Commission to redesign its currently proposed EDC criteria

Highlights from the scoping study on POPs, hazardous chemicals & waste in Nigeria
How POPs, hazardous chemcals and waste have different exposures and impacts on women's and men's health

Kommissionsentwürfe zu EDCs bieten keinen Schutz für Mensch und Umwelt – Abstimmung vertagt
Gemeinsame Stellungnahme von WECF und der deutschen NGO Koalition zu EDCs zur dritten Verhandlungsrunde über die Vorschläge der EU Kommission zur Identifizierung hormonschädlicher Substanzen (EDCs)

Stop EDCs - Citizens demand EDC regulation that protects human health and environment
WECF Germany, together with other NGOs, hand over 100.000 signatures to environment minister Hendricks

Stoppt hormonschädliche Chemikalien
Nichtregierungsorganisationen übergeben Umweltministerin Hendricks 100.000 Unterschriften besorgter Menschen

Civil society calls on EU decision makers to phase out dental amalgam
Europe will imminently decide the fate of dentistry’s most controversial procedure: the use of mercury-based dental fillings, known as amalgam.

2016 IPEN Global Meeting and Toxic-Free Future Forum
A get together of people working for a Toxic-free Future

Umweltschadstoffe - Mehr Schutz für Schwangere, Babys und Kinder
Landeshauptstadt München fördert mehr Schutz vor Umweltschadstoffe mit Workshop für Hebammen und Aktualisierung des Infoportals Nestbau

EDC-Kriterien – Auch neue Kommissionsentwürfe bieten keinen Schutz für Mensch und Umwelt - Verbände äußern Bedenken
Offener Brief an die Bundesministerin Frau Dr. Barbara Hendricks und Bundeslandwirtschaftsminister Christian Schmidt

One step towards a safer blood bag
WECF speaker at final Seminar of the LIFE+ project PVC Free Blood Bag, 27-28 September, in Östersund, Sweden

WECF speaks at Conference on Children's Health and the Environment (INCHES)
WECF called for fruitful cooperation between scientists and NGOs at 8th International Conference on Children's Health and the Environment, for better protection of children and pregnant women

Hormonell wirksame Stoffe (EDCs) auf der Agenda des BMUBs Festivals der Zukunft
Bei der Jubiläumsveranstaltung zum 30-jährigen Bestehen des BMUB präsentiert WECF das Thema EDCs und fordert Maßnahmen zum Schutz für Mensch und Umwelt

8. Internationale Konferenz zu Kindergesundheit, Umwelt und Sicherheit INCHES
WECF wirbt für eine fruchtbare Zusammenarbeit zwischen Ärzten, Wissenschaftlern und NGOs zum besseren Schutz von Schwangeren und Kindern

Unsere Gesundheit geht vor: Hormonelle Schadstoffe stoppen
Umweltorganisationen starten Unterschriften Petition und fordern von deutscher Regierung ein klares NEIN zu den Vorschlägen der EU Kommission zu EDC Kriterien

NO more EDCs: WECF Germany calls for signing petition to German Ministers!
Ein klares NEIN zu Hormongiften in unserem Leben

Ein klares NEIN zu Hormongiften in unserem Leben
Machen Sie mit und unterzeichnen Sie einen dringenden Appell an die Bundeumweltministerin Frau Barbara Hendricks und den Landwirtschaftsminister Herrn Christian Schmidt für ein NEIN zu den Vorschlägen der EU-Kommission zur Identifizierung von hormoneller Schadstoffe!

WECF takes position on European Commission’s EDC criteria
WECF released its position of the European Commission proposal to identify Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) criteria

"Water is life. But proper sanitation is dignity"
Ecological sanitation as an opportunity for rural areas of Albania

Crossing the European Parliament Red Lines
European Commission TTIP proposal endangers public health, environment and democracy

Geldelijk gewin boven onze volksgezondheid
WECF ondertekent samen met 65 maatschappelijk organisaties brief aan voorzitter Europees Parlement over TTIP

Het TTIP verdrag
Algemene gezondheid of persoonlijk gewin?

How dry toilets can both reduce use of chemicals and contamination of drink water sources
Impression of an ecosan toilet workshop in Macedonia

Changing German policy on EDCs
Achieving good EDCs criteria and strategy at the EU level, which guarantees a high level of protection for human health and the environment.

Eine bessere Politik zu hormonell wirksamen Stoffen (EDCs) in Deutschland
Ein Projekt, um die politische Diskussion zu EDCs in Deutschland anzuregen und wirksame EDC-Kriterien auf EU Ebene zu erzielen - für einen wirklichen Schutz von Mensch und Umwelt.

WECF International zoekt stagiair(e) Communicatie & Advocacy “Women & Chemicals”
Wij zoeken een enthousiaste, leergierige stagiair(e) (m/v) ter versterking van ons internationale Women & Chemicals communicatie- en advocacyteam.

WECF sends letter to Dutch Secretary of State concerning EU policy on EDCs
In a joint statement WECF and the EDC Free Coalition ask Dutch State Secretary Dijksma to insist on major changes at the Environmental Council meeting to protect our health and environment.

Measures against endocrine disrupting chemicals. The example of Denmark, Sweden and France
In June 2016, Wemos, PAN Europe en WECF published the report ‘Measures against endocrine disrupting chemicals. The example of Denmark, Sweden and France’.

Maatregelen tegen hormoonverstorende stoffen. Het voorbeeld van Denemarken, Zweden en Frankrijk
In juni 2016 publiceerden Wemos, Pan Europe en WECF het rapport ‘Maatregelen tegen hormoonverstorende stoffen. Het voorbeeld van Denemarken, Zweden en Frankrijk’.

Europese Commissie neemt beslissing over EDC criteria
Geheel in tegenspraak met voorzorgsprincipe: Schandalig voorstel, aldus artsen-, vrouwen- en milieuorganisaties

Europese Commissie neemt beslissing over EDC criteria
Schandalig voorstel, aldus artsen-, vrouwen- en milieuorganisaties, geheel in tegenspraak met voorzorgsprincipe

Commission's EDC criteria proposal: More humans will have to be harmed before action is taken
The European Commission presented today its proposal for criteria to identify endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). WECF and the EDCfree Coalition condemn strongly the decision.

WECF film "How to protect children from EDCs" now available in Spanish
Pregnant women know it is important to avoid alcohol, nicotine and certain foods. However, what is less well known is that many everyday products contain pollutants that can also be harmful to your baby. WECF's film gives practical advice on how to avoid exposure to EDCs. It now also available in Spanish.

Emerging Environmental Health Challenges in the UNECE region
WECF Side Event EfE Batumi

Brief der EDC-Free Coalition an EU-Kommissionspräsident Junker
WECF unterzeichnet einen Brief der EDC-Free Coalition. Darin drängen NGOs EU-Kommissionspräsident Juncker dazu, Kriterien zur Identifizierung von EDC festzulegen - auf Grundlage der besten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse sowie unter Ausschluss von Potenzen.

EDC-Free Coalition Letter to Head of European Commission
WECF co-signed a letter of the EDC-free Europe NGO coalition. The letter urges President Juncker to present EDC criteria based on best available scientific evidence, excluding potency.

Time for EU to walk the talk on 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda
As part of SDG Watch Europe WECF calls for a consequent implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals by the European Union.

International Chemical Management - The Position of German and International NGOs towards SAICM Post-2020 and Sustainable Chemistry
A project of WECF Germany to inform national and international NGOs about SAICM Post-2020 and Sustainable Chemistry and to bring an united NGO position into debate
01.06.2016 | WECF Project

Marine Litter, Plastics and Gender
The Women‘s Major Group, UNEP and WECF International invited participants to a dialogue on “Marine Litter, Plastics and Gender” on the last official day of UNEA-2 in Nairobi, Friday May 27, 2016.

Internationales Chemikalienmanagement - Die Position deutscher und internationaler NGOs zu Nachhaltiger Chemie und deren mögliche Bedeutung für den SAICM Post-2020
Ein Projekt, zur Entwicklung einer Position nationaler und internationaler NGOs zum Thema Nachhaltige Chemie und deren mögliche Bedeutung für den SAICM Post-2020

International Symposium WECF France on the impact of early life exposure to toxic chemicals
Mobilising public authorities, perinatal professionals and civil society on primary prevention and the importance of environmental health issues in health practices

TTIP: Public Health vs. Private Profit
The United States and the European Union are negotiating a new trade agreement called the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). This agreement is a threat to the EU’s ability to protect people from toxic chemical exposure. We are calling for a removal of chemicals from the EU-USA trade talks.
09.05.2016 | WECF Campaign

TTIP für VerbraucherInnen - Ein übler Deal
Für einen Bericht über die Auswirkungen von TTIP auf den Verbraucherschutz interviewte die taz unser Chemieexpertin Alexandra Caterbow.

“Baseer REACH-communicatie op afwezigheid van zeer zorgwekkende stoffen”
“Vooral duurzame bedrijven uit het MKB kunnen hun kansen vergroten door in te zetten op een goede informatievoorziening naar de consument over het vermijden van zorgwekkende stoffen in hun producten”. Dit toont deze week verschenen onderzoek van Instituut IVAM en het vrouwen- en milieunetwerk WECF in opdracht van het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu

“Baseer REACH-communicatie op afwezigheid van zeer zorgwekkende stoffen”
“Vooral duurzame bedrijven uit het MKB kunnen hun kansen vergroten door in te zetten op een goede informatievoorziening naar de consument over het vermijden van zorgwekkende stoffen in hun producten”, aldus onderzoek van Instituut IVAM en WECF in opdracht van het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu

Slimme Oplossingen voor Informatieverplichtingen over Zeer Zorgwekkende Stoffen (art 33 REACH)
Handvatten voor ondernemers in de baby- en kinderproductenbranche

Endocrine disrupting chemicals may lead to billions of euros in health care costs in Europe
A new research of the Utrecht University presents the socio-economic costs of EDC-associated diseases.

Experts discuss integration of chemicals management with SDGs
Last week, stakeholders involved in international chemicals activities met in Geneva and compiled a course of action for linking sound chemicals and waste management with the Sustainable Development Goals.

Capacity Building and Strategic Partnerships for Chemicals Safety in the Republic of Serbia
Building capacity and strengthening cooperation between government agencies, NGOs, and other civil society sectors, to strengthen legislation, enforcement and partnerships for chemical safety, in particular harmful chemicals in products
10.04.2016 | WECF Project

Tegengaan van hormoonverstorende chemische stoffen in onze leefomgeving
Tegengaan van hormoonverstorende chemische stoffen in onze leefomgeving

Expertmeeting over hormoonverstorende stoffen
Op uitnodiging van Wemos, Pesticide Action Network en WECF presenteerden ambtenaren van het Deense en Franse ministerie van Milieu hun ervaringen en hun actuele beleid

WHO European Environment and Health Process (EEHP)
In April 2015 Israel brought together health and environment ministers from 53 countries to assess how far we have progressed with the targets set in 2010
20.03.2016 | WECF Campaign

NGOs urge REACH Committee to vote for better protection of European citizens
Nine NGOs urge the REACH Committee members in their letter to support the identification of four phthalates (DEHP, DBP, BBP and DIBP) as endocrine disrupting chemicals and to reject the authorisation for the use of DEHP in recycled consumer articles.

International Women's Day: Q&A Transcript
Yesterday we held a live Q&A on Reddit to celebrate the publication of our latest report ‘Women and Chemicals’

Vrouwen eisen: “Betere bescherming tegen gevaarlijke stoffen wereldwijd”
WECF publiceert ter gelegenheid van Internationale vrouwendag een nieuwe studie "Women and Chemicals " en roept op tot politieke actie voor betere bescherming van vrouwen en kinderen tegen schadelijke stoffen.

International Women's Day 2016: WECF releases “Women and Chemicals” publication
With its new publication, WECF presents a deeper look at the nexus between gender roles and women’s exposure to hazardous chemicals worldwide and calls for more political action for better health protection

International Women's Day 2016: Women call for better protection from hazardous chemicals worldwide
WECF releases “Women and Chemicals” publication and calls for more political action for better health protection from harmful chemicals

International Women's Day 2016: Women call for better protection from hazardous chemicals worldwide
WECF releases “Women and Chemicals” publication and calls for more political action for better health protection from harmful chemicals

WECF to host a live Q&A on Reddit for International Women’s Day 2016
For this year’s International Women’s Day, we at WECF will be focusing on the theme 'gender and chemicals'.

Erkenning RIVM en VWS: BPA gevaarlijk voor zwangere vrouwen en kinderen
WECF verheugd met hernieuwd inzicht RIVM en Ministerie VWS maar voornemens gaan het internationale vrouwennetwerk niet ver genoeg

WECF Co-signs Letter Calling for EU's Environment Ministers to Implement ECJ Ruling on EDCs
WECF co-signed a letter to the Environment Ministers of the EU urging them to make a strong statement calling on the European Commission to immediately comply with the ruling of the European Court of Justice on scientific criteria to identify Endocrine Disruptors (Case T-521/14 Sweden vs. Commission).

Gift in Shampoos und Cremes – Chemie, die unter die Haut geht
Ein SWR Film von Bärbel Merseburger-Sill mit einem Beitrag von WECF

FEIN rausgeputzt - Alles soll schön sein, wenn das Baby kommt. Zwei Expertinnen geben Tipps, wie die Hausarbeit leicht und schonend von der Hand geht
Artikel in Leben & Erziehen, Schwangerscshaft & Geburt, Ausgabe 2/2016

WECF criticises EU's ratification package on the Minamata Convention on Mercury
WECF has signed an open letter, addressed to the EU Commission, highlighting the weaknesses and shortcomings of its drafted ratification proposal of the Minamata Convention on Mercury.

WECF Signs Appeal to Call on Governments and Corporations to Ban Hazardous Pesticides
Over 500+ organizations in 106 countries signed the appeal to replace HHPs with alternative methods of pest control

Hormonell wirksame Stoffe - die Diskussion zu EDCs in Deutschland
Ein Projekt, um die Diskussion zu EDCs auf politischer Ebene in Deutschland anzuregen und Deutschland als Advokat für eine strenge Regulierung von EDCs auf EU zu gewinnen

Detox Me: A New App to Help You Reduce Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals
The Silent Spring Institute, a WECF partner, recently released a free smartphone app to inform consumers
22.02.2016 | Carmen Chan

WECF onderzoek toont aan dat veel verzorgingsproducten schadelijk kunnen zijn voor jonge kinderen
WECF onderzocht 341 producten verkrijgbaar op de Franse markt, en vond in liefst 299 daarvan ingrediënten met een bedenkelijke reputatie.

Safety of Cosmetic Products for Babies Called Into Question by WECF France
WECF France research shows that baby cosmetics still contain too many ingredients of concern

Baby cosmetics still contain too many ingredients of concern
WECF releases survey on 341 baby cosmetics products of which 299 contain high risk ingredients

Bescherm je baby, beperk hormoonverstoorders
Informatiebrochure bij zwangerschap

Bundesregierung Handlanger der Industrie
Versäumnisse beim Schutz vor hormonell wirksamen Stoffen

Deutsche Abgeordnete zeigen großes Interesse am Thema hormonell wirksame Stoffe
WECF initiiert Parlamentarischen Abend um EDC Regulierung einen Schub zu geben

EDCs in Germany: Running the discussion on EDCs
Promote the political discussion on EDCs on German policy level for achieving decent EDC criteria and strategy on EU level, which guarantee a high level of protection for human health and the environment

German Members of the Parliament show great interest in the topic of endocrine disrupters
WECF has initiated a parliamentary event to provide an impetus to regulate endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs): The invisible danger

Europese Commissie lijkt veroordeling Europees Hof in de wind te slaan: Volksgezondheid lijkt geen prioriteit!
In december 2015 oordeelde het Europees Hof van Justitie dat de Europese Commissie de wetgeving heeft overtreden. De Commissie heeft echter nagelaten wetenschappelijke criteria voor hormoonverstorende eigenschappen van biociden vast te leggen, of tenminste de deadline hiervoor niet gerespecteerd.

“There is more than 99% probability that EDCs contribute to at least one disease”
Professor Transande discusses growing scientific evidence on adverse effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals
21.01.2016 | Chemical Watch

Ruim 140.000 Europeanen vragen inmiddels om verbod op glyfosaat en de teller loopt door!
Op 9 december hebben 16 publieke belangenorganisaties, waaronder WECF, een petitie voor een verbod op glysofaat overhandigd aan de Europese Commissie. De petitie werd ondertekend door meer dan 100,000 Europeanen

Reducing the use of hazardous pesticides in Georgia
Forum book of the 12th International HCH and Pesticide Forum, Kiev 2013 now available

Serbian journalists and consumer associations highly interested in chemical safety
Around 30 journalists met with representatives from the NGO ALHem, UNDP Serbia, Serbian public authorities and Ministries, science, and consumer organisations to discuss various topics of chemical safety in Serbia

Towards an EDC Free Europe!
A coalition of public interest groups representing more than 31 organisations across Europe have come together through a concern about endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and efforts to raise public awareness and urge quicker governmental action.
09.01.2016 | WECF Campaign

UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights, Toxins and Waste criticizes double standards of German chemical production
Tuncak calls for stronger global standards and encourages both the German government and German companies to reduce the export of hazardous substances.

WECF’s algemeen directeur Sascha Gabizon schrijft in UNEP’s Our Planet over gender, chemicaliën en de SDGs
In een recent artikel in het blad van het United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) schreef Gabizon over de verbanden tussen gender, gezondheid en het milieu en de overgang die de wereld te wachten staat naar een meer duurzame samenleving

Effektive Regulierung verschleppt - EU-Komission wegen Säumigkeit bei hormonell wirksamen Chemikalien vor Gericht
Artikel in - Fachmagazin für Koplementärmedizin, Ausgabe Dez. 2015
30.12.2015 | Johanna Hausmann

EUGH-Urteil: EU-Kommission verstößt gegen ihre Verpflichtung zur Regulierung hormonell wirksamer Substanzen
WECF und PAN Germany begrüßen Urteil des Europäischen Gerichtshofs

Uitbannen hormoonverstorende stoffen komt dichterbij
Europese Commissie veroordeeld door Europese Hof: EU moet criteria opstellen

EU Court condemns EDC criteria delay European Commission
Commission will not change its plans in relation to endocrine disrupting chemicals

WECF Joins NGOs to Call Against Incineration of Oceans Plastic Waste
WECF signs open letter to the Ocean Conservancy regarding the report "Stemming the Tide"

Schwanger? Nun nicht renovieren
Ein Artikel in HausArzt, Ausgabe 11/2015
30.11.2015 | Johanna Hausmann

Armenia: 'Through Toxic-Free Products to Healthy Generation'
In the course of two years (2013-2015) WECFs partner AWHHE have successfully brought awareness of the issue regarding heavy metals to the top of the national chemicals agenda in Armenia

Europese Commissie voor Europees Hof van Justitie gedaagd vanwege uitblijven criteria voor hormoonverstoorders
De Europese Commissie (EC) is door Zweden voor de rechter gedaagd vanwege het uitblijven van criteria voor hormoonverstorende stoffen (EDCs) die noodzakelijk zijn om gepaste maatregelen te nemen om de blootstelling aan EDC's aan te pakken.

WECF Co-Signs Letter to MEP on EDCs in Medical Devices
18 international environmental and health organisations co-signed a letter to MEP Glenis Willmott, seeking her support for an amendment to the European Commission (EC) Regulation Proposal on Medical Devices

Phase Out Amalgam Use in the European Union
WECF together with a network of NGOs sent a letter to the Members of the European Parliament to vote for phasing out Amalgam.

EU-Kommission wegen Säumigkeit bei hormonell wirksamen Chemikalien vor Gericht
Gestern befasste sich der Europäische Gerichtshof in einer Anhörung mit der von Schweden eingebrachten und von Ministerrat und EU-Parlament mitgetragenen Klage gegen die EU-Kommission.

Chemikalien gefährden die Fortpflanzungsgesundheit

Under Pressure, Feminine Product Makers Disclose Ingredients
Women protest the chemical exposure in feminine care products outside Procter & Gamble’s headquarters in Cincennati.

Glyphosate – Need for a robust and credible scientific assessment of carcinogenicity
WECF signs a letter concerning glyphosate exposion to EU health commisioner Vytenis Andriukaitis

“Neither the SAICM Secretariat nor the governments wanted to have EDCs prominently highlighted at the conference”
WECF addresses endocrine disrupting chemicals at SAICM’s 4th Session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM4)
10.11.2015 | Carmen Chan

"We verdrinken onze wereld in ongeteste en onveilige stoffen"
Europese NGOs verwelkomen waarschuwing van internationale federatie verloskundigen en gynaecologen (FIGO) over mogelijke gezondheidsschade van pasgeborenen door schadelijke chemicalien in consumentenproducten

Workshops on asbestos in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, FYR Macedonia and Russia
Asbestos is a very serious but unfortunately neglected threat, especially in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Therefore WHO European Region decided to finance workshops on this issue in four Eastern European and Central Asian countries

Flame retardants in consumer products remain a hot topic for environmental health
Lying on your couch did you ever wonder if you were being exposed to potentially toxic flame retardants? A new report by ANSES, French national risk assessment agency for health and environment, about flame retardants used in upholstered furniture might help you to figure out

Zweites Wissenschaftliches Statement der Endocrine Society zu EDCs
WECF begrüßt klare Forderungen zum Schutz vor EDCs

European NGOs welcome doctors’ warning of harm to newborns from toxic chemicals in consumer products
WECF and HEAL, two European health and environment groups strongly welcome the statement released today by the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) addressing the risks to babies and mothers associated with everyday exposure to toxic chemicals

WECF on endocrine disruptors: “We need both individual and collective action”
Radio station RFI interviews WECF’s Elisabeth Ruffinengo on endocrine disrupting chemicals

"Get lobbying on chemicals, doctors told by health body"
Chemical Watch quotes WECF France’s president in article on pregnancy and toxic chemicals

“Er zitten 300 verschillende chemische stoffen in een baby”
Childproof, een consortium van middenveldorganisaties en wetenschappers, waar WECF deel van uitmaakt, is verheugd met de aandacht die de Panorama uitzending op 4 oktober besteedde aan het probleem van hormoonverstoorders

European NGOs welcome doctors’ warning of harm to newborns from toxic chemicals in consumer products
WECF and HEAL, two European health and environment groups strongly welcome the statement released today by the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) addressing the risks to babies and mothers associated with everyday exposure to toxic chemicals

Ratificeren aanvragen voor gebruik zwaar toxische stoffen tast geloofwaardigheid Europese chemicaliënwetgeving aan
Aanvragen hebben ook negatief effect op maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemende voorlopers, stellen WECF, Wemos en PAN in brief aan Stas Mansveld

EU wil verboden chemicaliën legaliseren voor huishoudproducten
Milieuorganisaties pleiten voor verbod op hergebruik van schadelijke vlamvertragers

WECF Co-signs Letter Against Hazardous Chemicals in Products
EU Wants to Allow Banned Chemicals in Household Products

EU Wants to Allow Banned Chemicals in Household Products
Loophole will give banned flame retardants a second life in consumers’ homes

Over 2700 worried (grand) parents signed petition: "We do not want hormone disrupting chemicals in products for our children!"
The Netherlands is taking health risks of EDCs seriously, emerged from open and constructive talk between WECF, BabyBeGood with the Director-General for Public Health

2700 bezorgde ouders stellen: “Wij willen geen hormoonverstorende stoffen voor onze baby’s!”
Nederland neemt de gezondheidsrisico’s van hormoonverstorende stoffen serieus. Zo bleek uit open en constructief gesprek tussen WECF, BabyBeGood en Directeur-Generaal Volksgezondheid Angelique Berg

2700 bezorgde ouders stellen: “Wij willen geen hormoonverstorende stoffen in producten voor onze kinderen"!”
Nederland neemt de gezondheidsrisico’s van hormoonverstorende stoffen serieus. Zo bleek uit open en constructief gesprek tussen WECF, BabyBeGood en Directeur-Generaal Volksgezondheid Angelique Berg

“Toepassing van nanotechnologie is een tijdbom”
WECF-adviseur Marie Kranendonk waarschuwt in Milieumagazine voor mogelijke gezondheidsrisico’s nanotechnologie

Parabene in Baby-Beißringen
Artikel in Linda Apothekenmagazin, Ausgabe 16/2015, TV Gesund & Leben, Ausgabe 16/2016 und Apotheke, Ausgabe 16/2016

WECF-Fachdialog zu SDGs am 6. Juli in München
Wunschzettel für eine nachhaltige und gerechte Welt! - Umsetzung nachhaltiger Entwicklungsziele auf kommunaler Ebene

Improving Environment And Health In Europe: How Far Have We Gotten?
WHO report

Transformative Post-2015-Agenda?
Ein Beitrag von Gabriele Köhler im Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft & Entwicklung

Der SDG-Prozess und seine Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten auf kommunaler Ebene

Frans onderzoeksteam: “Hormoonverstorende stoffen vergroten kans op aangeboren afwijking bij mannelijk geslachtsorgaan”
Onderzoeksteam van ziekenhuis te Montpellier ontdekt dat hormoonverstorende stoffen een risicofactor vormen voor hypospadie
15.06.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

Pesticides, BPA cost Dutch society €6 billion in annual health bills
This is according to calculations by leading scientists, including WECF Expert Committee Member Professor Legler, for the research program Zembla

TV programma Zembla toont aan: Hormoonverstorende stoffen kosten samenleving jaarlijks € 5,8 miljard
WECF blij met grote aandacht voor boodschap van wetenschappers die de politiek oproepen eindelijk maatregelen te nemen om volksgezondheid te beschermen

D66 stelt Kamervragen naar aanleiding van WECF-brief
WECF stuurde een brief aan ministers Schippers over hormoonverstorende stoffen die lekken uit medische hulpmiddelen

EU Conference "Endocrine disruptors: criteria for identification and related impacts"

Europese Commissie bezwijkt onder druk van multinationals tegen uitvoering van geplande EDC-beleid
Opgevraagde verslagen van geheim handelsoverleg met de Verenigde Staten over TTIP tonen dit aan
01.06.2015 | Marie Kranendonk, WECF

WECF urges for a precautionary approach of biocides at Chemical Watch Biocides Event
"Adopting a precautionary approach to reduce impacts of biocidal products on human health and the environment"

Baby-Beißringe: nach Bisphenol A und Phthalate ... jetzt Parabene
Baby- und Kinderartikel – gängige Quellen für hormonell wirksame Schadstoffe?

Hormoonverstoorders aan banden leggen: het kan!
André Cicolella legt uit hoe ze het in Frankrijk deden. Ecolo-Groen onderzoekt de mogelijkheden voor België

EU dropped pesticide laws due to US pressure over TTIP, documents reveal
US trade officials pushed EU to shelve action on endocrine-disrupting chemicals linked to cancer and male infertility to facilitate TTIP free trade deal
22.05.2015 | Arthur Neslen / The Guardian

Hormoonverstorende stoffen aangetroffen in bijtringen voor baby’s
Bij twee op de tien plastic bijtringen komen hormoonverstorende chemicaliën vrij

More efforts needed to protect people from exposure to toxic substances – UN expert urges WHO
Pollution is the leading cause of death in low- and middle-income countries
20.05.2015 | OHCHR

WECF’s Alexandra Caterbow Participates in Upcoming EU Conference on EDCs
EU Commission informs stakeholders on impact assessment of EDC identification criteria

Besorgte NGOs: Rotterdamer Konvention macht Rückschritte
Vier Länder verhindern mit ihrem Veto, dass das internationale Abkommen im Falle von Chrysotil Asbest Umwelt und Gesundheit schützen kann

WECF presents film on how to protect children from Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
Pregnant women know it is important to avoid alcohol, nicotine and certain foods. However, what is less well known is that many everyday products contain pollutants that can also be harmful to your baby. WECF's film gives practical advice on how to avoid exposure to EDCs.

Rotterdam Convention moving backwards, say civil society groups
Press release on COP7

Midterm review of environment and health progress in the European Region
From 28 to 30 April WECF was part of the Ecoforum delegation, representing environmental organisations from the European Region, participating at the mid-term review meeting of the WHO European Environment and Health Process in Haifa, Israel

Rotterdam Convention COP 7 (May 13th 2015). ROCA /WECF Side Event on “Chrysotile Asbestos and the question: Who pays the Bill?”
More than 70 people attended a successful, informative and emotional Side Event at COP 7 in Geneva Testimonials and Dialogue

Rotterdam Konvention COP 7 (13. Mai 2015): ROCA / WECF Side-Event zu "Chrysotil Asbest und der Frage: Wer zahlt die Rechnung"
Mehr als 70 Teilnehmer(innen) besuchten ein erfolgreiches, informatives und emotionales Side Event beim COP 7 in Genf

Bescherm kwetsbare couveusebaby’s tegen onveilige medische hulpmiddelen, teken nu de petitie!
Litte Hero start petitie ter vervanging van hormoonverstorende stoffen in medische hulpmiddelen
07.05.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

ROCA publishes a Position Paper and a paper on FAQs on Chrysotile and the Rotterdam Convention in frame of COP7 Rotterdam Convention

WECF/ROCA Side Event at COP7 Rotterdam Convention: Chrysotile Asbestos – who pays the Bill?
WECF will organize a Side Event at the Seventh Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention in Geneva on 13th of May 2015

Think Before You Buy: Choose Products With Less Hazardous Substances
A Teacher's Handbook

Baby’s in couveuse blootgesteld aan extra gezondheidsrisico’s door lekken hormoonverstorende stoffen uit medische hulpmiddelen
Deze week verschijnt, gelijktijdig met de WHO-conferentie over Gezondheid & Milieu in Israël, een nieuw rapport dat laat zien dat ziekenhuizen in een aantal landen al volop bezig zijn met deze vervanging. Nederland blijft achter

Kinder Schützen - Schadstoffe vermeiden
Ein Artikel in BVKJ - Kinder- und Jugendarzt, Ausgabe 4/2015
30.04.2015 | Johanna Hausmann

WECF/EcoForum and HEAL represent European Region Environmental Health Organisations at WHO meeting in Haifa, Israel
WECF/EcoForum and aiming to critically assess implementation of 2010 Parma Declaration to protect (children’s) health at high-level meeting of the European Environment and Health Process (EEHP)

Towards non-toxic healthcare: HCWH Europe reports on alternatives to phthalates and BPA in medical devices
HCWH press release
28.04.2015 | Health Care Without Harm Europe (HCWH)

From Parma to Haifa: how far have we gotten?
Environment and health progress review in the WHO European Region
28.04.2015 | WHO Regional Office for Europe

Rotterdam Convention and Asbestos
Overcoming the blocking attitude of opposing countries with the objective of a functioning international chemical policy and a better protection of the environment and health in countries which use or produce asbestos

Rotterdam Konvention und Asbest
Überwindung der Blockadehaltung einzelner Staaten mit dem Ziel einer funktionierenden internationalen Chemikalienpolitik und eines besseren Schutzes von Umwelt und Gesundheit in Staaten, die Asbest produzieren und/oder benutzen

WECF’s Position Paper on EEHP, WHO MTR in Haifa 2015
Eco Forum, HEAL, WECF International and undersigned signatories present position paper on EEHP

If you expose us, we’ll expose you
20.04.2015 | ITUC (International Trade Union Confederation)

WECF co-organiseert succesvol minisymposium over EDC-beleid
Ministerie van IenM, VNO-NCW, VNCI en WECF organiseren samen halfjaarlijks minisymposium over stoffenbeleid

WECF Co-organizes Successful Symposium on EDC Policy in the Netherlands
Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, VNO-NCW, VNCI and WECF jointly organize bi-annual mini-symposium on chemicals policy

WECF publiceert “Kinderkledingwijzer - Bescherm kinderen. Vermijd schadelijke en hormoonverstorende stoffen”
Duurzame en gezonde kleding voor het hele gezin

Bescherm kinderen: Vermijd giftige stoffen
Handige textielwijzer om schadelijke chemicaliën te vermijden

Werkervaring opdoen bij Een Veilig Nest als webredacteur?
Een Veilig Nest is op zoek naar een aanstaande of jonge ouder met een neus voor groen nieuws
17.04.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF presenteert voorlichtingsfilmpje over bescherming van kinderen tegen hormoonverstorende stoffen
Zwangere vrouwen weten dat het belangrijk is om alcohol, nicotine en bepaald eten te vermijden. Maar wat minder algemeen bekend is, is dat veel alledaagse artikelen stoffen kunnen bevatten die ook schadelijk kunnen zijn voor de baby. WECF’s film geeft praktisch advies om blootstelling aan hormoonverstorende stoffen (EDCs) te vermijden.
16.04.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF presenteert animatiefilm voor zwangere vrouwen over hormoonverstorende stoffen
Niet roken en niet drinken is logisch tijdens een zwangerschap. Maar minder bekend is dat veel alledaagse artikelen stoffen bevatten die ook schadelijk kunnen zijn voor de baby. WECF’s film geeft praktisch advies om blootstelling aan hormoonverstorende stoffen (EDCs) te vermijden.
16.04.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

Schwanger: Wie schütze ich mein Kind vor hormonell wirksamen Schadstoffen?
Ein Bericht über unser Video auf

Minisymposium Hormoonverstorende chemicaliën: “Waar moeten bedrijven rekening mee houden voor de toekomst?”
Recent onderzoek schat dat blootstelling aan hormoonverstorende stoffen (EDC’s) de Europese Unie 157 miljard euro per jaar kost, door hogere zorgkosten en door verlies van werkkrachten.
13.04.2015 | WECF Pers

WECF ondertekent brief aan EU-commissaris voor verbod op twee kankerverwekkende pesticiden
Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie waarschuwt voor gezondheidsrisico’s van glyfosaat en malathion
07.04.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF Signs Letter to EU Commissioner for Ban of Two Cancer-Inducing Pesticides
World Health Organization warns Glyphosate and Malathion can potentially cause cancer

Geslaagde workshop voor duurzame MKB’ers uit de kinderbranche over REACH en Zorgwekkende Stoffen
WECF organiseerde 27 maart 2015 samen met BabyBeGood en IVAM een workshop Slimme Oplossingen voor ondernemers uit de kinderbranche
07.04.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF co-organized Successful Workshop on Hazardous Chemicals and REACH for Sustainable Entrepreneurs
Brainstorming about smart solutions with sustainable entrepreneurs from the baby- and children's sector

Onkruidverdelger Roundup gelinkt aan non-hodgkin lyfoom
WECF waarschuwt voor risico's kinderen bij gebruik onkruidverdelger en vraagt om onmiddellijke stop verkoop

Netherlands identifies hazardous substances in textiles
Netherlands, Textiles
01.04.2015 | Chemical Watch

IARC classifies glyphosate as "probably carcinogen to humans "
The news came out just in time for the 10th year of the Pesticide Action Week : IARC - adopted a new classification for 5 insecticides and herbicides, among which glyphosate, malathion, diazinon, tetrachlorvinphos and parthion
25.03.2015 | Elisabeth Ruffinengo

"Giftfrei einkaufen" jetzt mit erweiterter App
Ein Bericht über die App "Giftfrei Einkaufen" auf

WECF Brought Eco-oriented Hairdresser to Baltic States
Birgit Pesin held seminars in Latvia and Estonia

WECF’s adviseur Gavin Ten Tusscher waarschuwt op tv voor lekkende lijm uit injectienaalden
De lekkende lijm bevat hormoonverstoorders BADGE en BPA
24.03.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF in magazine gezondNU
De oprichter van WECF vertelt over hormoonverstorende stoffen

WECF Publishes Article in UNEP’s Magazine
WECF stresses gender and chemicals as important cross-cutting issues for the post-2015 development agenda

21 hazardous chemicals were found in women’s hair
French NGO Générations Futures examined exposure of women to endocrine disrupting chemicals

21 schadelijke chemicaliën aangetroffen in haar van vrouwen
Franse NGO Générations Futures onderzocht blootstelling van vrouwen aan hormoonverstorende chemicaliën
12.03.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

"De gentech lobby"
Zembla-uitzending wijst op gezondheidsrisico’s van gemanipuleerde gewassen
08.03.2015 | WECF

Hormoonverstoorders kosten de EU jaarlijks meer dan 150 miljard euro
Hormoonverstorende chemicaliën dragen bij aan lagere IQ, onvruchtbaarheid, diabetes en obesitas
06.03.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

1000 bezorgde (groot)ouders op de Negenmaandenbeurs steunden al de petitie aan minister Schippers
Een gezonde start voor alle kinderen! Zonder hormoonverstorende en andere schadelijke stoffen. Dat wil natuurlijk ieder ouder. En daarom is het nu ook mogelijk om online de petitie te tekenen

Neu: App „Giftfrei Einkaufen“ jetzt auch für Bekleidung und Textilien Kostenloser Download für Smartphones
WECF App unterstützt Verbraucher beim Kauf möglichst schadstofffreier Produkte, jetzt auch für Textilen und Bekleidung

Neu: App „Giftfrei Einkaufen“ jetzt auch für Bekleidung und Textilien Kostenloser Download für Smartphones
Neu: App „Giftfrei Einkaufen“ jetzt auch für Bekleidung und Textilien Kostenloser Download für Smartphones

App "Giftfrei einkaufen" jetzt auch mit Tipps zu Textilien

Schwanger: Wie schütze ich mein Kind vor hormonell wirksamen Schadstoffen
Ein neuer Film von WECF und Nestbau zum Schutz Ungeborener vor EDCs

WECF's LIFE ChildProtect Program & Dutch Green Platform BabyBeGood present the Sustainable Nursery
"A nursery that is not only beautiful, but where you can put your child to bed with peace of mind." WECF via its ChildProtect Program joined forces to create a unique concept: a sustainable nursery, completely free from harmful substances

BabyBeGood en Een Veilig Nest presenteren uniek concept op de Negenmaandenbeurs: de duurzame babykamer
“Een babykamer die niet alleen mooi is, maar waar je ook je kind met een gerust hart kunt laten slapen”. BabyBeGood en Een Veilig Nest, project van het internationale Vrouwen en Milieunetwerk WECF, besloten dit jaar de krachten te bundelen voor een uniek concept: een duurzame babykamer, vrij van schadelijke stoffen.
25.02.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

The Dangers of Cashier Receipts
Women working at cashiers are exposed to high levels of BPA used on thermal receipts, resulting in harmful health effects and adverse effects during pregnancy

WECF's Alexandra Caterbow in German TV report on EDCs
Alexandra Caterbow, Senior Policy Advisor Chemicals and Health at WECF gave a recent TV interview in German on EDCs together with a representative of the German Federal Environment Agency
17.02.2015 | WECF Press Coverage

WECF signs statement opposing regulatory cooperation in EU-US trade talks
“Regulatory cooperation” in the TTIP negotiations gives unprecedented influence to business lobby groups to stop any new regulation that would impact trade and investment

February 4: World Cancer Day
WECF: 'Address primary prevention as it should'
04.02.2015 | WECF

Schutz vor Schadstoffen - Infoportal für Eltern
Artikel in Himbeer - Stadtmagazin für Leute mit Kindern, Ausgabe 1/2015
30.01.2015 | Johanna Hausmann

Unsichtbare Begleiter - Hormonell wirksame Chemikalien
Ein Fernsehbeitrag mit Alexandra Caterbow im Bayerischen Fernsehen

European civil society organisations ask Commission to reject authorisation of the substance of very high concern DEHP in PVC plastic

“From Pink to Prevention”: Stopping breast cancer before it starts
A new campaign is launched to getting environmental and occupational risk factors taken seriously in the breast cancer debate.

Communicating on Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs)
Developing ideas for companies in improving information and communication within the chain and towards consumers of baby and children’s products, on the topic of SVHCs with a focus on risks for vulnerable groups (i.e. children and pregnant women).
21.01.2015 | WECF Project

Communiceren over Zeer zorgwekkende stoffen (Art. 33 REACH)
Ideeënontwikkeling voor bedrijven ter verbetering van informatie en communicatie binnen de keten en naar de consument (van baby-­ en kinderproducten) over zeer zorgwekkende stoffen (Substances of Very High Concern – SVHC)
15.01.2015 | WECF

Laatste kans om NEE te zeggen tegen hormoonverstorende stoffen!
Laat de Europese Commissie weten dat hormoonverstorende stoffen bedreiging vormen voor volksgezondheid
13.01.2015 | Persbericht Wemos, WECF en PAN Europe

Laatste kans om NEE te zeggen tegen hormoonverstorende stoffen!
WECF, Wemos en PAN Europe slaan de handen ineen om publiek te attenderen op publieke consultatie tegen hormoonverstorende stoffen
13.01.2015 | WECF, Wemos en PAN Europe

ChemSec report released on how companies "cry wolf" in the face of new environmental laws
Companies and trade organisations frequently tell politicians that stricter environmental legislation would harm the economy significantly – but such claims have repeatedly been proven wrong. This is shown in the ChemSec report Cry wolf.
13.01.2015 | ChemSec (International Chemical Secretariat)

Europe-wide cancer group calls for action on hormone disruptors
Written by Christel Schaldemose on 9 January 2015 in Opinion, Parliament Magazine. Christel Schaldemose is calling on the EU to take urgent action in the fight against cancer by identifying and eliminating endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
09.01.2015 | Christel Schaldemose, Parliament Magazine

Plastik als Gesundheitsgefahr
Ein Radiobeitrag mit Johanna Hausmann auf M94,5

"Women are exposed to hazardous chemicals not only differently than men, but they also have a higher susceptibility to them"
Report on the Women and Chemicals Side Event at OEWG2 of SAICM in Geneva, December 17
19.12.2014 | Alexandra Caterbow, WICF

WECF's Alexandra Caterbow gives intervention during SAICM chemicals discussion
International Chemicals talks highlight health sector involvement, EDCs and milestones to achieving 2020 goal
18.12.2014 | WECF

WECF Press Release: 9 Member States urge Council to target chemicals policy and non-toxic environment
Environment Council: Ministers of the environment of the 28 gathered yesterday in Brussels for a last meeting during the Italian presidency.
18.12.2014 | WECF Press Release

Willst Du hormonell wirksame Chemikalien?
Ein Beitrag auf über die Kampagne „Stoppt hormonell wirksame Chemikalien“

"Plastic machinegeweren en kunstmatige geurstoffen" - Werken op VN Chemicalienconferenties
WECF's Chemicalien Expert Alexandra Caterbow uit wat er op VN niveau allemaal gebeurt op het gebied van het bestrijden van schadelijke stoffen en waarom er toch nog altijd mensen zijn die met onze gezondheid een loopje nemen.
18.12.2014 | WECF & Utopia

Endocrine Society and IPEN issue guide to EDCs
A guide to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) has been published by two international NGOs, ahead of a key meeting next week of the UN’s voluntary chemicals management programme, the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (Saicm).
16.12.2014 | Endocrine Society & IPEN

Willst Du hormonell wirksame Chemikalien?
Ein Bericht auf über die Kampagne „Stoppt hormonell wirksame Chemikalien“

Sagen Sie Nein zu hormonverändernden Chemikalien!
NGOs bieten einfachen Weg für Bürger, um an der EU Anhörung zu EDCs teilzunehmen

Europaweite NGO-Kampagne ruft EU-Kommission zum Handeln gegen hormonell wirksame Chemikalien auf
Deutschland muss sich stärker für den Schutz von Mensch und Umwelt einsetzen
08.12.2014 | WECF Press Release

UN-Konferenzen - "Es passiert wahnsinnig viel im Hintergrund"
Ein Interview mit Alexandra Caterbow auf

Handbook for Hairdressers: Hazardous Ingredients in Professional Cosmetics
Now available in English

WECF and other organisations ask European Commission to reject authorization of hazardous DEHP in PVC plastic
WECF and 54 other European and International civil society organisations have sent a letter to the EC

Mid-term review of WHO Environment and Health process, April 2015
In April 2015, representatives of health and environment ministries from 53 countries will come together to assess progress in reaching ambitious targets to protect children from environmental threats.
22.11.2014 | WECF

Kosten van chemische stoffen op de reproductieve gezondheid van mannen in the EU worden geschat op gemiddeld 500 miljoen per jaar
Rapport Noord Europese Landen: hoge gezondheidskosten van 59 miljoen tot 1 miljard euro door chemische blootstelling

WECF co-signed letter to European Commission
Letter addresses the principles for transparency, excellence and independence in scientific advice

Sudden shift in position Dutch Ministry of Environment regarding EDCs
Last week suddenly showed a shift in the position of the Dutch Ministry of Environment and in particular that of the Secretary of State for the Environment, regarding EDC policy
13.11.2014 | WECF

Verschuiving Nederlandse positie ten aanzien van hormoonverstoorders zichtbaar
AO leefmilieu 6 november: Over over het belang van gezondheid & milieu, hormoonverstoorders & goede voorlichting aan zwangere vrouwen
11.11.2014 | Chantal van den Bossche

Publication of WHO on EDCs at the country level
Report: "Identification of risks from exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals at the country level"

Geen hormoonverstoorders (EDCs) in consumentenproducten
Steeds meer onderzoek toont mogelijk verband tussen toegenomen blootstelling aan hormoonverstorende chemicaliën (EDCs) en de toename van bepaalde chronische ziekten en aandoeningen. WECF informeert daarom het publiek over internationale discussies inzake blootstelling van met name kinderen en vrouwen aan hormoonverstorende stoffen
08.11.2014 | WECF Nederland

Pesticideresiduen en hormoonverstorende stoffen in voeding - wie garandeert de veiligheid?
In vele groenten en fruit aangeboden in de supermarkt worden te veel pesticidenresiduen en vooral te veel pesticiden met hormoonverstorende werking gevonden. WECF pleit bij land- en tuinbouw en politiek om (zwangere) vrouwen en kinderen hier niet langer aan bloot te stellen
06.11.2014 | Chantal van den Bossche

Press kit of WECF's symposium on breast cancer and EDCs
100 participants participated in the symposium
20.10.2014 | WECF

Press kit of WECF's symposium on breast cancer and EDCs
100 participants participated in the symposium

WECF made 15 key recommendations for French public consultation on health and environment
Aim of consultation is to implement a national EDCS strategy

WECF directeur Sascha Gabizon opent Stoffensymposium over Biociden
“We hebben etiketteringsplicht nodig, want de consument begrijpt niets van biociden”
09.10.2014 | WECF Nederland

SIN List update by ChemSec includes new tool for sustainable substitution
The SIN list, highlighting chemicals of high concern since 2008, includes additional 28 chemicals for priority action and launches online tool for sustainable substitution for businesses

"From Science to Prevention": WECF organized international conference on breast cancer
"What is primary prevention of breast cancer all about in 2014?" Lyon, France, 14th October 2014, Ruban de l'Espoir 2014
03.10.2014 | WECF

Organisations worried about future environmental health protection under new Commission
Requests for changes in structure new Commission

WECF worried about change in responsibility of developing EDC criteria
Portfolio likely to move from EU DG Environment to DG for health

Study questions EU pesticide approval process
PAN Europe investigated the revised risk assessment reports for seven pesticides

Article ChemWatch: “DG Sanco to assume responsibility for EDC criteria”
No comment from industry as NGOs worry about implications

Film 'Endoctrination' on EDC delay in Brussels
EU institutions and corporate influence

Balkan Training Kit
Chemical Safety of Toys

NGOs call for debate on how to put science at the heart of EU politics
WECF signs, along with 25 other NGOs joint letter initiated by Greenpeace: Scientific advice to the European Commission’s President should be transparent and objective"
19.08.2014 | Joint NGO letter

WECF en partners doen WOB aanvraag over bericht 27% speelgoed met verboden ftalaten
Het Nederlandse Inspectie rapport over REACH in 2013 liet zien dat er in 2012 een duidelijke toename was geweest van het aantal Nederlandse bedrijven dat zich niet aan de wet hield als het ging om het aantal toegestane gevaarlijke stoffen in speelgoed.
08.08.2014 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF beim 44. Jahrestag des Bundesverbandes der Kinder- und Jugendärzte BVKJ in Berlin
500 Teilnehmer(innen) informieren sich bei Vorträgen von WECF und am Infostand darüber, wie man Kinder vor hormonell wirksamen Chemikalien schützen kann
21.07.2014 | Johanna Hausmann

Weniger hormonwirksame Chemikalien (EDCs): für eine bessere rechtliche Regulierung
Ein Projekt um Kinder und Schwangere besser vor EDCs zu schützen, den Gesundheitssektor zu aktivieren, Politiker(innen) zu informieren und die Zivilgesellschaft für eine bessere EDC Politik zu gewinnen

Wenn endokrin wirksame Substanzen in Alltagsprodukten Kindergesundheit gefährden
Ein Artikel von Johanna Hausmann in dem Fachmagazin "Gesunde Umwelt" des BVKJ
16.07.2014 | WECF

WECF at 44. BVKJ annual meeting of paediatricians and youth doctors in Berlin
500 participants were informed about how to protect children against EDCs
16.07.2014 | WECF

Schwangere und Kinder schützen, Schadstoffe vermeiden
Ein Artikel von Johanna Hausmann in der Ausgabe des Hebammenforums von Januar 2014
09.07.2014 | Johanna Hausmann

Baby und Familie
Nachgefragt: Gift im Spielzeug
02.07.2014 | Johanna Hausmann

WECF Ratgeber Bekleidung jetzt auch auf Deutsch
Der WECF Ratgeber "Bekleidung" informiert darüber, wie Sie giftige und schädliche Chemikalien in Bekleidung und Textilien vermeiden

€ 31 miljard aan besparingen in de Europese gezondheidsuitgaven per jaar mogelijk door vermindering blootstelling hormoonverstorende stoffen
Nieuw rapport Europees Gezondheidsnetwerk HEAL & persbericht Europese Roadmap EDC criteria van PAN Europe verschijnen tegelijkertijd
18.06.2014 | Chantal van den Bossche

Waarom je geen doemdenker bent als je gevaren in tandpasta en make-up ziet
Er is steeds meer wetenschappelijk bewijs dat hormoonverstorende stoffen in alledaagse producten als tandpasta, cosmetica en voedselverpakkingen tot ernstige gezondheidsschade kunnen leiden. Maar terwijl de zorg bij wetenschappers groeit, draait de lobby van de chemische industrie op volle toeren en blijft de Europese Commissie maar broeden op een aanpak.
16.06.2014 | De Correspondent, Thomas Vanheste

Ronde Tafel Hormoonverstorende Stoffen in Nieuwspoort
Wemos en WECF sloegen handen ineen op nationale milieudag om druk te zetten op Nederlandse beleid rondom EDCs
15.06.2014 | Chantal van den Bossche

Endocrine disrupters (EDCs) : 5 member states support France's request for a European-wide action
EDCs finally on the agenda of the Council of Environment Ministers of June 12th
13.06.2014 | WECF

France urges the EU to act now on Endocrine disruptors
Will the EU put an end to the long-lasting standstill on EDCs?
11.06.2014 | WECF

EDCs and related public health concerns: Dutch Parliamentarians, policy makers and NGOs present at Policy Science Round Table in The Hague
WECF and Wemos organised discussion in press centre Dutch Parliament
11.06.2014 | WECF

France announces EDC strategy
WECF welcomes measures but calls for further action

Research finds link between chemicals and breast cancer
Chemicals in our daily environment pose threat to women's health

Reduce exposure to EDCs and advocating for better legislation
Protect children and pregnant women against exposure to EDCs by engaging the health sector and informing policy makers and activate German civil society to enhance EDC policy
17.05.2014 | WECF Project

Buch „Giftfreies Europa“ erschienen
Die grüne EP Abgeordnete Hiltrud Breyer veröffentlicht das Buch Giftfreies Europa. WECF liefert Beiträge zu non-communicable diseases (NCDs) und Best Practice zu mehr Schutz vor gesundheits- und umweltschädlichen Chemikalien

WECF and partners propose chemicals targets for Sustainable Development Goals
UNEP 2012 global chemicals report estimates close to 1 million deaths from harmful chemicals and pesticides each year

Halfjaarlijks minisymposium REACH
WECF Directeur spreekt over REACH en handhaving vanuit de visie van de consument
23.04.2014 | Chantal van den Bossche

Wenn Chemikalien aus Alltagsprodukten den Hormonhaushalt stören
Ein Artikel von Johanna Hausmann in der Ausgabe des Hebammenforums von Dezember 2013
17.04.2014 | Johanna Hausmann

Nestbau: Kinder schützen, Schadstoffe vermeiden Programm für Münchener Kindertageseinrichtungen
Mit dem zweiten vom RGU geförderten Projekt für schadstofffreie KITAS startet WECF eine große Kampagne in allen städtischen Kindertageseinrichtungen für mehr Schutz vor gesundheitsschädlichen Chemikalien.

"More transparency needed on use and effects of biocides in products": Interview with WECF's Elisabeth Ruffinengo
Elisabeth Ruffinengo (WECF) illustrates the importance of the EU Biocidal Regulation in interview with Chemical Watch
07.04.2014 | WECF

Armenia: Women for a healthy rural development
Armenian Women actors of change for chemical free rural development

Dangers of prenatal exposure to harmful chemicals outlined in Dutch Health Council report
WECF applauds findings but is left with important questions
25.03.2014 | WECF

Dagelijkse blootstelling aan schadelijke stoffen tijdens zwangerschap groot risico voor kind, stelt Gezondheidsraad
24.03.2014 | WECF Pers

WECF publishes article in Chemical Watch
NGO platform: EU toys rules too weak
17.03.2014 | Alexandra Caterbow WECF in Chemical Watch

EDC’s: de onomkeerbare gezondheidseffecten van hormoonverstorende stoffen
WECF Beleidsadvies met 9 aanbevelingen voor een preventief gezondheidsbeleid ten aanzien van EDC's

"Nieuwe EU migratielimieten BPA onvoldoende"
WECF kritisch over vastgestelde migratielimieten in artikel van ChemicalWatch

Actie ondernemen tegen hormoonverstoorders
Druk op de Europese Commissie neemt toe om actie te ondernemen tegen hormoonverstoorders
11.03.2014 | De Gezinsbond/ChildProof platform

“We spelen met vuur”
Nederlandse organisaties en wetenschappers eisen politieke actie omtrent hormoonverstorende stoffen
07.03.2014 | WECF Pers

WECF organiseert succesvol debat over hormoonverstorende stoffen (EDC’s) in Brussel
Lancering van het Life+ Project ChildProtect: Gezondheid van Kinderen hoort eerste prioriteit te zijn
02.03.2014 | Chantal van den Bossche

Launch of the Life+ Project ChildProtect: Children's Health should be our Primary Concern
Debate with policy makers in Brussels looks at need to speed up EU action to protect children’s exposure to harmful ‘endocrine disrupting’ chemicals
27.02.2014 | WECF Report

Time to act: protecting children from hormone disrupting chemicals
Debate with policy makers in Brussels looks at need to speed up EU action to protect children’s exposure to harmful ‘endocrine disrupting’ chemicals
21.02.2014 | WECF

NGO launches EU-funded project on EDCs
Parents, entrepreneurs and policy makers targeted
20.02.2014 | Carmen Paun, Chemical Watch

ChildProof standpunt over hormoonverstoorders
Interdisciplinair forum ChildProof roept nationale en Europese politiek op tot actie met position paper
20.02.2014 | De Gezinsbond/ChildProof platform

WECF conferentie in Brussel: ChildProtect - Time to act!
Naar een EU beleid om kinderen te beschermen tegen hormoonverstorende stoffen, met die boodschap organiseert WECF 19 februari, morgen, een bijeenkomst in Brussel als officiele start van het Life+ Project ChildProtect.
18.02.2014 | Chantal van den Bossche

ChildProtect-Life – Protecting Children's Health from Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
The ‘ChildProtect-Life’ project coordinated by WECF aims to speed-up implementation of EU environmental regulations with regard to the substitution of EDCs, in line with the EU 2020 goal of minimising adverse effects of chemicals on public health.
18.02.2014 | WECF Project

CHILDPROTECT: WECF start LIFE+ project over hormoonverstorende stoffen met Gezinsbond en PAN Europe
WECF start samen met de Vlaamse Gezinsbond, PAN-Europe (Pesticides Action Network Europa) een LIFE+ project, genaamd CHILDPROTECT. LIFE+ projecten worden gefinancierd door het Directoraat Generaal Milieu van de Europese Commissie. De komende drie jaar zal WECF samen met haar partners beleidsmakers, bedrijven, en consumenten bewust maken van de problematiek van hormoonverstorende stoffen voor kinderen in onze leefomgeving.
18.02.2014 | WECF Project

WECF Conference 'Time to act': Towards an EU policy to protect children from EDCs
Invitation to the Launch of the Life+ Project
06.02.2014 | WECF

Gezinsbond waarschuwt voor hormoonverstoorders
Artikel in De Morgen aan vooravond van het beleidscongres van de Gezinsbond over hormoonverstoorders
25.01.2014 | De Morgen

Bescherm kinderen; vermijd hormoonverstorende stoffen!
Hormoonverstorende stoffen(EDC’s) in alledaagse producten - een overzicht voor de consument
20.12.2013 | WECF

WECF & Project Nesting glad with attention Dutch TV Program Zembla on EDCs (Endocrine Disruptors)
On December 19, the investigative TV report 'Zembla' paid attention to EDCs 'Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals' and their great risk for children
20.12.2013 | WECF

Appel aan Nederlandse overheid: nu stappen nodig tegen zorgwekkende stoffen!
Zembla toont: Buurlanden nemen wel wettelijke stappen om kinderen te beschermen tegen hormoonverstorende stoffen – waarom Nederland niet?
19.12.2013 | WECF Pers

WECF & Een Veilig Nest blij met aandacht voor hormoonverstorende stoffen in Zembla.
WECF vraagt al jarenlang aandacht voor een thema dat in heel Europa serieus genomen lijkt te worden, behalve in Nederland: de schadelijke invloed van hormoonverstorende stoffen op de gezondheid van zwangere vrouwen en kleine kinderen.
19.12.2013 | WECF

WECF presents its activities on EDCs at 7th International Conference on Children's Health, Environment and Safety Jerusalem
The International Network for Children's Health, Environment and Safety (INCHES) organised its 7th international conference, 20-22 November, 2013, in Jerusalem, Israel
09.12.2013 | WECF

"Jerusalem Statement fordert mehr Schutz vor umweltbedingten Krankheiten bei Kindern"
WECF präsentiert seine Aktivitäten zu EDCs bei der 7. Internationalen Konferenz zu Kindergesundheit und Umwelt und Sicherheit in Jerusalem
09.12.2013 | WECF

WECF Pressemitteilung Nestbau: Weihnachtszeit ist Schadstoffzeit
Gift unter Weihnachtsbaum Die App „Giftfrei einkaufen“ hilft bei der Suche nach schadstofffreien Geschenken
26.11.2013 | WECF Nestbau

“Doing NOTHING costs much more and is very expensive", Message from 12th HCH & Pesticide Forum, Kiev, Ukraine
National action plans on Obsolete Pesticide stockpiles and other polluted locations are needed
25.11.2013 | WECF

PraktikantIn für ein gemeinsames Projekt mit UNEP
In unserem Bereich Umwelt und Gesundheit suchen wir schnellst möglich einen/eine PraktikantIn für ein gemeinsames Projekt mit UNEP.
25.11.2013 | WECF Deutschland

NGO trainings by WECF on how to work at EU and international level
As part of the Baltinfohaz LIFE project targeted support was given to Baltic NGOs to enable them to take part in international negotiations

5 Simple Hair Beauty Tips From Eco Hairdresser Birgit Pesin
Birgit Pesin has been eco hair dressing for twenty years

„Stop EDCs“: Hormonell wirksame Substanzen –Gefahr für Gesundheit und Umwelt
WECF zeigt auf dem Bundesparteitag der SPD in Leipzig neue Ausstellung zu EDCs und fordert Politiker auf, sich für mehr Gesundheitsschutz einzusetzen
16.11.2013 | WECF

WECF organised conference in Paris on importance of eco-design of games and toys
The need to reduce the environmental footprint of products is increasingly felt in a world of limited resources. Therefore eco- design seems to be the key element for a successful transition towards a circular economy
16.11.2013 | WECF France

Delays are wasting opportunities for prevention of chronic disease and healthcare savings
Fifteen EDC-Free Europe campaigners presented José Manuel Barroso, European Commission President, with a huge EDC-Free poster today in an urgent call for action on endocrine disrupting chemicals.
13.11.2013 | EDC Free Coalition

Uitstel EDC-wetgeving verspilt mogelijkheden voor preventie en aanpak stijgende zorgkosten
Vijftien leden van de de EDC-Free Europe coalitie, waar WECF deel van uitmaakt, stuurden Jose Manuel Barroso, voorzitter van de Europese Commissie, vandaag een enorme EDC Vrij poster met een dringende oproep tot actie tegen hormoonverstorende stoffen in producten om ons heen
13.11.2013 | EDC Free Coalition

WECFs Project Nesting - A Healthy Environment for Healthy Children
Helping parents to create a safe and healthy environment for their newborns
01.11.2013 | WECF Campaign

WECF report Textiles: Stop the chemical overdose!
Chemical contents of children's wear, textiles regulation, labels and more

Textiles : Stop the chemical overdose!
Towards more coherent and transparent rules for textiles in EU and beyond for better protection of workers, consumers and the environment
31.10.2013 | WECF

Giftfrei Einkaufen - Kostenloser Download für Smartphones
WECF App giftfrei einkaufen hilft Verbrauchern beim Kauf möglichst schadstofffreier Produkte

Toxic Free shopping now possible in Germany - Download the German Project Nesting app!
WECF App giftfrei einkaufen hilft Verbrauchern beim Kauf möglichst schadstofffreier Produkte
11.10.2013 | WECF

"Stop Mercury Pollution, Protect Women and Children": 5 Women Ministers from Africa and WHO call for immediate action
Five women Ministers of Environment from South Africa, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Kena called for action at a high level event in Kumamoto, Japan on "Women and Mercury in Artisinal and small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) - Health impacts on women and future generations".
11.10.2013 | WICF

“Women and Mercury in ASGM” Impacts on Women’s Health and that of Future Generations
WECF co-organises side event on "Women and Mercury" at the Minamata Convention Dipcom in Japan, Thursday October 10
02.10.2013 | WICF

Alarmerende concentraties kwik in lichamen vrouwen en kinderen door ambachtelijke goudwinning
WECF co-organiseert side event over "Vrouwen en kwikvervuiling in de ambachtelijke goudwinningsgebieden" " op de Minamata Conventie Dipcom in Japan, donderdag 10 oktober
02.10.2013 | WICF

European NGOs, including WECF, express titanium dioxide concerns
A group of NGOs led by the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) has written to the Titanium Dioxide Manufacturers Association (TDMA) to express their continuing concerns about the safety of the substance
26.09.2013 | Chemical Watch

Veranstaltung: Frauen und Kinder zuerst!? Warum eigentlich?
zum Thema "Gesundheit in einer globalen Agenda für die Zeit nach 2015"
18.09.2013 | WECF

WECF Netherlands letter to government on unacceptable risks and costs of shale gas fracking
Winning van schaliegas in Nederland; een slecht idee voor mens en milieu!

New Publication on NCDs: Environmental factors one of the main causes of preventable deaths
Civil Society Groups release, in cooperation with UNEP, first publication about non-communicable diseases and environmental determinants
27.08.2013 | Joint Press Release

New Publication on NCDs: Environmental factors one of the main causes of preventable deaths
Civil Society Groups release, in cooperation with UNEP, first publication about non-communicable diseases and environmental determinants
27.08.2013 | Joint Press Release

New Publication on NCDs: Environmental factors one of the main causes of preventable deaths
Civil Society Groups release, in cooperation with UNEP, first publication about non-communicable diseases and environmental determinants
27.08.2013 | Joint Press Release

Nieuwe publicatie over NCD’s door NGOs samen met UNEP: Milieufactoren een van de belangrijkste oorzaken van te voorkomen sterfgevallen
Niet-overdraagbare ziekten (NCD) zijn nu de belangrijkste oorzaak van te voorkomen ziektes en arbeidsongeschiktheid, en daardoor van significante invloed op het welzijn en dagelijks leven van vele individuen en werknemers.

WECF Pressemitteilung Nestbau: Neue App giftfrei einkaufen
Wenn Schadstoffe in Produkten krank machen Neue App giftfrei einkaufen hilft Verbrauchern beim Kauf möglichst schadstofffreier Produkte
06.08.2013 | WECF Press Release

Speelgoed blijft Spelbreker
EU beschermt kinderen onvoldoende tegen schadelijke stoffen
19.07.2013 | WECF Nederland

No country in the world completely protects its citizens against dangerous chemicals in products, says WECF’s executive director in Indian Consumer
Sascha Gabizon draws attention to hazardous chemicals that can be found all over the world and in the Indian market specifically.
11.07.2013 | WECF

Collegium Ramazzini ask for new ways to test EDC's chemicals and to revise current approaches to risk management
The Collegium Ramazzini, an international academy of 180 scientists from 25 countries, experts in environmental and occupational health, has released a statement calling for new ways to test chemicals and to revise current approaches to risk management
04.07.2013 | Anouk Dominguez

Exposure to Bisphenol-A in developing prostate increases risk of later cancer
Early exposure to Bisphenol-A or BPA, an additive commonly found in plastic bottles and containers, food can lining and thermal paper receipts; is linked to an increased risk of prostate cancer
04.07.2013 | Science Daily

Why aren't we up in arms?
Blogpost by Clare Dimmer, Chair, Breast Cancer UK
25.06.2013 | Breast Cancer UK

Global efforts to promote health face serious challenges from ‘big business’ – UN official
Tactics include front groups, lobbies, promises of self-regulation, lawsuits, and industry-funded research that “confuses the evidence and keeps the public in doubt” - Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO)
25.06.2013 | UN news centre

Een giftige plas
‘s Werelds bestverkochte onkruidverdelger gevonden in menselijke urine door heel Europa

Weed killer found in human urine across Europe
People in 18 countries across Europe have been found to have traces of the weed killer glyphosate in their urine, show the results of tests commissioned by Friends of the Earth Europe and released today
13.06.2013 | Friends of the Earth

Nieuwe maatregelen in Zweden voor regulering hormoonverstorende stoffen en Bisfenol A moeten voorbeeld zijn voor andere Europese lidstaten
Blootstelling tot giftige hormoonverstorende stoffen (EDCs) zoals Bisfenol A kan voortkomen uit verschillende bronnen. Dit is een van de redenen waarom het nodig is om een omvangrijke strategie voor de regulatie van deze stoffen te ontwikkelen.
10.06.2013 | WECF

WECF at the Chemical Convention COPs in Geneva
Through out May WECF participated in the COPs of Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions and the Extraordinary COP, which took place in Geneva
06.06.2013 | Alexandra Caterbow

Deutschland erstreitet sich ersten Erfolg für sicheres Spielzeug vor dem Europäischen Gerichtshof
Deutschland darf weiterhin strengere Grenzwerte für Schwermetalle in Spielzeug auferlegen
04.06.2013 | CVRIA

Germany fighting for safer toys in front of the European Court
Germany granted extended enforcement of stringent limit values on heavy metals in toys
04.06.2013 | CVRIA

EDCs (hormoonverstorende stoffen) in cosmetica
Opvallend onderzoek van de Deense Consumentenraad
04.06.2013 | Chantal van den Bossche

France finalizing plans for a national EDC strategy
A draft strategy is expected to be presented, although many NGOs fear it to bee not ambitious enough and under-financed
03.06.2013 | Chemical Watch

Sweden’s new actions on regulating EDCs and BPA should be a model for the Rest of Europe
Exposure to toxic EDCs such as BPA can happen from many sources, which is why a comprehensive strategy has to be developed. Sweden has taken first steps towards this goal.
03.06.2013 | WECF

Combination of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in cosmetics increases health risk
For the first time, in a study presented by the Danish Consumer Council, the combined amount of EDC-exposure from different products has been determined
03.06.2013 | Danish Consumer Council

Batterien sind zu oft giftige und ineffiziente Energieversorger
Das Umweltbundesamt hat eine Studie vorgelegt die aufzeigt wie unzureichend giftige Schwermetalle in Batterien gekennzeichnet sind
22.05.2013 | UBA

Glufosinat endlich vom Markt nehmen!
In einer gemeinsamen Presseinformation fordern mehrere Verbände den Stopp der Produktion des hochgiftigen Glufosinat durch BAYER
17.05.2013 | WECF

200 tons of mercury in abandoned Kyiv factory
Huge amounts of highly toxic mercury are evaporating into the air in an abandoned factory in Kyiv, Ukraine
15.05.2013 | Kyivpost

WECF and other NGOs pressing EU to take action against EDCs
More than 20 NGOs demand action following up on COP6 in a letter to Manuel Barroso
13.05.2013 | WECF

Success in Geneva: Toxic flame retardant to be phased out globally despite EU protest
Alexandra Caterbow: “EU had the chance to act on its full global responsibility, but failed”
10.05.2013 | WECF

WECF informiert auf dem Deutschen Hebammenkongress über EDCs
Am 6. Und 7. Mai 2013 fand in Nürnberg der Kongress statt auf dem WECF erneut wichtige Aufklärungsarbeit zu Umwelthormonen geleistet hat
10.05.2013 | WECF

Rotterdam Convention in crisis, say civil society groups
Handful of countries highjack international agreement, intended to protect human health and environment
10.05.2013 | WECF & ROCA

Rotterdam Convention Asbestos Side Event
Sascha Gabizon chaired a panel on the dangers of chrysotile asbestos
08.05.2013 | Laurie Kazan-Allen

Nieuwe resultaten Doetinchem Cohort Studie
Jongere generaties hebben een hogere risicofactor
08.05.2013 | Chantal van den Bossche

Demonstration of asbestos victims groups
08.05.2013 | WECF

Side event Rotterdam Convention Conference of the Parties
The Great Asbestos Trail – an example for other countries?
07.05.2013 | WECF

Hormonell wirksame Chemikalien: Schwangere schützen, EDCs besser regulieren
Kinder und Schwangere vor gesundheitsschädigenden Chemikalien
24.04.2013 | Johanna Hausmann

30.000 handtekeningen aangeboden aan Franse ministers
Petitie om hormoonverstoorders in speelgoed te weren aangeboden aan Franse ministers voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu
23.04.2013 | Chantal van den Bossche

UN cancer agency asked to sever its ties to asbestos propagandists
In an open letter, the IARC was asked to stop the Uralasbest research project on chrysotile asbestos due to the partner’s unethical and improper conduct
19.04.2013 | Righton Canada and WECF

New Californian regulation will halt the reason for possibly the largest flow of toxic flame retardant chemicals worldwide
WECF supported the important work of civil society organisations to stop a Californian furniture flammability rule, which was one of the major reasons for the presence of brominated flame retardants in furniture foam worldwide
18.04.2013 | IPEN & WECF

Pregnant Women and Unborn Babies Susceptibility to Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
WECF Positionpaper for a stronger regulation on EDC

Hormonell wirksame Chemikalien: Schwangere schützen, EDCs besser regulieren
WECF Positionsspapier für eine striktere Regulierung von EDCs – national, europäisch und international

EDC Free campaign led by coalition of public interest groups
An informal coalition of European public interest groups, of which WECF is one, concerned about how endocrine disruptors (EDCs) may be harming health, has recently launched an EDC Free website outlining a campaign call to action for an EDC Free Europe

Nieuw rapport WHO: Het onbekende gevaar van EDCs
Hormoonverstoorders (EDCs) blijven een groot gevaar in een klein hoekje. Recentelijk heeft de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) een rapport gepubliceerd over deze stoffen
15.04.2013 | Chantal van den Bossche

Strengthening Chemical and product safety in the Western Balkans
Civil Society organisations from Western Balkans and EU, the UN team Serbia and representatives of government agencies of Albania, Serbia and FYR of Macedonia develop recommendations for regional cooperation and strengthening of chemicals safety
12.04.2013 | WECF

WECF: More than 30,000 signatures to ‘Stop EDCs in toys’
On 9 April Women in Europe for a Common Future in France (WECF) delivered their petition "Stop endocrine disruptors in toys" signed by more than 30,000 people, to French Health and Environment Ministers

Beacon conference on Integrating Chemicals Safety in Belgrade, Serbia

Gefahr für Beschäftigte in Gärtnereien und deren Kinder durch hormonell wirksame Pestizide
Hormonell wirksame Pestizide schädigen Mitarbeiter von Gärtnereien und deren ungeborene Kinder im Mutterleib
05.04.2013 | WECF

Toys Safety in the Balkans
Safe consumer products are a demand for countries to be able to join the European Union. WECF is helping out Albania and Macedonia in their struggle to improve the situation

WECF and UNDP Serbia organising a beacon conference on Integrating Chemicals Safety in Belgrade, 11.April 2013
A high level conference "Chemical and product safety in the Western Balkans – a priority area for the post 2015 agenda”
04.04.2013 | WECF

CHILDPROOFs position on EU air quality policy: Worried parents demand clean air for their children
2013: European Year of Air Quality
03.04.2013 | WECF

WECF signs position paper pushing for third party participation in the REACH Authorisation process
To ensure to replace SVHC with their saver alternatives, third parties should be allowed access to the Authorisation process of REACH
03.04.2013 | WECF

2013: Uitgeroepen tot het Jaar van Luchtkwaliteit door de EU
WECF onderschrijft het standpunt van de Vlaamse Gezinsbond over Luchtkwaliteit en gezondheid van kinderen
03.04.2013 | Marie Kranendonk

The Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialist & Democrats call for ultimate eradication of asbestos contamination in European Parliament
The European Parliament adopted a resolution which sets a deadline for the final eradication of asbestos contamination until 2028.
21.03.2013 | S&D

European Parliament passes Westlund's report on health risks from EDCs
Report mirrors recent concerns about EDCs' health risks and calls for better legal protection in the EU until 2015
14.03.2013 | HEAL

Prevention of breast cancer key to reducing burden of the disease
A federal advisory committee of leading breast cancer experts finds that preventing breast cancer is done through identifying and eliminating environmental causes
07.03.2013 | Breast Cancer Fund

Documentaire over de chemische vervuiling van onze lichamen "Unacceptable Levels" bekroond met Gezondheids- en Milieuprijs Internationale Milieufestival Parijs
WECF Directeur Sascha Gabizon jurylid van Internationale Milieufilm Festival Parijs
04.03.2013 | WECF

WECF guide on EDCs (Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals)
The WECF information brochure "Stop EDCs in everyday products" informs you how to avoid exposure to hormone disrupting chemicals in your daily life

WECF guide on Renovation and D.I.Y
The information brochure "Renovation & do it yourself" informs on avoiding hazardous chemicals in your home while renovating

Petition to ban hormone disruptors (EDCs) in consumer goods
WECF supports the Danish online-petition to ban all EDCs EU-wide which will be delivered to the European Commission
04.03.2013 | WECF

626 hazardous substances of which 488 are still legal
ChemSec updates its SIN list to contain 626 hazardous chemicals of which 138 are on the REACH candidate list
26.02.2013 | ChemSec

WECF and Women Major Group at UNEP governing council meeting, February 2013
WECF leads the Women's Major Group at UNEP and coordinated the interventions by the WMG members at the UNEP Governing Council.
26.02.2013 | WECF

Inventory report published - WECF project on Chemical Safety in Georgia finalised
An analysis of the chemical legislation and the situation regarding hazardous chemicals and their alternatives in the agricultural and construction sectors in Georgia
25.02.2013 | WECF

Landmark UN report on EDCs published
The State of the Science of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals report acknowledges that synthetic chemicals can have significant health impacts
25.02.2013 | UNEP/ WHO

WECF contributions to EU consultations on chemicals and health 2012
Now available on line
19.02.2013 | WECF

Research from CIEL links tighter chemical regulation to market innovation
CIEL has published a report on the positive and unexpected effects of chemical regulations which are usually seen as a burden by the chemical industry
14.02.2013 | WECF

Pilotworkshops zu Schadstoffvermeidung in zwei Münchner Kindertagesstätten - ein dringendes Thema und ein voller Erfolg
„Für Erzieher(innen) ein sehr zu empfehlender Workshop, da die Anregungen konkret im Kindergarten umsetzbar sind...“ (Anmerkung einer Teilnehmerin des Teamworkshops Januar 2013)

Nicht nur Mädchen und Frauen, auch Jungen und Männer sind von EDCs stark betroffen
Mehrfach wurde in Studien bewiesen, dass EDCs schwerwiegende Gesundheitsrisiken in Mädchen und Frauen auslösen. Nun wurden auch Gesundheitsrisiken für Jungen und Männer nachgewiesen
05.02.2013 | WECF

Ersatzstoff womöglich ebenso gesundheitsschädigend wie BPA
Bisphenol A (BPA) ist eine hoch giftige Chemikalie welche mehrfach in Verbindung mit schweren Krankheiten gebracht wurde. Der angeblich sichere Ersatzstoff Bisphenol S (BPS) könnte jedoch genauso gesundheitsschädigend sein wie BPA.
05.02.2013 | WECF

World Cancer Day 2013
What if prevention was the cure?
04.02.2013 | WECF

Europees Milieu Agentschap: Gezondheidsrisico’s BPA ontkend door industrie
Door middel van bevooroordeelde wetenschappelijke onderzoeken probeert de BPA industrie de gezondheidsrisico’s van deze hormoonverstorende stof te bagetalliseren
01.02.2013 | Chantal van den Bossche

„Die Kosten ignorierter Warnsignale“ – EEA Bericht über Gesundheitsgefahren von Zigarettenrauch bis zu BPA
Die europäische Umweltbehörde (EEA) hat ein ausführliches Dokument veröffentlicht mit Vorschlägen für die Politik und Wirtschaft zu Forschung, Innovation, und Gefahrenvermeidung
31.01.2013 | WECF

Gesundheitsfolgen von BPA wurden gezielt heruntergespielt
Das europäische Parlament hat sich für eine besseren Schutz von BPA und anderen EDCs ausgesprochen. Bei ihrer Forderung werden sie auch vom Bericht „Die Kosten ignorierter Warnsignale“ der EEA unterstützt.
31.01.2013 | WECF

BPA industry plays down health effects with biased studies
Part of the recent "late lessons from early warnings" report of the European Environment Agency also revealed the heavy bias in studied on the harm of BPA.

"Late Lessen uit Vroege Waarschuwingen" - EEA rapport over gezondheidsrisico’s, van tabak tot aan Bisphenol A
Europees Milieu Agentschap publiceert nuttig document voor beleidsmakers en de industrie over de wetenschap, voorzorgsmaatregelen en innovatie.

"Late Lessons from Early Warnings" - EEA report on health hazards, from tobacco to Bisphenol A
European Environment Agency publishes useful document for policy makers and industry on science, precaution and innovation
27.01.2013 | WECF

Quecksilber-Konvention in Genf unterzeichnet
In Genf wurde eine Konvention zur Reduktion von Quecksilber-Emissionen verabschiedet. NGOs kritisieren, dass die Richtlinie nicht den globalen Quecksilber-Ausstoß vermindern wird und die Opfer der Minimata-Tragödie entwürdigt
22.01.2013 | WECF

New Mercury Treaty agreed in Geneva; WECF regrets many exemptions
The Mercury "Minamata" Convention, a new international legally binding instrument, agreed to at 5th meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee in Geneva last Friday, has been in the making for many years, and was badly needed. However, WECF regrets the many exemptions, which weakens the treaty
22.01.2013 | WECF

Neueste Erkenntnisse deuten auf Eine Verbindung von Haarprodukten und dem Beginn der Pubertät hin
Eine Studie hat eine Verbindung zwischen verschiedenen Sorten von Haarprodukten, der Häufigkeit von deren Gebrauch, und dem Alter vom Beginn der Pubertät bei Mädchen gefunden.

Een Veilig Nest
Het bouwen van een veilige en gezonde leefomgeving voor zwangere vrouwen en pasgeborenen
01.01.2013 | WECF Nederland

Christmas Dinner Preparations - Many fruits and vegetables not safe for pregnant women and young children!
18.12.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche

Hormoonverstorende fruithap? Ga lekker bio!
Veel groenten en fruit niet veilig voor zwangere vrouw en jonge kind!
18.12.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche

France: the new champion for EDC regulation in Europe?
France bans BPA in food packaging
14.12.2012 | WECF

Umwelthormone (EDCs) vermeiden – Kinder schützen, Schwangere und Eltern aufklären
Schutz vor Umwelthormonen und deren Auswirkung auf und in der pränatalen und frühkindlichen Entwicklung

Toxic Free Gifts for Dutch Parliamentarians
Concerned parents reached out successfully to politicians! Questions will follow in Dutch House of Commons
22.11.2012 | WECF

Gifvrije cadeau's voor Tweede Kamerleden
Bezorgde ouders deden succesvolle oproep aan politici! Kamervragen volgen
22.11.2012 | WECF

Product and Chemical Safety in the Balkans
Midterm report: WECF’s Balkan partners, Women´s Movement for Integral Development (LGZHI Albania), Journalists for Human Rights (Macedonia), Resource Center Leskovac (Serbia), accomplished goals planned in the “Product and Chemical Safety in the Balkans” project.
14.11.2012 | WECF

Verstorend voedsel - WECF publiceert consumentengids PAN Europe in het Nederlands
Wat zit er in Europees groente en fruit? Wat krijgen Europese consumenten elke dag binnen? Wat zit er in onze sla, tomaten en druiven?...
14.11.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche

Verstorend voedsel - WECF publiceert consumentengids PAN Europe in het Nederlands
Wat zit er in Europees groente en fruit? Wat krijgen Europese consumenten elke dag binnen? Wat zit er in onze sla, tomaten en druiven?...
14.11.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche

Vlaams Actieplan Pesticiden: betere informatie naar zwangere vrouwen noodzakelijk!
In 2009 heeft Europa de pesticidenrichtlijn aangenomen om tot duurzaam gebruik te komen. Deze wetgeving bepaalt dat iedere lidstaat een actieplan moet opstellen zodat schadelijke effecten voor menselijke gezondheid en milieu verminderen
14.11.2012 | Gezinsbond (partner WECF)

MamaGreen: Bezorgde ouders doen oproep aan politici! Kom naar Den Haag op 21 november!
“Politiek, zorg dat ik goed voor mijn kind kan zorgen. Geef me als ouder een veilige en gezonde keus.” Met deze vraag aan politici gaat op 21 november een groep bezorgde (groot)ouders op weg naar Den Haag om groen en gifvrij speelgoed aan te bieden aan Tweede Kamerleden van verschillende partijen en aan de creche van de Tweede Kamer.
13.11.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche

‘Goed gebruik van REACH': om “gezonde” keuzes te kunnen maken
WECF organiseert 6 december bijeenkomst voor retailer en producent over omgaan met 'bewustere consument' De consument heeft recht op goede informatie
06.11.2012 | Ingrid Elbertse

Een Veilig Nest komt met Groene Kluswijzer!
De winter komt eraan. Nu de ramen nog even flink opengezet kunnen worden, is het tijd voor papa’s in spé de hoofdrol te spelen tijdens een zwangerschap . Om tegemoet te komen aan de vragen van ouders op het gebied van duurzaam en groen klussen en renoveren presenteert WECF’s Een Veilig Nestde opvolger van de Zwangerschapswijzer: de Kluswijzer.
01.11.2012 | WECF Pers

ICCM3 in Nairobi - 3rd SAICM International Conference on Chemicals Management
WECF participated, as SAICM focal point, at the ICCM3, working on EDCs, chemicals in products and nanomaterials
01.11.2012 | WICF

Bisphenol A vanaf 1 januari in Belgie verboden in verpakkingen kindervoedsel
Al sinds juni 2011 geldt een verbod op de verkoop van zuigflessen met Bisphenol A. Dit verbod wordt nu uitgebreid naar voedingsverpakkingen voor kinderen tot 3 jaar en zal ingaan op 1 januari 2013.
01.11.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche

The Stockholm Convention on PoP fails to stop pollution with SCCPs
A group of NGOs, WECF included, have released a call for listing SCCPs, a harmful group of chemicals, in the Stockholm Convention as soon as possible.

59th Congress of the German Society for Gyneacology and Obstetrics great opportunity for WECF to build EDC awareness
The Congress was great opportunity for WECF to build EDC awareness as the mission of the DGGG is to provide up to date information to its 7000 members on issues concerning the area of gyneacology and obstetrics
18.10.2012 | WECF

Pesticides and harmful chemicals cause more than 900,000 deaths annually
In Africa consequences of the use of pesticides constitute third largest health cost after HIV/AIDS and malaria

59. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe – großartige Möglichkeit für WECF um Bewusstsein für EDC zu fördern
Der Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe (DGGG) war eine großartige Möglichkeit Bewusstsein für Endokrine Desruptoren-Chemikalien (EDC) zu fördern. Damit wurden etwa 7000 Mitglieder der DGGG erreicht und aufgeklärt.
17.10.2012 | WECF

WECF France: Endocrine disruptors: Threat to women’s health
WECF has launched a report in French called 'Menace sur la santé des femmes'

French Senate follows the road towards BPA-and EDCs-free products
On October 9th, French Senate approved a law banning Bisphenol A (BPA) from all food contact materials in 2015, and as from January 1st 2013 for those intended for 0 to 3 years old.
09.10.2012 | Elisabeth Ruffinengo

Pregnancy and early life are critical stages for environmental chemical exposure
Evidence to indicate that early exposure to environmental contaminants may result in a greater risk of serious disease later on in life has been presented by researchers in a new White Paper published by the European Commission
05.10.2012 | Science for Environment Policy

Kamer en kabinetsformateurs gewezen op ontbrekende schakel in aanpak stijgende zorgkosten
Steeds duidelijker verband tussen hormoonverstorende stoffen en gezondheidseffecten
05.10.2012 | WECF Pers

European Health, Environment NGOs and labour organisations demand clarification from European Commission on EFSA mandate to develop criteria for EDCs
On Monday 1st October, the European Commission requested the European Food Safety Agency to provide by March 2013 a scientific opinion on the human health and environmental risks associated with the possible presence of endocrine disruptors in the food chain.

Low dose conference held in Berlin on Sept 11 – 13th 2012
WECF along with a number of other NGOs participated in the low dose conference “From theory to practice” in Berlin, organised by NIEHS.
25.09.2012 | WECF

WECF besuchte die Low Dose Konferenz in Berlin
Vom 11. Bis 13. September 2012 war WECF auf der Low Dose Konferenz präsent und diskutierte mit über die Gefahren von EDCs in geringen Dosen
25.09.2012 | WECF

WECF greatly worried by publication on cancer effect of GMOs
“Governments have to guarantee our right to live in a healthy environment”
24.09.2012 | WECF

The African Region is playing a key leadership role at an international meeting to develop a global strategy and support for the safe management of chemicals.
19.09.2012 | IPEN press release

Tracing Nano
Currently many products at the market incorporate nanomaterials for which a proper risk assessment could not be made. Contrary to the REACH principle no data no market the presence of nanomaterials in its content is generally not reported either
10.09.2012 | WECF Project

Deens Verbod op Ftalaten
"We kunnen niet op de EU wachten" - Dit waren de woorden van de Deense minister van Milieu Ida Auken gebruikte om de recente Deense beslissing tot een verbod op 4 ftalaten in consumentenproducten toe te lichten.
10.09.2012 | Elizabeth Ruffinengo

‘Goed gebruik van REACH': om “gezonde” keuzes te kunnen maken
Om burgers de kans te geven zich te informeren is WECF onlangs van start gegaan met het project ‘Goed gebruik van REACH – van ECHA tot Winkelier tot Burger’
06.09.2012 | Project WECF Nederland

The Extractive Industries are Violating Basic Human Rights
The UN ‘Report of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights obligations related to environmentally sound management and disposal of hazardous substances and waste’ indicates that numerous human rights including right to adequate health and life are abused due to presence of extractive industries companies.
03.09.2012 | United Nations

Veilig cosmeticagebruik tijdens de zwangerschap
Welke cosmetica zijn nu wel en niet veilig tijdens de zwangerschap?
29.08.2012 | Ouders Online, Henk Boeke

Denmark bans 4 phthalates from consumer products
After banning Bisphenol A in children's food containers and two parabens in children cosmetics, Denmark proves once again a frontrunner among EU Member States in the phase out and substitution of endocrine disrupters
24.08.2012 | Elizabeth Ruffinengo

Tracing Nano
Tracing Nano stelt zich ten doel manieren te zoeken om nanodeeltjes te volgen vanaf het moment van productie tot en met de afval fase, zodat ook in de toekomst terug te leiden is waar de verschillende deeltjes vandaan komen, met een focus op consumentenartikelen.
22.08.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche

Werkervaring opdoen bij een internationale NGO op het gebied van gezondheid en milieu?
Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) zoekt een gemotiveerde stagiair(e) voor het project ‘Goed gebruik van REACH – van ECHA tot Winkelier tot Burger’
21.08.2012 | WECF

Disrupting Food: Up to 30 Different Endocrine Disrupting
Pesticides found in fruits and vegetables in the European Union
29.07.2012 | PAN Europe (WECF member)

Kinderopvang? Natuurlijk duurzaam! - Met De Groene Giraf, stimuleringsprijs voor duurzame kinderopvang
WECF en Een Veilig Nest blij met initiatief om kinderopvang te verduurzamen
17.07.2012 | Persbericht De Groene Giraf

Reduce exposure to EDCs
Advocate at EU level for better EU legislation to protect women and the developing child from hormone disrupting (endocrine disrupting) chemicals (EDCs) such as phtalates, bisphenol A and pesticides.

Avoid Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) – German Advocacy Campaign
Protect children, inform pregnant women and expecting parents

Rio+20 Side Event: "Protecting Our First Environment"
Protecting women’s health and future generations from harmful environmental impacts was the topic of the event organised by WECF, IPEN and members of the Women’s Major Group today at Barra Arena at the Rio+20 conference.
14.06.2012 | WECF news from Rio+20

HEAL Welcomes Environment Ministers’ Inclusion of “Health Protection” in 7th EAP
The Health and Environment Alliance strongly supports the EU Environment ministers’ call for environmental policy measures, which will help prevent rising rates of chronic disease, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity, in the 7th Environmental Action Programme.
12.06.2012 | HEAL

Interventions and activities of WMG during informal formal sessions May June in NY
Interventions given on behalf of the WMG by, amongst others, WECF Director Sascha Gabizon, at the United Nations Rio+20 negotiations
02.06.2012 | Women's Major Group

Lack of Chemical Safety in Georgia addressed at high level conference organized by WECF and Greens Movement
May 24th, an international Conference on ‘Reducing the use of hazardous chemicals in Georgia" addressed lack of chemical safety, insufficient legislation, low awareness but especially the urgency to act

WECF Guide to Baby Care and Personal Care
The WECF information brochure "Baby Care" and "Personal Care" informs you how to avoid exposure to hazardous substances in your and your baby's care products

Een Veilig Nest publiceert cosmeticawijzer voor zwangere vrouwen
“Duurzame en gezonde cosmetica voor a.s moeders”

Nestbau: Für gesunde Kinder in einer gesunden Umwelt - Schluss mit Gift in Kindergärten
WECF startet Pilotprojekt in München. Die Innenräume, in denen Kinder viel Zeit verbringen sind häufig stark durch Schadstoffe belastet. Diese Belastung kann allerdings durch bewusstes (Konsum)Verhalten gesenkt oder verhindert werden.

Experts roundtable on Endocrine disrupters (EDCs): impacts and mechanisms of action from conception to maturity, Paris, April 10th
Consequences of exposures, in particular perinatal, to EDCs on women’s health and the health of children later in life: criteria for EDCs, a critical step towards an effective public health policy in Europe
24.04.2012 | Elisabeth Ruffinengo

Brustkrebs und Umwelteinflüsse
Die WECF-Publikation „Brustkrebs und Umwelteinflüsse“ in zweiter, aktualisierter Ausgabe

Linking breast cancer and our environment
The politics of prevention, a WECF publication available in English, Dutch, German and French

Informatie over Stoffen: Voldoende Basis voor Vertrouwen en Verantwoorde Keuzes?
Twee maal per jaar organiseert de klankbordgroep stoffen, in samenwerking met VNO-NCW, VNCI en WECF, een minisymposium over het stoffenbeleid van de overheid en zaken die spelen bij maatschappelijke organisaties en bedrijfsleven.
10.04.2012 | WECF

WECF co-organised International Expert Conference on Asbestos in Kiev, and demands phase-out of asbestos production and use in Ukraine
For the first time in Ukraine a public open debate was held to discuss the issue of chrysotile asbestos in Ukraine
06.04.2012 | Alexandra Caterbow

Interview with WECF Partner Anjela Vasili: Product and Chemical Safety in the Balkans
Interview with WECF's partner Anjela Vasili, Albanian Women's Movement of Integral Development (L.G.ZH.I) on "Business Day".
05.04.2012 | WECF

Project "Product and Chemical Safety in the Balkans": Interviews with WECF's Partner
Watch the interviews with WECF Albanian partner working on the project "Product and Chemical Safety in the Balkans".
04.04.2012 | WECF

Nano - the great unknown
WECF position paper on nano particles and nanotechnology

Grotere kans op obesitas en diabetes door dagelijkse blootstelling aan chemische stoffen
Nieuwe kansen voor terugdringen diabetes en obesitas?
22.03.2012 | WECF Pers

Daily chemical exposure adds to obesity and diabetes risk
A scientific review of more than 240 papers published today by CHEM Trust provides new urgency for banning certain chemicals to protect health
20.03.2012 | WECF & HEAL

Women Travel Grants Rio+20 Sustainable Development Conference Brazil, June 2012
WECF is co-organiser of the Women's Major Group at the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development which takes place from 13 - 23 of June in Rio de Janeiro
12.03.2012 | Sascha Gabizon

Minder is meer! Gezonde schoonmaakproducten voor een gezond en schoon huis
WECF tips in goody bag huishoudbeurs: Een fris schoon, milieuvriendelijk huis voor bijna geen geld
17.02.2012 | WECF Nederland

Guilty! Eternit Verdict Seeks to Bring Justice
The world watched with bated breath as the final verdict in the internationally known Eternit trial was read
15.02.2012 | ADAO

JRC Scientists Finalised Study on Release of Chemical Substances from 450 Plastic Baby Bottles
Press release of the European Commission Joint Research Centre says that hazardous substances could be detected in polyamide bottles in relevant amounts.
13.02.2012 | European Commission Joint Research Centre

New Study: Microplastics from Washing Machine Wastewater Are Polluting Beaches
Tiny plastic particles from laundry wastewater are being washed into the marine environment, according to recent research.
13.02.2012 | Environmental Science & Technology

ECHA Prepares For Biocides, PIC Handover
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) plans to hire 19 staff to deal with EU biocide approvals and will need more than 100 to process the 300 authorisation requests expected annually by 2020, it said last week.
08.02.2012 | ENDS Europe

Astonishing Findings of a New Research on Chemical Pesticides in Armenia by WECF Partner AWHHE
A research conducted in 2011 by WECF Armenian partner AWHHE revealed a threatening extent of toxic pesticides in more than 60 samples such as water, soil, air, cow’s milk and egg
02.02.2012 | WECF

Could Playing and Swimming in the Pool Be More Than Just Fun and a Good Exercise for Pregnant Women and Young Children?
Series of studies conducted by Belgian scientists suggest that chlorinated indoor pools are a significant factor in the increase of early childhood asthma and testicular damage in boys.
01.02.2012 | WECF

WECF pushes for stronger Toys Safety Directive
Slightly optimitic outcome of WECF press conference on toys safety at European Parliament this January
25.01.2012 | WECF

Breast Cancer Screening Cannot Be Justified, Says Researcher
Book argues harm outweighs small number of lives saved, and accuses mammography supporters of misconduct
23.01.2012 | The Guardian

EU Biocides Law Considered a “Standstill” by NGOs
A joint press release by WECF, HEAL and PAN Germany, UK and Europe
19.01.2012 | WECF Press Release

Women’s Major Group: Rio+20 Position Statement - Summary
Summary of the Women’s Major Group Statements for UN Conference on Sustainable Development

Storm Over Silicones
Slowly and quietly over the past decade, a cyclic methylsiloxane that was once an industry workhorse disappeared from the personal care market
11.01.2012 | Chemical & Enegineering News

Toys in a Black List of Products, Containing Carcinogenic Chemicals
Toys, cosmetics and even shoes for children were included in a black list of gifts for the New Year, TV Klan in Albania has announced.
11.01.2012 | WECF

WECF Position on the Commission Proposal to Recast PIC Regulation
Download WECF's position paper on the EU Commission proposal to recast PIC regulation

WECF and Eco-Accord Report of the 7th ‘Environment for Europe’ Ministerial Conference, 2011, Astana
WECF and Eco-Accord presented the report of the Seventh ‘Environment for Europe’ Ministerial Conference, held on 22-23 September 2011 in Astana, Kazakhstan
10.01.2012 | WECF news

Thousands in Support of Toxic-free Children’s Toys in Armenia and Kyrgyzstan
Project started to eliminate children’s toys with toxic substances from the market in Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine by 2020
09.01.2012 | AWHHE

Home detergents almost phosphate-free by 2017
An almost complete EU ban for domestic detergents will apply from January 2017.
05.01.2012 | ENDS Europe

Cancer from Fetal Exposure to Carcinogens Depends On Dose, Timing
The cancer-causing potential of fetal exposure to carcinogens can vary substantially causing different types of problems much later in life depending on the stage of pregnancy when the fetus is exposed.
04.01.2012 | Science Daily

WECF Newsletter 11-12/2011: Strong Position on Sustainable Development
Relevant information on the main WECF news and activities worldwide in November and December 2011.
03.01.2012 | WECF

Women’s Intervention towards Rio+20: 5 Priority Actions
Anita Nayar, on behalf of the Women’s Major Group, presented 5 priority actions towards Rio+20 on 15-16 of December 2011.
02.01.2012 | WECF

Final evaluation of WECF’s MFS1 Programme “Empowerment and Local Action” (ELA)
This report presents the findings of the final evaluation of WECF’s ELA programme, implemented from January 2008 to December 2010.

International Trade of hazardous chemicals and pesticides
WECF position on the Commission proposal to recast of PIC Regulation
20.12.2011 | WECF

Toxic Baby Shampoo: Johnson & Johnson Agrees to Global Reformulation Under Pressure from Health Groups
New report shows company making formaldehyde-free 'No More Tears' shampoo in some countries, but not U.S.
01.12.2011 | WECF

Videos: Safe Toys for Safe Childhood
Watch videos on Toys Safety "Zdrave Igračke za Zdravo Detinjstvo"
01.12.2011 | WECF

315NGO’s Call for an Impartial Risk Assessment on EMF Health Risks
WECF, together with a number of NGOs, MEPs, scientists, medical doctors, lawyers and other stakeholders are calling for an impartial risk assessment on EMF health risks.
30.11.2011 | WECF

WECF and EDC's
A position paper and policy paper on EDC's - Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals

The action to control the sale of hazardous substances in Albania
The Tirana Municipality takes actions in the controls of fireworks and chemical products in Albanian markets
28.11.2011 | WECF

From 'Brown' Economy to 'Care' Economy
Women's priorities for Rio+20, Side Event at the UNECE Rio+20 conference, Geneva, 2 December
17.11.2011 | WECF

Albanian Voice Conference “International Cooperation in Hazardous Substances and Product Safety in the Balkans“ results in concrete action of Albanian authorities
Conference resulted in a joint statement of 23 civil society organizations demanding better control mechanisms for consumer products, especially toys
16.11.2011 | Bistra Mihaylova

Multi-stakeholder Training on Product Safety in Skopje, Macedonia
On 11th and 12th November, 2011, the multi-stakeholder training on the challenges in the field of Product Safety was held in Macedonia, as a part of the WECF project "Product and Chemical Safety in the Balkans".
15.11.2011 | Bistra Mihaylova

BEF Lithuania
Baltic Environmental Forum Lithuania: provides environmental protection and management in Lithuania

Women's Major Group for Rio+20 Position Presented at Meeting Organized by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
A meeting on gender and women priorities for Rio+20 at the Foreign Ministry in Paris, 7 November in Paris
14.11.2011 | WECF

Youth case studies on Environment and Health - deadline extended to December 15
UNEP Tunza youth network calls for "good practice" case studies by Youth
14.11.2011 | WECF

Paraben esters: review of recent studies of endocrine toxicity
Review of recent studies of endocrine toxicity, absorption, esterase and human exposure, and discussion of potential human health risks.
14.11.2011 | Journal of Applied Toxicology

UN Delegates Struggle with the True Cost of Mercury
Delegates from more than 120 countries in the recently-held third meeting of an intergovernmental negotiating committee (INC3) struggled to move forward on a global mercury treaty.
09.11.2011 | IPEN press release

Spelbrekers - Lieve Sint, koopt u dit jaar geen spelbrekers. Koop gifvrij!
WECF voert campagne in sinterklaastijd tegen schadelijke stoffen in speelgoed
08.11.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche

Rio+20 - Women Worldwide Present Recommendations and Statements
More than 70 women's organizations from over 40 countries from around the world present their recommendations for Rio+20 - next year's United Nations conference on Sustainable Development
03.11.2011 | Sascha Gabizon

Baby's Tub Is Still Toxic
The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics strives to remove a cancer-causing chemical from Johnson's Baby Shampoo, but Johnson & Johnson is still using formaldehyde-releasing preservatives in baby shampoo in some countries.
03.11.2011 | WECF

WECF stuurt brief aan Tweede Kamer over risico's volksgezondheid en nanotechnologie
WECF uit punten van zorg en aanbevelingen wat betreft voortgang nanotechnologiebeleid voor begrotingsdiscussie van ELI.
02.11.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche

Steekproef van WECF vindt zware metalen en verboden weekmaker in speelgoed
Schadelijke stoffen in ons speelgoed: waarom?
01.11.2011 | WECF Press Release

Leserbrief zum Artikel "Teddybären unter Folter"
Die Autoren verschweigen leider die Tatsache, dass der Großteil der Spielzeugindustrie hartnäckig z. B. eine unabhängige Drittprüfung von Spielzeug, die Auflistung von Inhaltsstoffen sowie vernünftige Grenzwerte für Schwermetalle wie z.B. Blei oder Cadmium ablehnt.
28.10.2011 | Alexandra Caterbow

Spoilsports! Chemicals of concern in toys
WECF France and WECF the Netherlands organise Toys Events in November
19.10.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche

EECCA NGO Appeal on toys safety
After the discussion between the NGOs and EU presidency on key issues of the Environment for Europe process on 23 September 2011 in Astana, EECCA NGO made an appeal on toys safety.
19.10.2011 | WECF news

Brustkrebs ist keine Geschäftsidee - Gemeinsame Erklärung zum „Brustkrebsmonat“
Frauengesundheitsorganisationen fordern Stopp des Missbrauchs
18.10.2011 | Johanna Hausmann

From Brown to Green Economies
Discussion between the NGOs and the EU presidency, Andrzej Kraszewski, Minister of Environment of Poland, on key issues of the Environment for Europe process, Astana, Friday 23 September 2011
18.10.2011 | Sascha Gabizon

French MPs vote to ban BPA in food containers
France's lower parliamentary house, the Assemblée Nationale, has unanimously agreed to extend a ban on the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) from baby bottles to all food containers. The senate is likely to vote on the plan around the end of the year
13.10.2011 | ENDS Daily

Umwelteinflüsse und Brustkrebs
WECF-Vortrag bei der Offenen Akademie in Gelsenkirchen
06.10.2011 | Dr. Silvia Pleschka

Exploring Alternatives for Pesticides in Georgia
WECF and SEMA trained Georgian farmer leaders and NGOs on alternative plant protection methods in September 2011
01.10.2011 | Anna Samwel

No measures agreed to address risk of irreversible pollution of transboundary aquifers in Central Asia
WECF director calls for urgent measures to halt water pollution from uranium mining tailings in Central Asia, and laments continued use of Asbestos, at Conference of Environment Ministers from 56 countries in Astana, which dealt with water management and the greening of the economies
24.09.2011 | WECF Press Release

Baltic Info Campaign on Hazardous Substances
Many products used in every day life, like toys, cosmetics, plastic products, etc. contain hazardous chemicals. In the Baltic States people are often not aware of this and sufficient regulation is not in place. The overall goal of the project is to initiate a stronger demand at the society in the three Baltic States for products free of hazardous substances via awareness raising activities.
22.09.2011 | WECF Project

Scientists and health professionals urge UN and WHO to tackle the challenge of non-communicable diseases by global action
United Nations High Level Expert Committee Meeting on the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases at the global level, 19th-20th September: will action follow the Asturias declaration?
16.09.2011 | WECF Press Release

Pesticides in Georgia – no knowledge, no regulation, no protection
Project: Reducing the use of hazardous chemicals in developing countries
12.09.2011 | Anna Samwel

LGZHI director features on Albanian National Public Television to talk about WECF's Civil Society project in the Balkans
On the 26th of July Mrs Elvis Qaja, Executive Director of the Albanian LGZHI was invited on national's tv breakfast show, TVSH - “Morning Program”
24.08.2011 | Bistra Mihaylova

WECF schoonmaakmiddelenwijzer geeft raad
Minder is meer! Gezonde schoonmaakproducten voor een gezonder huis

Minder is meer! Gezonde schoonmaakproducten voor een gezonder huis
WECF schoonmaakmiddelenwijzer geeft raad
23.08.2011 | Persbericht WECF Nederland

Straw Bale building - a viable alternative for Georgia and the EECCA region!
Straw bale building and clay plastering have been successfully introduced in Georgia as efficient and ecological alternative for hazardous conventional building materials for rich and poor during a practical workshop and public info day 1-4 July 2011
21.08.2011 | Anna Samwel

Applying Quality Criteria to Exposure in Asbestos Epidemiology Increases the Estimated Risk
Health Council of the Netherlands was asked for advice by the Ministries of the Environment and of Social Affairs and Employment to provide scientific evidence on risks of environmental and occupational exposure to asbestos
14.07.2011 | Annals of Occupational Hygiene, June 2011. Alex Burdorf and Dick Heederik via IPEN

WECF Ratgeber Körperpflege
Der WECF Ratgeber Körperpflege hilft bei der richtigen Produktauswahl und gibt Tipps, welche Inhaltstoffe man vermeiden sollte

Was your country given a cancer culprit award?
The countries that obstructed the listing of asbestos were given a Cancer Culprit Award during the 5th Conference of the Parties on the Rotterdam Convention
29.06.2011 | Johanna Hausmann

Talc-containing baby powder is a health risk
Severe health disturbances possible in the event of improper use
27.06.2011 | BfR- German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment

WECF at the COP 5 in Geneva
WECF attended from 20-24 of June the 5th Meeting of the Parties on the Rotterdam Convention, the COP5. WECF attended the meeting on behalf of the Rotterdam Convention Alliance (ROCA), which represented civil society at the conferenc and was shocked by Canada’s behaviour
25.06.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF disappointed by Canadian governments move to oppose listing chrysotile asbestos at Rotterdam Convention this week
“Now we have to wait for another two years to be able to protect the lives of thousands of people around the world”
24.06.2011 | WECF Press Release

Canada maakt gebruik van "schandelijke tactiek" door zich te verzetten tegen opnemen van asbest op de lijst van gevaarlijke stoffen
Door verzet tegen opname in Annex 3 van de Rotterdam Conventie wint Noord-Amerikaanse land de ‘kankerveroorzakers’ prijs
22.06.2011 | WECF nieuws

Canada uses "shameful tactics" to oppose listing of asbestos, wins cancer culprit award
When asked earlier this week whether Canada would support listing asbestos in annex III of the Rotterdam Convention, Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver said “the question is moot”.
22.06.2011 | Joint Press Release Civil Society COP 5

ROCA position paper in preparation of the Rotterdam Convention COP 5 (English and Russian)
NGO observers long to see the Rotterdam Convention become the effective legally binding agreement that it should be.

Seminar in Skopje "Journalists workshop for toy's safety"
Product and Chemical Safety in the Balkans –a civil society cooperation working on consumer and corporate responsibility
07.06.2011 | Bistra Mihaylova

Press Coverage on the first ever public conference on asbestos in Kyrgyzstan
Russian language articles on the first ever public conference on asbestos in Bishkek, compiled by WECF partner BIOM
01.06.2011 | BIOM

Cans bring BPA to dinner, FDA confirms The vast majority of tested U.S. canned goods were tainted
Federal chemists have confirmed what everyone had expected: that if a bisphenol-A-based resin is used to line most food cans, there’s a high likelihood the contents of those cans will contain at least traces of BPA.
25.05.2011 | science news

Asbestos in Kazakhstan - project results
Kazakhstan is one of the biggest producers and consumers of asbestos, but the public is hardly informed about the dangers surrounding them in daily life
20.05.2011 | Alexandra Caterbow

Schadelijke stoffen vermijden in babyverzorgingsproducten?
WECF Babyverzorgingswijzer helpt bij het bouwen van een gezond en veilig nest
17.05.2011 | WECF the Netherlands Press Release

Wenn Asbest krank macht – und endlich jemand darüber spricht
Umwelt-, Gesundheits- und Frauennetzwerk WECF initiiert High-Level- Konferenz in Kigisistan zum Thema Asbest
11.05.2011 | WECF Press Release

Balkan Stakeholders visiting European Institutions in Brussels and Paris
The visit took place as part of the “ Product and Chemical Safety in the Balkans “ - "Civil society cooperation on EU acquis and on values for consumer and corporate responsibility"
11.05.2011 | Bistra Mihaylova

IPEN co-chair and former WECF International Advisory Board Member Olga Speranskaya officially announced as one of the Champions of the Earth Award 2011!
Today is a good day for IPEN and EcoAccord, as IPEN Co-Chair, Olga Speranskaya was officially announced as one of the Champions of the Earth Award 2011!
11.05.2011 | IPEN news

European Chemicals Agency sued for withholding names of toxics producers
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is being sued over its refusal to release the names of companies producing some of the most dangerous chemicals in the EU market
09.05.2011 | ChemSec & ClientEarth Press Release

SIN List 2.0 targets endocrine disrupting chemicals for priority action in the EU
ChemSec stated in press release today launch of a concrete tool for action on highly problematic endocrine disrupting chemicals.
03.05.2011 | Johanna Hausmann

SIN List 2.0 targets Endocrine Disrupters for priority action in the EU
22 new endocrine disrupters identified by European NGOs

Wenn Chemikalien das Hormonsystem stören
Umweltorganisation fordert mit der SIN List 2.0 EU-weite Regulierung für endokrin wirksame Substanzen
02.05.2011 | WECF Press Release

Killer pesticide endosulfan to be phased out globally
We are delighted with this decision as it means agricultural workers, Indigenous Peoples and communities across the globe will finally be protected from this poisonous pollutant,” says Dr Mariann Lloyd-Smith, CoChair of IPEN - International POPs Elimination Network
29.04.2011 | IPEN press release

WECF Wijzer Babyverzorging
Een handige folder met tips hoe schadelijke stoffen te vermijden in babyverzorgingsproducten

Hazardous waste on your living room floor
Carpet pads commonly sold to consumers in the USA and other developed countries contain dangerous chemicals that can cause nervous system damage, particularly in infants and toddlers.
26.04.2011 | Press Release IPEN supported by WECF

A call for rapid phase-out of Brominated and Chlorinated Flame retardants
WECF position paper on flame retardants

WECF zette agenda voor klankbordbijeenkomst REACH: Nieuwe chemie en de consument
Tweemaal per jaar komen overheid, industrie, bedrijfsleven en het maatschappelijk middenveld bij elkaar om te praten over de REACH chemicaliën wetgeving van de EU. Bedoeld om innovatie te stimuleren en gezondheid te verbeteren, stelt REACH allerlei voorwaarden aan het gebruik van (schadelijke) chemicaliën.
22.04.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche

Asbestos in Kyrgyzstan
Increasing awareness on asbestos in Kyrgyzstan to strenghten and support Civil Society
07.04.2011 | WICF Project

Asbestos in Kirgisistan
Asbest – wachsendes Bewusstsein in Kirgistan zur Stärkung der Zivilgesellschaft

Pesticides Alternatives Week, 20-30 March 2011
Week without pesticides becomes "Pesticides Alternatives Week"
23.03.2011 | Health and Environmental Network, HEAL

WECF partners' interviews on the Product Safety
Watch interviews with WECF partners in the project "Product Safety in the Balkans".
12.03.2011 | WECF

Toxic Chemicals Found in Nearly All Pregnant U.S. Women
The bodies of virtually all pregnant women across the United States carry multiple toxic chemicals
01.03.2011 | Environment News Service (ENS)

WECF actively involved in at UNEP’s Global Forum and Governing Council, in Nairobi, Kenya
140 ministers of environment meet at the United Nations Environment Programme in preparation of Rio+20
25.02.2011 | Sascha Gabizon

Nesting leaflet available in Estonian
WECF partner Baltic Environmental Forum Estonia publishes guide for young parents in Estonian

Chemicals/REACH: six dangerous substances to be phased out by the EU
Six substances of very high concern will be banned within the next three to five years unless an authorisation has been granted to individual companies for their use
21.02.2011 | Europa RAPID

WECF Toys Guide - How to choose toxic-free toys in several languages
Useful information on most of the hazardous substances found in toys and concrete tips on how consumers can play it safe when buying toys for children

WECF Toys Guide - How to choose toxic-free toys in several languages
Useful information on most of the hazardous substances found in toys and concrete tips on how consumers can play it safe when buying toys for children

Duurzaam het nieuwe toverwoord op Huishoudbeurs en Negenmaandenbeurs
WECF’s "Een Veilig Nest" aanwezig op Urgenda Groen Paviljoen op de Huishoudbeurs - Kom langs op onze stand op het groene paviljoen tijdens een bezoek aan Huishoudbeurs of Negenmaandenbeurs
15.02.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche

Product and Chemical Safety in the Balkans
"Civil society cooperation on EU acquis and on values for consumer and corporate responsibility"
15.02.2011 | WECF Project

WECF’s "Een Veilig Nest" aanwezig op Urgenda Groen Paviljoen op de Huishoudbeurs
Hoe veilig is je nest? Creëer een veilig en ‘babyproof’ binnenmilieu en win de inhoud van een duurzaam keukenkastje!
10.02.2011 | WECF Press Release

WECF Ratgeber Reinigungsmittel - jetzt auf Deutsch!
Der WECF Ratgeber Reinigungsmittel hilft Eltern bei der richtigen Produktauswahl und gibt Tipps, was man wirklich braucht und wie sie ihr Kind vor ungewünschten Nebenwirkungen dieser Mittel schützen können.

WECF Ratgeber Babypflege
Nach den Ratgebern zum Thema Spielzeug und Reinigungsmittel hat WECF nun in der Reihe WECF Ratgeber einen Ratgeber zum Thema Babypflege auf Deutsch veröffentlicht.

Nano particles in children's room - Nanofestival in Amsterdam Science Centre NEMO marks the end of campaign
WECF sluit campagne af met babykamer en debat tijdens Nanofestival in NEMO
24.01.2011 | WECF Press Release

Huge media coverage on toxic toys in France
TV, radio, web and press media rush on toxic toys issue as Christmas time arrives
23.12.2010 | Elisabeth Ruffinengo

Toxic Christmas gift: Council decides to keep hazardous biocides on market
Environment and health NGOs, PAN Europe, PAN Germany, HEAL, WECF, HCWH Europe, IEW and PAN UK, sharply criticize the EU environment ministers’ approach because their decision will allow continued wide circulation of highly toxic consumer products on the market.
21.12.2010 | Joint Press Release NGO's

Join Women on the Road to Rio+20
UN Conference on Sustainable Development 2012 - Rio + 20
14.12.2010 | WICF Campaign

WECF-Flyer „Ökologisch Putzen“ und „Vermeidung und Behandlung von Schimmelpilz“
Jetzt auch auf Serbokroatisch-Deutsch erhältlich!

TV Report: Gefahr unterm Weihnachtsbaum
Gift im Spielzeug - Interview with Alexandra Caterbow from WECF
08.12.2010 | ZDF - German TV

Nutcracker committed to a "toxic free christmas"
Nutcracker engagiert sich für ein „giftfreies Weihnachten“ - Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) warnt mit einem Viralvideo vor giftigem Spielzeug -
06.12.2010 | WECF Germany Press Release

WECF one of the Health and Environment NGOs to comment on Bisphenol A ban
NGOs respond to recent reports that the European Commission will ban the use of organic compound bisphenol A (BPA) in plastic baby bottles from 2011.
29.11.2010 | WECF Press Release

Flemish Gezinsbond (Union of Families) organised conference dedicated to the Child Norm
WECF oprichtster Marie Kranendonk key note speaker tijdens studiedag gezinsbond Brussel
24.11.2010 | Chantal van den Bossche

Toys symposium in Paris: a new start for SAFER TOYS - WECF invited main actors EU, consumer associations, NGO’s and toy industry for debate on security toys
Colloque Jouets WECF : un nouvel envol pour des jouets plus sains. Tout un panel d’acteurs réunis autour de la question de la sécurité des jouets
22.11.2010 | WECF France Press Release

Toxic free tips for last minute Saint Nicolas shopping!
WECF vanavond in Uitgesproken VARA om half negen, Nederland 2: Laatste tips voor hulpsinterklazen in zoektocht naar gifvrij speelgoed
17.11.2010 | WECF the Netherlands Press Release

WECF Conference in Paris: Toys and hazardous chemicals - exploring solutions
REACH and the substitution of chemicals of concern: consumer protection, good practices and incentive measures
11.11.2010 | WECF news

WECF Pressemitteilung: Wenn Umwelt krank macht – Umweltbelastung und Brustkrebs
WECF und AKF nehmen mit der neuen Broschüre „Die verkannte Gefahr - Umweltbelastung und Brustkrebs“ den Zusammenhang von Umweltbelastungen und Brustkrebs unter die Lupe und fordert mehr politisches Engagement
09.11.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

Die Verkannte Gefahr - Umwelteinflüsse und Brustkrebs
Heilen ist gut, Vermeiden ist besser! Brustkrebsbroschüre jetzt auch auf deutsch

WECF organiseert dinsdagmiddag 9 november Dialoogtafel ‘Nanodeeltjes in de babykamer’
Recent onderzoek NVWA laat zien dat nanosilica – E551 - mogelijk gevaar kan opleveren voor gezondheid, hoewel het onbeperkt gebruikt mag worden als anti-klontermiddel
07.11.2010 | WECF Nederland Press Release

Support the Coalition for Climate Justice
The Coalition for Climate Justice is an alliance of 4 sustainable development organisations – Women in Europe for a Common Future, Interface for Cycling Expertise, Global Forest Coalition and Friends of the Earth International – and their 264 partners in more than 65 developing countries
02.11.2010 | Chantal van den Bossche

Wenn Spielzeug krank macht – WECF fordert statt Ankündigungspolitik Brüderles konkrete politische Taten zum Schutz der Kinder
Gesprächskreis Verbraucherpolitik der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung und WECF (Women in Europe for a Common Future) laden ein zum Gesprächskreis am 5. November in Berlin
28.10.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

Hoe veilig is je nest? Vrouwen- en milieuorganisatie WECF lanceert interactief spel met tips voor een veilig en schoon ‘babyproof’ binnenmilieu
WECF ontwikkelde interactief spel om op eenvoudige manier te laten zien hoe je kunt werken aan een veilig en milieuvriendelijk 'babyproof' huis
26.10.2010 | WECF Press Release

Coalition for Climate Justice submitted its 5-year programma proposal to Dutch Ministry Development Cooperation
The Coalition for Climate Justice, which is lead by WECF, has submitted its 5-year programme-proposal to the Netherlands Ministry for Development Cooperation (MFSII grant programme) on October 26th 2010
26.10.2010 | WECF news

Stockholm Convention : the way towards the official listing of endosulfan as a POP (Persistent Organic Pollutant)
NGOs representatives during POPRC 6th
25.10.2010 | Elisabeth Ruffinengo

WECF co-organised International Expert Conference and recommends better control of hazardous substances in Russia
For the first time in Russia a public open debate was held this week to discuss the accession of the Rotterdam Convention by the Russian Federation and the issue of chrysotile asbestos
18.10.2010 | WECF news

International Expert Conference recommends better control of hazardous substances in Russia
For the first time in Russia a public open debate was held this week to discuss the accession of the Rotterdam Convention by the Russian Federation and the issue of chrysotile asbestos
15.10.2010 | WECF Press Release

Launch of the European Family Conference - WECF speaks on support of Child Norm
“Social inclusion of families and EU Policies: Where do we stand?”

EEB report reveals reveals big retailers are breaching the EU’s flagship regulation on chemicals
WECF took part in European wide test under the guidance of the European Environmental Bureau to see whether big retailers are adequately protecting consumer safety

Big retailers caught breaching EU chemicals law
A report released today reveals big retailers are breaching the EU’s flagship regulation on chemicals, while many products such as school supplies, sport accessories and sex toys are shown to contain high concentrations of ‘substances of very high concern’.
13.10.2010 | Joint Press Release

Convention de Stockholm
la longue marche vers le classement de l'endosulfan comme POP (Polluant Organique Persistant)
11.10.2010 | WECF France

European food panel fails to protect EU citizen’s health from plastic component, BPA
EU failure to protect its citizens
11.10.2010 | HEAL Press Release

Annual Report WECF 2009
WECF gathers forces as a network to meet the next set of challenges facing us in the coming years

Nesting the Netherlands started off with first workshop babycare from a series of ten to follow
Donderdagmiddag 7 oktober gaf het team van Een Veilig Nest de eerste van 10 pilot workshops babyverzorging
08.10.2010 | Ingrid Elbertse

WECF at Asia and Pacific Region Ministerial Conference in Astana, 2010 - Recommendations and Opportunities for Green Growth
Lessons on environmental challenges on uranium and asbestos mining in Kazakhstan
07.10.2010 | WECF News

European food panel fails to protect EU citizen’s health from plastic component, BPA
The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), WWF, CHEM Trust and Breast Cancer UK are dismayed at today's conclusion from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) that no stronger protection for public health is needed from the controversial synthetic chemical bisphenol A (BPA)
07.10.2010 | HEAL

Conference on Product Policy and Indoor Air Qaulity
The EU conference on PPIAQ held on 23 and 24 September
04.10.2010 | European Union

Household Cleaning and Care Products – new WECF guide
Protect children and the environment by avoiding hazardous chemicals

Our children are safer - BPA banned in Austria
The Minister of Health in Austrian Government announced ban on BPA in children’s products

Women in Europe for a Common Future will be present in Kazakhstan during Conference in Astana
Women in Europe for a Common Future will run a side event on September 28th

Exporting an Epidemic: A Global Asbestos Crisis
Asbestos is banned in the European Union, in the United States it is legal but the industry has to pay a lot for demages that have been made
23.09.2010 | Jim Morris

European Parliament fails to protect consumers and the environment from biocides
New European system concerning the authorisation and marketing of biocides for household and other uses has been set in European Parliament

FEDER (Fonds européen de développement régional)

Région Rhône-Alpes

Lead and phthalates found in toys
The limit for allowable phthalates was surpassed by 16 out of the 23 toys that failed the tests, three exceeded the limit for lead, and four were over the cap for both chemicals.
20.09.2010 | Seer Press, J.G Enriquez

Open letter to EU Commissioner for the Environment
WECF signed the open letter to EU Commissioner for the Environment related to calling for a general ban on the use of cyanide mining technologies in the European Union by 2011
20.09.2010 | Chantal van den Bossche

International High-level expert Conference on Chemical Safety and Rotterdam Convention: Policies and Practices in Russia
14-15 October 2010, Moscow, Russian Federation

Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment
"Chernobyl death toll: 985,000, mostly from cancer", concludes new book
07.09.2010 | Karl Grossman, Op-Ed News

Dialoogtafel "nano in de babykamer" (dialogue and debate on Nano in the babyroom)
Dinsdag 9 november vindt de afsluitende dialoogtafel plaats van het WECF Nanopodium project
03.09.2010 | Chantal van den Bossche

Toxic pesticide banned in Jamaica
Endosulfan has been identified as a presisten organic pollutant
30.08.2010 | CSN Chemical Sensitivity Network

Girls Hit Puberty at Younger Ages
New research adds further evidence that girls are entering puberty at younger and younger ages, with implications for their physical and mental health.
30.08.2010 | SHIRLEY S. WANG

WECF supports work Dutch breast feeding organisations, by taking seat in jury Dutch National Breast Feeding Award 2010
Wie wint de SBO Borstvoedingsprijs in 2010? Tot 1 september nomineren!
27.08.2010 | Joint Press Release

EU may ban dichlorobenzene in air fresheners
European Commission has recommended a ban on domestic uses of air fresheners and toilet deoderisers containing the chemical 1,4 dichlorobenzene.
27.08.2010 | ENDS Europe

British women's breasts getting bigger
The average bra size has expanded from 34B to 36D
22.08.2010 | The Guardian

Phthalate producers consider options under REACH
DEHP is on the EU candidate list but there is an exemption for medical uses
16.08.2010 | CW Briefing

Dangerous chemical in baby bottles
The chemical bisphenol A (BPA) can be found in baby bottles available on the market of United Kingdom.
10.08.2010 | The Independent

Children’s toys must not cause allergies
BfR calls for stricter regulations for nickel and fragrances in toys

New documentary on how chemicals influence our life
Swedish movie director, Stefan Jarl, had made a new documentary “SUBMISSION” which premier was in April, in Sweden. It was shown at the CSD18 in New York in May and also recently in Stockholm at the Mercury INC1. The movie treats about chemical industry and chemical society built by all of us after the Second World War
06.08.2010 | New documentary by Stefan Jarl

Nano particles in the baby room - WECF starts new campaign and website in the Netherlands
WECF start campagne en website voor jonge ouders om consumenten en retailers bewust te maken over het gebruik van nanotechnologie in alledaagse consumptieartikelen
05.08.2010 | WECF the Netherlands Press Release

Coalition for Climate Justice enter into second phase for funding from Netherlands Ministry of Development Cooperation
Coalition lead by WECF has passed first selection round
03.08.2010 | WECF Press Release

Safe Cosmetics Act of 2010 introduced in U.S. Congress
The Story of Stuff Project has introduced a new initiative on safe cosmetics. As all of us use them, it is important to have them safe. This projects is fighting for safe cosmetics for all by mobilizing people to support new Safe Cosmetics Act of 2010 introduced in U.S. Congress
02.08.2010 | The Story of Stuff

Risk of breast cancer
Recent research suggests that the risk of breast cancer is higher among women who try to keep their houses clean and fragrant. Usage of fresheners, mould removers and cleaning products is linked to appearance of breast cancer.
02.08.2010 | Silent Spring Institute in Newton, Massachusetts, USA

TVE and BBC World News made movie on asbestos.
The television documentary on asbestos produced by TVE and BBC World News went out on 24th and 25th of July. A radio documentary on the same topic narrated by Steve Bradshaw had its broadcast on BBC World Service too.
02.08.2010 | TVE and BBC World News

Коалиция за Климатическую Справедливость вошла во второй тур в получении субсидирования от Министерства по Развитию Сотрудничества Нидерландов.
Коалиция, возглавляемая WECF, прошла первый отборочный тур.
02.08.2010 | WECF Press Release

Reducing the use of hazardous chemicals in developing countries
potential of implementing safer chemicals including non-chemical alternatives - tools for Georgia and the EECCA region
27.07.2010 | WECF Project

Kellogg's Cereal Recall Highlights a New Concern: Chemicals Leaching from Food Packaging
Kellogg is recalling millions of boxes of children's cereal, but other packaging can leach potentially harmful chemicals too
12.07.2010 | The Daily Green, Dan Shapley

Cancer Action NY Files Complaint Against US EPA Alleging Chemical Industry Control
Cancer Action NY Files Complaint Against US EPA Alleging Chemical Industry Control Renders the Agency Incapable of Utilizing Science to Protect the Environment and the Public Health
04.07.2010 | Cancer Action NY

President's Cancer Panel: Environmentally caused cancers are 'grossly underestimated' and 'needlessly devastate American lives".
"The true burden of environmentally induced cancers has been grossly underestimated," says the President's Cancer Panel in a strongly reported report
04.07.2010 | Environment and Health News

Joint action of NGOs and scientists to call for a reduction of BPA exposure, especially for children and pregnant women
WECF signed a letter to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) pointing out new scientific data and the need for a stricter regulation of BPA.
23.06.2010 | Alexandra Caterbow

Toxic shock: European Parliament to expand harmful products in the home?
On 22 June the European Parliament’s Environment Committee will vote on new EU provisions on the authorisation and marketing of hazardous products like wood preservatives and insecticide sprays. But leading environmental and health campaign groups fear that MEPs may lack courage to ban all highly hazardous products
21.06.2010 | Joint Press Release PAN Europe, WECF & PAN Germany

Nano in the babyroom
Deploying awareness raising activities among consumers and retailers concerning nanotechnology

CSD 18: Women's statement on chemicals and waste
Women's statement calls for stronger, legally binding chemical and waste instruments at global level
11.06.2010 | Sascha Gabizon

CSD 18: Report of the United Nations Commission for Sustainable Development reflects input by Women and NGO major groups
The UN CSD 18th session focussed on the problems and needs for global action in the areas of chemicals and waste management, mining, transport and consumption and production.
11.06.2010 | Sascha Gabizon

CSD 18: “Asbestos – who pays the bill? WECF Lunch Event at UN Commission for Sustainable Development
Testimonies and Dialogue on Policy Recommendations” In the framework of the 18th session of the UN Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD) in New York, May 6, 2010
11.06.2010 | WECF Report

„Gesundheitsgefährdende Substanz in Kassenzetteln, Babyflaschen und Spielzeug“
Sicherheit-online reports on WECF's comment on the germans federal environmental office publication on Bisphenol A
10.06.2010 | Sicherheit Online

German Federal Environment Agency is warning for health risks out of Bisphenol A
Gesundheitsgefährdende Substanz in Kassenzetteln, Babyflaschen und Spielzeug – WECF fordert Verbot
09.06.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

WECF presents statement of the women major group at the ministerial roundtable dialogue on coordination between UN agencies
The women's statement received support from Switzerland, Ghana and the USA

CSD 18: WECF member speaks at high level UN conference on need for global uranium mining monitoring and clean-up
WECF member Kaisha Atakhanova speaks on the need for stronger control of uranium mining

CSD 18: Women Major Group Statement
Women are very active in the Chemicals issue, since they understand the importance to their own health and to protect their children’s health and allow them to fully develop their capacities
19.05.2010 | Alexandra Caterbow

The Story of Stuff jetzt auf Deutsch in Buchform
WECF book recommendation: The Sory of Stuff now available as book in German
19.05.2010 |

Почти Нобелевский лауреат - об угрозе химикатов в постсоветских странах
WECF partner Olga Speranskaya was interviewed for UN radio on obsolete pesticides and asbestos
18.05.2010 | United Nations Radio

Green ecological toys

Taiwan Watch Institute
Monitor environmental and ecological issues

Sustainable Research and Action for Environmental Development

NGO's Mutual Aid Association

National Toxics Network
A community based network working to ensure a toxic-free future for all

Jeunes Volontaires pour l'Environnement
Social justice for all

Janhit Foundation
Promotion of human welfare through environmental protection

A non-profit environmental justice service and developmental organization in South Africa.

Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives
A worldwide alliance of more than 650 grassroots groups, non-governmental organizations, and individuals.

Empire State Consumer Project
A Non-for-Profit organization, dedicated for reducing the use of pesticides and other chemicals toxic.

EcoWaste Coalition
A public interest network of community, church, school, environmental and health groups

Center for Public Health and Healthy Environment Development


Acción Ecológica A.C.

CSD 18: Women's closing statement on 14th May
Women major group final statement , CSD 18
14.05.2010 | Sascha Gabizon

Haëlla Foundation
The Netherlands

Fred Foundation
The Netherlands

Ministry of the Environment

Ministry of the Environment

Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM)
The Netherlands

Ministry of Economic Affairs (EZ)
The Netherlands

German Federal Environment Agency (UBA)

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)

Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management

European Commission

DG Environment
European Commission

Children's Environmental Action Plan for Europe
Aiming to implement the European strategy for healthy citizens through a healthy environment
29.04.2010 | WECF Campaign

Eco-Efficiency and Sustainable Development
Women promoting the environmental pillar of the Lisbon Strategy and the EU SDS

Samen voor een Gezond Leefmilieu
‘Together for a healthy environment - advocacy for enhancing substances policy and reduce health risks’

WECF Germany: “Umweltgerechtigkeit von Geburt an" (Environmental justice right from the beginning)
A consultative program for deprived families and migrant families in the vicinity of Berlin and Munich

WECF Germany: “Umweltgerechtigkeit von Geburt an" (Environmental justice right from the beginning)
A consultative program for deprived families and migrant families in the vicinity of Berlin and Munich

Commission for Sustainable Development
WECF facilitates the participation of its members at UN conferences. WECF members present their experiences and recommendations to policy makers during the UN CSD every year

News from Armenia from WECF Partner AWHHE: Emergency situation around the burial site of obsolete and banned pesticides in Armenia
Emergency situation on burial of obsolete pesticides, which could pose enormous threats to human health and environment, will come to solution
20.04.2010 | AWHHE

News from Armenia from WECF Partner AWHHE: Emergency situation around the burial site of obsolete and banned pesticides in Armenia
Emergency situation on burial of obsolete pesticides, which could pose enormous threats to human health and environment, will come to solution
20.04.2010 | AWHHE

Bulgaria / Greece – WECF Project Healthy Schools
School children are given the opportunity to learn about their environment and possible ways to improve and protect it by developing their own ideas.
19.04.2010 | WECF Project

Gestörte Weiblichkeit
Endokrine Disruptoren und das weibliche Fortpflanzungssystem - Ein Bericht über den Workshop „Women’s Reproductive Health and the Environment”

Abestos and POPs in Kazakhstan
Civil society and sound hazardous waste management, asbestos and POPs, in Kazakhstan
15.04.2010 | WECF Project

Eliminating toxic chemicals globally
Working to ensure that by 2020 all consumer products are free of hazardous chemicals

Durchsuchung bei Ökologischer Baikalwelle. Staatsanwaltschaft gängelt Umweltgruppe
Russische Behörden gehen gegen Aktivisten vor, die den Baikalsee vor giftigen Abfällen schützen wollen.
30.03.2010 | Bernhard Clasen

Denmark: Ban on Bisphenol A in Food for Young Children
On the basis of a new assessment by the National Food Institute at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU Food), the Danish government has, together with the Danish People's Party, decided to invoke the principle of precaution and introduce a temporary national ban on bisphenol A in materials in contact with food for children aged 0 – 3 years
30.03.2010 | Flexnews

Обыск в офисе Байкальской Экологической Волны
Российские власти выступают против активистов по защите озера Байкал от токсичных отходов. Без ордера на арест был обыскан их офис и конфискованы компьютеры.
30.03.2010 | Бернард Клазен

Video: CEHAPE Awards at the Fifth Ministerial Conference of the WHO European Region on Environment and Health
Eight winning projects have received Children's Environment and Health Plan for Europe (CEHAPE) Awards at the Fifth Ministerial Conference of the WHO European Region on Environment and Health

Indian delegate obstruction on measures concerning Endosulfan
15-19th March 2010: Sixth Meeting of the Chemical Review Committee of the Rotterdam Convention
20.03.2010 | WECF Press Release

Indian delegate obstruction on measures concerning Endosulfan
15-19th March 2010: Sixth Meeting of the Chemical Review Committee of the Rotterdam Convention
20.03.2010 | WECF Press Release

Parma 2010: The right to safe water and sanitation in schools
WECF Side Event at Fifth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, Parma 2010
17.03.2010 | WECF press release

Parma 2010: Report of 5th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health
Strengthening implementation of children’s environmental health programmes – 53 countries of the European, Caucasus and Central Asian region adopt ministerial declaration with clear targets and commitments
16.03.2010 | WECF report on Parma

Countries pledge to eradicate asbestos diseases
Ends daily reports on WECF's work at Ministerial Conference in Parma
15.03.2010 | Ends daily

Parma 2010: A small step forward on asbestos
Eastern European, Caucasus and Central Asia countries - producers and users of chrysotile asbestos – have committed to work on elimination of asbestos related diseases in cooperation with WHO and International Labour Organisation.
12.03.2010 | WECF Press Release

Parma 2010: A small step forward on asbestos
Eastern European, Caucasus and Central Asia countries - producers and users of chrysotile asbestos – have committed to work on elimination of asbestos related diseases in cooperation with WHO and International Labour Organisation.
12.03.2010 | WECF Press Release

Parma 2010: Un prix pour les Projets environnementaux qui sauvent des enfants
5ème Conférence Ministérielle Santé-Environnement en Europe, Parme
11.03.2010 | WECF France Press Release

Parma 2010: Competition rewards environmental projects that save children’s lives
Eight winning projects have received Children's Environment and Health Plan for Europe (CEHAPE) Awards at the Fifth Ministerial Conference of the WHO European Region on Environment and Health

Parma 2010: WECF responds to attack by Russian Asbestos Industry Association
The Russian Asbestos Industry attacks WECF for promoting substitution of chrysotile asbestos, in the last days leading up to the Parma Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health
05.03.2010 | WECF Press Release

Parma 2010: WECF responds to attack by Russian Asbestos Industry Association
The Russian Asbestos Industry attacks WECF for promoting substitution of chrysotile asbestos, in the last days leading up to the Parma Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health
05.03.2010 | WECF Press Release

Parma 2010: “Binnenlucht: verborgen gevaar in baby’s slaapkamer”
Europees vrouwen- en milieunetwerk WECF publiceert resultaten van studie naar binnenlucht kwaliteit in kinderkamers in vier Europese landen volgende week op Ministeriële Conferentie “ Milieu en Gezondheid” in Parma , Italië
05.03.2010 | WECF the Netherlands Press Release

Binnenlucht: verborgen gevaar in baby’s slaapkamer
Europees vrouwen- en milieunetwerk WECF publiceert resultaten van studie naar binnenlucht kwaliteit in kinderkamers in vier Europese landen volgende week op Ministeriële Conferentie “ Milieu en Gezondheid” in Parma , Italië
05.03.2010 | WECF the Netherlands Press Release

Parma 2010: Воздух внутри помещений – скрывающаяся опасность в детских комнатах
WECF опубликовывает результаты Европейского исследования качества воздуха внутри детских комнат, которое будет представлено на Министерской Конференции по Окружающей Среде и Охране Здоровья в Парме.
05.03.2010 | WECF Press Release in Russian

Parma 2010: Воздух внутри помещений – скрывающаяся опасность в детских комнатах
WECF опубликовывает результаты Европейского исследования качества воздуха внутри детских комнат, которое будет представлено на Министерской Конференции по Окружающей Среде и Охране Здоровья в Парме.
05.03.2010 | WECF Press Release in Russian

BEF Estonia
Baltic Environmental Forum: provide environmental protection and management

Women's Caucus presented its message to Ministers of Environment present in Bali
Today the Women's Caucus presented its message to the Ministers of Environment present at this years UNEP Governing Council and Global Ministers for the Environment Forum in Bali, Indonesia, February 23-26 2010
22.02.2010 | WECF Press Release

WECF and nine partners present at start up meeting Project Nesting the Netherlands
"Parents themselves are responsibles for the choices they make for their children and should be more active for better legistlation concerning hazardous chemicals in baby products"

Japan: Colored plastic bags contain high levels of lead
A number of tinted plastic bags used in Japanese supermarkets contain high levels of lead, with some of them recording 250 times the safety standard set by the European Union, a study by Kyoto researchers has found
10.02.2010 | Philippines News Agency

Toxic toys - International Toy Fair in Nuremberg
WECF presents international Coalition on Toy Safety at International Toys Fair
05.02.2010 | WECF Press Release

Gift im Spielzeug
Internationale Koalition zur Spielzeugsicherheit gründet sich auf Initiative von WECF
04.02.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

Invloed Weekmakers op Spel Jongetjes 2
Een artikel van Demi Theodori, WECF, op NRC
15.01.2010 | Demi Theodori

Safe Toys Coalition
The "Safe Toys Coalition" aims to protect children's health by striving for a world free of toxic and unsafe toys
01.01.2010 | WECF Campaign

Ministers worried about hazardous chemicals cocktails, but postpone action
Environment, health, women’s and consumer organizations welcome ministers' recognition but warn that urgent measures are needed
22.12.2009 | Joint NGO Press Release

Lancement de la Coalition pour des Jouets sûrs
La formation sur les jouets organisée par WECF en Allemagne pour ses partenaires internationaux marque le début de la Coalition pour des Jouets sûrs
02.12.2009 | Sonja Haider

Projet Nesting WECF – Comment bien choisir des jouets?
Just before christmas WECF France has launched a new edition of the WECF Toys Guide
24.11.2009 | WECF France Press Release

65.000 Reasons for Better Chemicals
Publication of the Danish Environmental Protection Agency provides with eight practical advice pieces on how to create a healthy environment for our children
15.11.2009 | Danish Environmental Protection Agency

WECF France a lancé une nouvelle version du site Nesting
Conférence de Presse - Mardi 22 septembre à 10H00 au Zango Bar 15 rue du Cygne – Paris, 1er arrondissement, Métro Etienne Marcel, Bus 38, 29, 47 WECF France
22.09.2009 | WECF France Press Release

Children's Environmental Health Award 2010: "Protecting children's health in a changing environment"
Working towards the Fifth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health in Parma, Italy, 10-12 March 2010
01.09.2009 | WECF Event

WECF France lance aujourd’hui une version entièrement rénovée de son site internet Nesting
At the same time Nesting launches a European study to test indoor air quality in children's rooms
10.07.2009 | WECF Press Release

WECF TV Spot: A Healthy Environment for Healthy Children
Nesting TV spots available in Dutch, English, French and Greek

WECF France : une première formation d’animateurs d’ateliers réussie à Annemasse vendredi 26 et samedi 27 juin dans le cadre du Projet Nesting
17 participants gathered in Annemasse at June 26 and 27 for Nesting Ateliers
30.06.2009 | WECF Press Release

WECF publishes Dutch version of Toxic Free Toys Guide
Vrouwen- en milieuorganisatie WECF publiceert in samenwerking met Bewuste Ouders milieuvriendelijke Speelgoedwijzer met tips voor het kopen van veilig speelgoed!
15.05.2009 | WECF Press Release

Un évènement historique pour WECF en Kazakhstan
Le Kazakhstan, second producteur mondial, et gros consommateur d’amiante chrysotile, a ouvert ses portes pour la première fois à un débat public sur les dangers de l’amiante pour la santé, lors d’une Conférence Internationale.
04.05.2009 | WECF France communiqué de presse

European Union rejects the use of nano particles
WECF sees start of a new critical view of the use of new technologies like nano
07.04.2009 | WECF Press Release (French, German)

Les ateliers Nesting de WECF France – une première réussie à Annemasse !
WECF France organized 2 workshops for parents on indoor air pollution and children’s health, in the frame of the project “Nesting - Protect your child by creating a safe indoor environment ”.
05.02.2009 | WECF France Press Release

La Commission Européenne entendra-t-elle la demande des parents pour des jouets sans substances toxiques ?
La manifestation « Stop aux mauvais joueurs ! » organisée par WECF mercredi 10 décembre à Paris-Beaubourg et Annemasse a suscité l’intérêt de nombreux parents
11.12.2008 | WECF Press Release

"Stop aux mauvais joueurs! Finissons-en avec les jouets empoisonnés!
WECF lance une CAMPAGNE pour la Révision de la Directive Européenne sur la Sécurité des Jouets : à partir du 1er décembre 2008
10.12.2008 | WECF Press Release

Pre-final Russian version of HeRWAI (Health Rights of Women Assessment Instrument)
To be published in Russian by WECF and Aim for Human Rights in early 2009

Giftig speelgoed in je schoen
Interview with Marie Kranendonk for Radio 1 in the Netherlands

Borstkanker en Milieu - Naar een Preventief Beleid (Dutch publication of WECF Brochure 'Linking Breast Cancer and the Environment')
WECF launched Dutch adaptation of report 'Linking Breastcancer and the Environment'

WECF position paper: European Toy Safety Directive - Will children really be safe from hazardous chemicals in toys
Position Paper in English, French and German

Cosmétiques bébés sous surveillance
French commission for Sustainable Development asks young mothers to no longer accept free baby gift boxes, an article published by French newspaper Le Monde
14.10.2008 | Le Monde

Asbestos: a silent killer on a global scale (A WECF publication in English, Russian, Kazakh and Ukrainian)
A publication by WECF and partners Eco Accord, Mama 86 and Green Women

"Contaminés dès les biberons" - article on WECF's work on chemicals in L'Express Magazine
Contamination from within the bottle and from other baby toys
18.09.2008 | L'Express, Vincent Olivier

La proposition de la Commission européenne pour la nouvelle directive Jouets ne prévient pas l’exposition des enfants à des composants cancérigènes
WECF, Femmes en Europe pour un Avenir Commun, organisait ce débat d’experts hier alors que les parlementaires se préparent à adopter la révision d’une directive âgée de 20 ans : celle sur la sécurité des jouets.
04.09.2008 | WECF Press Release

Nanotechnology – The invisible threat
WECF position paper on new technical 'revolution'; nanotechnology can be an invisible threat to humans and the environment, therefore WECF demands more risk research and risk assessment

The Right to a Healthy Environment
How to use international legal mechanism for the protection of our environment and our health – a manual

Shoppers guide for toxic-free products
Pocket size guide informs about consumers' rights under REACH

Film about WECF project in Prislop/Romania
Welcome to the European Communitiy / Willkommen in der europäischen Union

WECF briefing on the Environmental Burden of Disease
Accompanying information for the WECF Eco-Efficiency High level Round Table in Brussels

WECF discussion paper on "A Healthy Population at the Heart of the EU Economic Strategy"
Accompanying information for the WECF Eco-Efficiency High level Round Table in Brussels

Breast Cancer: Policy and Prevention
Linking Breast cancer and our environment; is chemical exposure the missing link factor in the rise of the breast cancer epidemic?
01.01.2007 | WECF Campaign

Women and their Toxic World
A booklet by WECF on chemicals, women and everyday life.
09.10.2006 | Daniela Rosche & Sascha Gabizon

"To a Toxic Free Future" - Schadelijke stoffen
Schadelijke stoffen in verzorgingsproducten en in en om het huis
20.04.2006 | Irma Thijssen

Attention - Obsolete Pesticides!
The problem of obsolete pesticides management in the Ukraine

Creating Sustainability
Report of the Workshop on the UN Commission on Sustainable Development cluster issues, and the UNECE CSD Regional Implementation Meeting taking place in Geneva (Switzerland), 14-16 December 2005.
09.03.2006 | Manana Juruli and Rusudan Simonidze

Improvement of environmental safety in rural Armenia.
AWHHE publication on health risks from Obsolete Pesticide Dumpsite in in a landslide area near a village

Data - Facts - Arguments
A number of factsheets in Russian covering mobility, gender, energy, food production, waste and eco awareness
23.11.2005 | Ulrike Röhr

Harzards of burial site in Armenia
WECF member Armenian Women for a Healthy Environment publish article from the Pesticides News.
17.11.2005 | Gero Fedtke

Armenia - Pesticides Guidelines and Project Report
Two publications by the University of Wageningen on pesticides use in Armenia

Training over chemische stoffen en gezondheid.
Training voor zwarte vrouwen, migranten- en vluchtelingenvrouwen over chemische stoffen en gezondheid.

Greece - REACH Youth Event
REACH youth event Athens
01.04.2005 | WECF Event

Frauen für eine giftfreie Zukunft
Was Sie schon immer über Chemikalien in Ihrem Alltag wissen wollten.

MAMA-86 & WECF - Matra Project in the Ukraine
Socio-economic and gender survey of Vorohkta, Bobryk and Gozhuli.

Why Women are Important for Sustainable Development
Results of the European Women's Conference for a Sustainable Future

Chemicals, environment and health.
Various documents in Hungarian and Russian to download..

Fact Sheet on the Disposal of Plastics
Dangerous Health Effects of Home Burning of Plastics and Waste

The Review of the EU SDS
Genanet and WECF review the EU sustainable development strategy. Deutsch / English.

Eine Postkarte an Bundeskanzler Schröder
Eine Karte als Aufruf für starke EU Chemikaliengesetzte.

Eliminating the dirty dozen
A WECF and IPEN report on the elimination of Persistant Organic Pollutants (POPs).

Factsheet on climate change, health and gender
A publication on the relationship between climate change, health and gender (english and russian).

Persbericht: Consument Onvoldoende Beschermd
Pressrelease in Dutch

Working Towards a Toxic Free Future
The handbook for Taking Action Today.

Protecting Future Generations
Toxic Chemicals - Effects on Human Reproductive Health and Child Development.

The Chemicals & Health Toolkit
Here you are able to download the english Version of the Toolkit "Working Towards a Toxic Free Future".

Chemikalien im Alltag
Politik, Industrie und Verbraucherinnen können gemeinsam das Risiko durch gesundheitsschädliche Chemikalien in Alltagsprodukten für Frauen, Männer und Kinder verringern.

Cooperation for sustainable rural development in the Ukraine
Involving citizens and local authorities in rural Ukraine in improvement of drinking water, sanitation and agriculture.

Green Week Report 2. - 5. June 2003
Report of the activities and commitments made by the WECF network and partners

REACH - Eliminating Toxic Chemicals in the EU
Working to ensure that by 2020 all consumer products are free of hazardous chemicals
01.04.2004 | WECF Campaign


"Our Common Future"
WECF network conference in Budapest 2004: 100 European women's leaders build capacity on participation in policy making
01.03.2004 | WECF Event

Our Toxic Free Future
Working towards a Toxic Free Future - getting ready for action

Draft Statement for the Working Group on Biodiversity and Gene Technology
Conference "European Women for a Sustainable Future"

World Summit on Sustainable Development
World Summit on Sustainable Development 2002 - pushing the gender issue
01.01.2002 | WECF Event