WECF training programmes and capacity building
Want to become a strategic partner of WECF? Good to know that we offer in house hands-on trainings, knowledge-transfer, and capacity building projects within our projects, to achieve long-run sustainability
| WICF Campaign
Countries: | International |
Issues: | Energy & Climate, Water & Sanitation, Gender & Rights, Health, Food |
Duration: | 01/2010 - 01/2021 |
WECF has gained high expertise in implementing innovative and environmentally friendly solutions for rural peri-urban areas. WECF offers the opportunity to pass on this know-how through training and capacity building. Trainings and capacity building is available on the issues of water, sanitation and energy.
Training programmes:
With the keywords of participation and ingraining knowledge at local community, the trainings stand for access to basic resources through low-cost sustainable solutions.
The training components are supported by manuals and hand-outs. In the end of the training participants receive a DVD with training materials, pictures and videos. Training materials are available in English and the local language such as Russian, Kyrgyz, Georgian, Bulgarian and Romanian. The duration can vary from 1 hour for an informative lecture up to 5 days for advanced training programme.
Building on experience:
WECF trainings combine capacity building with the piloting and upscaling of alternative technologies for access to safe and sustainable water and sanitation, energy and food.Through connecting people and disseminating information, facilitating ownership and responsibility, capacity is built for creating a healthy environment.
WECF uses its extensive network of over 100 partner organisations in 40 countries to understand the local context and meet local needs.
The trainings can take place in Eastern and Western Europe, Russia, the Caucasus and Central Asia, and training materials can be developed in the local language.
Services for you!
Training programmes are developed together with the client and focus on learning by doing and reproduction of knowledge. Therefore, a maximum of hands-on workshops and participatory methods are generally recommended. Thus, WECF offers tailor made trainings on water, sanitation, and energy issues. WECF can train trainers, donors, IFIs, NGOs and local communities. WECF can add value to trainings with components such as gender, human rights, climate and minorities.
All profits from our WECF Expertise training packages are used to fund water, sanitation, energy, sustainable rural development and safe chemicals programmes in the EU and EECCA countries.
Examples of trainings:
- Urine diverting dry toilets (UDDT) for schools and households
- “Water Safety Plans, WSP”
- Constructed Wetlands
- Composting
- Solar water heaters
- Solar driers
- Insulation
Download our informative flyer now.
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10.12.2014 | WECF
The Gender & Sustainable Development Alliance
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01.09.2014 | WICF
France urges the EU to act now on Endocrine disruptors
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11.06.2014 | WECF
WECF zegt: “Genoeg is genoeg!”
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22.11.2013 | WECF
FLOW +: International Women's Empowerment
The coming 2 years are crucial for future development cooperation. In the intergovernmental process on “Sustainable Development Goals”, the UN “Open Working Group” is preparing a framework for universal goals to follow the Millennium Development Goals
20.11.2013 | WICF Project
WECF in Sochi: Sports for a healthy environment and equal rights
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03.11.2013 | WICF
WECF in Sotsji : Sporten voor een gezond milieu en gelijke rechten
WECF directeur Sascha Gabizon sprak tot Internationaal Olympisch Comité in Sotsji, Rusland, over milieubeheer, volksgezondheid en gelijke rechten voor iedereen
03.11.2013 | WICF
Submission to CSW 58 session Statement by the Women’s Major Group
Moving from Rhetoric towards Real Inclusion of Gender Equality and Women’s Human Rights in the final push for the Millennium Development Goals, and the Sustainable Development & Post-2015 Development Agenda
28.10.2013 | WICF
Lesson from MDGs: Post 2015 goals have to be set as universal & within a Human Rights Based framework states WECF Director at Eurongos2013
Eurongos Conference 2013: Next Steps - Sexual and Reproductive Rights and Health on the Post 2015 Agenda
25.10.2013 | WICF
WECF calls for women’s leadership in WASH
Budapest Water Summit: 8 to 11 October 2013
17.10.2013 | Anke Stock
"Power from the sun" - article in OSCE Magazine
published in OSCE Magazine'Security Community', issue 3, 2013
14.10.2013 | Anke Stock
"Stop Mercury Pollution, Protect Women and Children": 5 Women Ministers from Africa and WHO call for immediate action
Five women Ministers of Environment from South Africa, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Kena called for action at a high level event in Kumamoto, Japan on "Women and Mercury in Artisinal and small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) - Health impacts on women and future generations".
11.10.2013 | WICF
“Women and Mercury in ASGM” Impacts on Women’s Health and that of Future Generations
WECF co-organises side event on "Women and Mercury" at the Minamata Convention Dipcom in Japan, Thursday October 10
02.10.2013 | WICF
Alarmerende concentraties kwik in lichamen vrouwen en kinderen door ambachtelijke goudwinning
WECF co-organiseert side event over "Vrouwen en kwikvervuiling in de ambachtelijke goudwinningsgebieden" " op de Minamata Conventie Dipcom in Japan, donderdag 10 oktober
02.10.2013 | WICF
WECF joins Gender+E3, an informal working group in the European Parliament to discuss gender and environmental issues
Group will connect MEP’s to NGO’s in order to advance in matters concerning gender, ecology and sustainable development
11.07.2013 | WECF
WECF joins Gender+E3, an informal working group in the European Parliament to discuss gender and environmental issues
Group will connect MEP’s to NGO’s in order to advance in matters concerning gender, ecology and sustainable development
11.07.2013 | WECF
Co-chair meeting - Open Working Group on Sustainable development goals, third session (24 May 2013)
"Women gathering water are subject to violence every day" - WECF Director speeches at the UN
25.05.2013 | WICF
European Parliament passes Westlund's report on health risks from EDCs
Report mirrors recent concerns about EDCs' health risks and calls for better legal protection in the EU until 2015
14.03.2013 | HEAL
New Mercury Treaty agreed in Geneva; WECF regrets many exemptions
The Mercury "Minamata" Convention, a new international legally binding instrument, agreed to at 5th meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee in Geneva last Friday, has been in the making for many years, and was badly needed. However, WECF regrets the many exemptions, which weakens the treaty
22.01.2013 | WECF
Stellungnahme von WECF zur Rio+20-Fortschreibung der Europäischen Kommission und zu den SDGs
WECF hat eine Konsultation vorgelegt die von 20 Mitgliedsorganisationen unterstützt wird. Sie entstand in Beihilfe der Autoren des Positionspapiers der Women‘s Major Group über die Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
21.01.2013 | WECF
Submission by WECF to European Commission on Rio+20 Follow-up and Sustainable Development Goals
WECF with input from the authors of the Women's Major Group position paper on Sustainable Development Goals, has prepared and submitted a consultation, endorsed by 20 member organisations
18.01.2013 | WECF
WECF News Flash October 2012
An overview of our latest activities
25.10.2012 | WECF
Grassroots women from around the world receive prestigious "Women's Rio+20 Good Practice Awards"
Grassroots women from around the world receive prestigious "Women's Rio+20 Good Practice Awards" from eight women Ministers in 21 June Ceremony and Reception at Rio Centro
22.06.2012 | WECF Press Release
Nano - the great unknown
WECF position paper on nano particles and nanotechnology
Women’s Vision for Sustainable Development at UNEP Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment Forum, February 2012, Nairobi, Kenya
Sascha Gabizon, WECF executive director and co-chair Women’s Major Group, presented the Women Priorities for the Rio+20 Zero Draft at the meeting of the Network of Women and Leaders for the Environment
01.03.2012 | WECF
Women’s Major Group: Rio+20 Position Statement - Summary
Summary of the Women’s Major Group Statements for UN Conference on Sustainable Development
WECF and Eco-Accord Report of the 7th ‘Environment for Europe’ Ministerial Conference, 2011, Astana
WECF and Eco-Accord presented the report of the Seventh ‘Environment for Europe’ Ministerial Conference, held on 22-23 September 2011 in Astana, Kazakhstan
10.01.2012 | WECF news
In memoriam Kenyan Nobel laureate Wangari Maathai
All those who are connected to the WECF network mourn the passing away on September 25th of prof. Wangari Maathai, founder of the Greenbelt Movement and winner as the first African woman of the Nobel Prize for Peace in 2004
27.09.2011 | Irene Dankelman
No measures agreed to address risk of irreversible pollution of transboundary aquifers in Central Asia
WECF director calls for urgent measures to halt water pollution from uranium mining tailings in Central Asia, and laments continued use of Asbestos, at Conference of Environment Ministers from 56 countries in Astana, which dealt with water management and the greening of the economies
24.09.2011 | WECF Press Release
NGOs get organised for the 7th Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference in Astana
WECF is supporting the European Eco-Forum, which is an alliance of some 200 Environmental NGOs in the UNECE region, to effectively participate in the 7th Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference which is taking place in Astana, Kazakhstan, from 21 - 23 of September
13.09.2011 | Sascha Gabizon
WECF active at global and regional Rio+20 consultations in Bonn, September 2011
WECF is actively involved in a number of international and regional Rio+20 consultations which are taking place in Bonn, Germany between 1 and 6 of September 2011
WECF co-signed: Letter regarding todays' ENVI debate on Rio+2
Civil Society Organizations offer comments and supports for the draft resolution for the ENVI committee in the European Parliament in the preparation for next years RIO+ summit
12.07.2011 | Sascha Gabizon
ROCA position paper in preparation of the Rotterdam Convention COP 5 (English and Russian)
NGO observers long to see the Rotterdam Convention become the effective legally binding agreement that it should be.
WASH in Schools Movement - presentation by WECF Director
WASH in Schools Meeting in Europe, The Hague, 24-25 May 2011
06.06.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche
CSD 19: Women Major Group Statement: Multistakeholder Dialogue
The Women Major Group calls for the 10 year framework on SCP to support initiatives in which women and youth have clear and decisive access points to all levels of programme development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation as well as funding mechanisms
11.05.2011 | Sascha Gabizon
Wenn Chemikalien das Hormonsystem stören
Umweltorganisation fordert mit der SIN List 2.0 EU-weite Regulierung für endokrin wirksame Substanzen
02.05.2011 | WECF Press Release
CSD 19: Women's Intervention for the Opening Plenary
Submission for intervention for the opening plenary by the organising partners of the Women’s Major Group; VAM – Voices of African Mothers, and WECF Women in Europe for a Common Future
02.05.2011 | Sascha Gabizon
Hazardous waste on your living room floor
Carpet pads commonly sold to consumers in the USA and other developed countries contain dangerous chemicals that can cause nervous system damage, particularly in infants and toddlers.
26.04.2011 | Press Release IPEN supported by WECF
A call for rapid phase-out of Brominated and Chlorinated Flame retardants
WECF position paper on flame retardants
The Madrid dialogue on Rio+20 with the High Level Panel on Global Sustainability
WECF director Sascha Gabizon moderated the session on Rio+20 Policy Outcomes during the Madrid Dialogue organised by SustainLabour and other partners in Madrid on 12 of April 2011
Asbestos in Kyrgyzstan
Increasing awareness on asbestos in Kyrgyzstan to strenghten and support Civil Society
07.04.2011 | WICF Project
WECF-Nominierungen gewinnen Nuclear-Free Future Award 2011
Die russischen Aktivistinnen Natalia Manzurova und Nedeshada Kutepova werden für ihren Einsatz gegen Atomwaffen und Atomenergie geehrt
25.03.2011 | WECF Press Release
Nigerian Ambassador hosts Rio+20 women ministers and leaders meeting on International Women's Day
WECF supports UNEP secretariat in organising an informal meeting of the Network of Women Ministers and Leaders for the Environment (NWMLE)
09.03.2011 | Sascha Gabizon
International Women’s Day
On the 100th anniversary of international women's day WECF presents statement to the United Nations preparatory conference on Sustainable Development
08.03.2011 | WECF Press Release
Compost – the black gold
In "Compost - the black gold" is explained how the safe re-use of organic waste and faecal matter can increase your yields and improve your soil
WECF actively involved in at UNEP’s Global Forum and Governing Council, in Nairobi, Kenya
140 ministers of environment meet at the United Nations Environment Programme in preparation of Rio+20
25.02.2011 | Sascha Gabizon
Women Ministers and leaders discuss Rio+20 at 26th UNEP Governing Council Meeting, Nairobi
Possible policy outcomes for Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development in 2012 in Brazil
24.02.2011 | Sascha Gabizon
'Green' Economy: inclusive and equitable
Women Rio+20 Steering Committee presents "Gender and Green Economy" position paper at the 26th UNEP Governing meeting on February 23 in Nairobi
24.02.2011 | Sascha Gabizon
Joint Statement EC and UNEP on priority areas on environment presented in Nairobi
The EC released a joint statement on cooperation on priority areas on environment at a press conference held on Wednesday, 23rd February 2011 in UNEP, Nairobi
23.02.2011 | IPEN Network
Towards Rio +20: The Role of Civil Society - Panel Presentation by Christine von Weizsäcker
Panel Presentation by Christine von Weizsäcker, President of WECF's Board of Trustees from the GMGSF 12 in Nairobi, Kenya
21.02.2011 | Christine von Weizsaecker
Women’s perspectives marginalized at Rio+20 Intersessional Meeting
Women's Major Group disappointed that women's perspectives were largely missing in discussion at first day Rio +20 interssessional in New York
18.01.2011 | Sascha Gabizon and Gail Karlsson
Join Women on the Road to Rio+20
UN Conference on Sustainable Development 2012 - Rio + 20
14.12.2010 | WICF Campaign
Wenn Spielzeug krank macht – WECF fordert statt Ankündigungspolitik Brüderles konkrete politische Taten zum Schutz der Kinder
Gesprächskreis Verbraucherpolitik der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung und WECF (Women in Europe for a Common Future) laden ein zum Gesprächskreis am 5. November in Berlin
28.10.2010 | Johanna Hausmann
Stockholm Convention : the way towards the official listing of endosulfan as a POP (Persistent Organic Pollutant)
NGOs representatives during POPRC 6th
25.10.2010 | Elisabeth Ruffinengo
EEB report reveals reveals big retailers are breaching the EU’s flagship regulation on chemicals
WECF took part in European wide test under the guidance of the European Environmental Bureau to see whether big retailers are adequately protecting consumer safety
Nuclear Power is not a Solution to Climate Change
WECF strictly opposes nuclear power. Nuclear industry is a threat to our health, our environment and human rights - at every step of production. WECF's member organizations underscribe our common conclusion; nuclear energy is not a solution for climate change.
10.10.2010 | WECF Campaign
Coalition for Climate Justice enter into second phase for funding from Netherlands Ministry of Development Cooperation
Coalition lead by WECF has passed first selection round
03.08.2010 | WECF Press Release
Коалиция за Климатическую Справедливость вошла во второй тур в получении субсидирования от Министерства по Развитию Сотрудничества Нидерландов.
Коалиция, возглавляемая WECF, прошла первый отборочный тур.
02.08.2010 | WECF Press Release
6th European Conference of GMO-Free Regions Brussels and Ghent, 16.-18. September 2010
WECF calls for participation on the Conference of GMO-Free Regions in Brussels and Ghent, Belgium
28.07.2010 | Magdalena Black
WECF publication Urine – the yellow gold
Safe re-use of human urine from ecosan toilets to increase your yields
Aarhus Meetings in Geneva on 29 June until 2 July 2010
Task Force on Public Participation in International Forums met in Geneva to discuss about reporting requirements for Parties under the Aarhus Convention
08.07.2010 | Anke Stock
Nominations for International Environmental Governance process UNEP
Nomination forms for members of th Major Group and Stakeholder Advisory Group on UNEP's high level International Environmental Governance process (IEG)
08.07.2010 | Sascha Gabizon
Toxic shock: European Parliament to expand harmful products in the home?
On 22 June the European Parliament’s Environment Committee will vote on new EU provisions on the authorisation and marketing of hazardous products like wood preservatives and insecticide sprays. But leading environmental and health campaign groups fear that MEPs may lack courage to ban all highly hazardous products
21.06.2010 | Joint Press Release PAN Europe, WECF & PAN Germany
CSD 18: “Asbestos – who pays the bill? WECF Lunch Event at UN Commission for Sustainable Development
Testimonies and Dialogue on Policy Recommendations” In the framework of the 18th session of the UN Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD) in New York, May 6, 2010
11.06.2010 | WECF Report
WECF co-organises NGO participation in Bucharest on the Water and Health Protocol
WECF co-organises workshop on June 15-16 2010 in Bucharest, in cooperation with the United Nation - UNECE, WHO-Regional Office for Europe, Ministry of Environment and Forests of Romania, and Global Water Partnership Romania
09.06.2010 | Margriet Samwel
The way to Cancun: WECF at UNFCCC Climate Change Talks in Bonn
Side-event, exhibition booth, climate action and an intervention at the AWG KP opening session by Sabine Bock of WECF on behalf of the Women and Gender Constituency
08.06.2010 | WECF report
The way to Cancun: WECF Feasibility study on CDM presented at UNFCCC side event
“Gender and Climate Change research: gaps, questions, and potentials” was the title of an event co-organised by WECF, Bridge, Gendercc, Life E.v. and the Gender and Disaster Network
08.06.2010 | Chantal van den Bossche
CSD 18: Almoustapha Alhacen reports on uranium mining in Niger
During the 18th Session of the UN Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD) in New York, during which mining and waste in its current 2-year cycle was addressed, WECF invited Almoustapha Alhacen, President of t AGHIRIN’ MAN (Niger) to present the situation on uranium mining in Niger
21.05.2010 | WECF Report
CSD 18: Women Major Group Statement
Women are very active in the Chemicals issue, since they understand the importance to their own health and to protect their children’s health and allow them to fully develop their capacities
19.05.2010 | Alexandra Caterbow
Почти Нобелевский лауреат - об угрозе химикатов в постсоветских странах
WECF partner Olga Speranskaya was interviewed for UN radio on obsolete pesticides and asbestos
18.05.2010 | United Nations Radio
CSD 18: WECF speakers demand a nuclear free climate agreement!
Friday 14th May, during the negotiations on the United Nations Nuclear Proliferation Treaty (NPT) taking place at the UN Headquarters in New York, Bremley Lyngdoh on behalf of WECF and the indigenous people affected by uranium mining spoke during the Side Event entitled Access to Civil Nuclear Energy
18.05.2010 | WECF Press Release
Christiana Figueres Appointed New UNFCCC Executive Secretary
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has appointed Christiana Figueres as the new Executive Secretary of the United Nations Climate Change Secretariat based in Bonn, Germany
17.05.2010 | UNFCCC Press Release
CSD 18: Women's closing statement on 14th May
Women major group final statement , CSD 18
14.05.2010 | Sascha Gabizon
Invitation to Seminar in The Hague on 'biofuels from a southern perspective'
Seminar: "Impact van bio-energie gebaseerd op hout op bossen, inheemse volkeren en het klimaat - Een zuidelijk perspectief"
WECF Germany: “Umweltgerechtigkeit von Geburt an" (Environmental justice right from the beginning)
A consultative program for deprived families and migrant families in the vicinity of Berlin and Munich
Empowerment & Local Action (ELA) Kazakhstan
Building the capacity of poor local communities in rural areas in Kazakhstan
Eliminating toxic chemicals globally
Working to ensure that by 2020 all consumer products are free of hazardous chemicals
International Year of Sanitation
Safe and affordable sustainable sanitation at the top of the European political agenda during the International Year of Sanitation 2008
Poland: Between the Rivers Bug and Narew
WECF and SIE are developing local partnerships in order to manage and cultivate 15 rural Masovian communities along the river Bug sustainable.
13.04.2010 | WECF Project
WECF's Golden Fuel Rod of April 2010 goes to German chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel
In diesem Monat geht der Preis an Bundeskanzlerin Dr. Angela Merkel
10.04.2010 | Johanna Hausmann
Nizhyn pupils no longer run to the toilet on the street!
A new indoor toilet was opened on the eve of World Water Day in Nizhyn 19 March 2010. 42 pupils and teachers queued up for the longest line in the word - to the toilet!
26.03.2010 | Mama '86, Ukraine
Video: CEHAPE Awards at the Fifth Ministerial Conference of the WHO European Region on Environment and Health
Eight winning projects have received Children's Environment and Health Plan for Europe (CEHAPE) Awards at the Fifth Ministerial Conference of the WHO European Region on Environment and Health
Belarus MATRA Project: Policy Recommendations
Lessons Learned During 3-Years Project in Belarus
24.03.2010 | Anke Stock
WECF Publication: The Challenges of Solid Waste Management in Rural Romania
Findings of a survey in four Romanian villages on the management of solid waste such as plastics, animal and hazardous waste.
Closing conference Sharing lessons learned in Belarus WECF project
Closing conference Sharing lessons learned in the project “Developing Multi-stakeholder Co-operation in the Areas of Water, Waste and Energy Efficiency in Belarus“
24.03.2010 | Bistra Mihaylova
WECF in Parma: Interview in The Lancet with WECF Executive Diretor Sascha Gabizon
European ministers signed a declaration on environmental health last
21.03.2010 | The Lancet, Volume 375, Issue 9719
Parma 2010: Report of 5th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health
Strengthening implementation of children’s environmental health programmes – 53 countries of the European, Caucasus and Central Asian region adopt ministerial declaration with clear targets and commitments
16.03.2010 | WECF report on Parma
Countries pledge to eradicate asbestos diseases
Ends daily reports on WECF's work at Ministerial Conference in Parma
15.03.2010 | Ends daily
Women: Agents of Change
Women in Europe for a Common Future gave its input in creating Women: Agents of Change publication
Parma 2010: WECF responds to attack by Russian Asbestos Industry Association
The Russian Asbestos Industry attacks WECF for promoting substitution of chrysotile asbestos, in the last days leading up to the Parma Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health
05.03.2010 | WECF Press Release
Parma 2010: WECF responds to attack by Russian Asbestos Industry Association
The Russian Asbestos Industry attacks WECF for promoting substitution of chrysotile asbestos, in the last days leading up to the Parma Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health
05.03.2010 | WECF Press Release
Binnenlucht: verborgen gevaar in baby’s slaapkamer
Europees vrouwen- en milieunetwerk WECF publiceert resultaten van studie naar binnenlucht kwaliteit in kinderkamers in vier Europese landen volgende week op Ministeriële Conferentie “ Milieu en Gezondheid” in Parma , Italië
05.03.2010 | WECF the Netherlands Press Release
Parma 2010: Воздух внутри помещений – скрывающаяся опасность в детских комнатах
WECF опубликовывает результаты Европейского исследования качества воздуха внутри детских комнат, которое будет представлено на Министерской Конференции по Окружающей Среде и Охране Здоровья в Парме.
05.03.2010 | WECF Press Release in Russian
Parma 2010: Воздух внутри помещений – скрывающаяся опасность в детских комнатах
WECF опубликовывает результаты Европейского исследования качества воздуха внутри детских комнат, которое будет представлено на Министерской Конференции по Окружающей Среде и Охране Здоровья в Парме.
05.03.2010 | WECF Press Release in Russian
How to change the world with women? WECF in Geneva at International Women's Day
Author and film maker Coline Serreau invited to the UNO in Geneva on International Women’s Day- March 8. 2010
04.03.2010 | WECF France Press Release
How to change the world with women? WECF in Geneva at International Women's Day
Author and film maker Coline Serreau invited to the UNO in Geneva on International Women’s Day- March 8. 2010
04.03.2010 | WECF France Press Release
Case study on Lessons from Water Safety Plans (WSP)
Case study on Lessons from Water Safety Plans (WSP) for small-scale water supply systems as developed by schools in Romania
A l’occasion de la journée internationale de la femme, le 8 mars 2010 « Comment changer le monde avec les femmes ?
L’association With Women, en collaboration avec l’Office des Nations Unies de Genève et le PNUD, invite Coline Serreau à présenter son nouveau film dans la grande Salle des Assemblées du Palais des nations à Genève
02.03.2010 | WECF France Press Release
WECF participated on workshop under the protocol on water and health
In Geneva, on 16-17 February, WECF participated on the workshop on reporting under the protocol on water and health (PWH), organised by the PWH secreatariat of the WHO regional office for Europe and the UNECE
22.02.2010 | Margriet Samwel
Women's Caucus presented its message to Ministers of Environment present in Bali
Today the Women's Caucus presented its message to the Ministers of Environment present at this years UNEP Governing Council and Global Ministers for the Environment Forum in Bali, Indonesia, February 23-26 2010
22.02.2010 | WECF Press Release
Women's Caucus presented its message to Ministers of Environment present in Bali
Today the Women's Caucus presented its message to the Ministers of Environment present at this years UNEP Governing Council and Global Ministers for the Environment Forum in Bali, Indonesia, February 23-26 2010
22.02.2010 | WECF Press Release
Release of the Hashimoto Action Plan II
Letter by the Chair of UNSGAB, HRH Prince Willem-Alexander, the Prince of Orange
16.02.2010 | UNSGAB
Parma: WECF coordinator for environmental NGOs at 5th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, Parma, 10-12 March 2010
The preparations for the next WHO Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health are fully underway. Here is a letter to the NGO's concerned.
10.02.2010 | Olivia Radu
SanWat Sektorerhebung
SanWat Sector Survey of German NGO's: WECF Sanitation and Water Group supports the initiative by the German Forum Environment and Development (WG water).
09.02.2010 | Claudia Wendland
WECF publication presents 4 renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions for low income rural areas
The new WECF brochure presents how WECF experts and partners developed and adapted technolgies for solar water heaters, local insulation materials, biogas and solar food driers.
WECF beaten by Foundation Niketan in toilet photo competition
WECF took part in a ' toilet competition' organised by Mambapoint TV in the Netherlands to raise more awareness for the lack of proper and sustainable sanitation in Europe and in developing countries
25.01.2010 | Chantal van den Bossche
Tauziehen um die solare Zukunft
Report on Green City action, in cooperation with WECF Germany, on Munich's Marienplatz
25.01.2010 | cleanenergy-project.de
WECF a lancé avec la CLEF et de nombreuses ONG la Campagne « With Women »
Le 8 janvier WECF a lancé avec la CLEF et de nombreuses ONG la Campagne « With Women », soutenue par Corinne Lepage, Nicole Fontaine et Michèle André, ainsi que par l’UNESCO. Un lancement très réussi au Sénat, en présence de nombreuses associations de femmes
18.01.2010 | WECF France
WECF joins new campaign "With Women"
On January 8, WECF launched the Campaign "With Women", together with the french Coordination of EWL and the support of Corinne Lepage, Nicole Fontaine, Michèle André, and UNESCO
18.01.2010 | WECF Press Release
WECF joins new campaign "With Women"
On January 8, WECF launched the Campaign "With Women", together with the french Coordination of the European Women's Lobby and the support of Corinne Lepage, Nicole Fontaine, Michèle André, and UNESCO. A successful launch meeting took place in the Senate in Paris, with the presence of many women's associations and NGO's.
18.01.2010 | WECF Press Release
Report on the results of drafting the ministerial declaration of the 5th Environment and Health conference, to be held in Parma, Italy 10-12 March 2010
More than 100 representatives of member states, IGOs, NGOs and other organisations came to the final round of negotiations of the draft ministerial declaration in Bonn, on January 13 and 14. 2010
15.01.2010 | Sascha Gabizon
Report on the EHAP Consultative Forum
On December 3rd 2009, the European Commission organised the annual Consultative Forum on the Environment and Health Action Plan. WECF participated with Sascha Gabizon, Demi Theodori and Anne Corinne Zimmer.
02.01.2010 | Sascha Gabizon
Ministers worried about hazardous chemicals cocktails, but postpone action
Environment, health, women’s and consumer organizations welcome ministers' recognition but warn that urgent measures are needed
22.12.2009 | Joint NGO Press Release
Live from Copenhagen: Successful call of International NGOs at UN Climate Meeting
Over 50,000 People from Around the World demand a “Nuclear Free Climate Agreement”
15.12.2009 | WECF Press Release
Live from Copenhagen: Action for Nuclear Free Climate Postponed
Today at the Bella Center: Joint NGO Action for Nuclear Free Climate
15.12.2009 | WECF Press Release
WECF and 3 partners of Coalition for Climate Justice submit funding request to Netherlands Ministry of Development Cooperation
Climate Change: addressing the challenge
12.12.2009 | WECF Press Release
Copenhagen: 968 detained at climate rally urging bold pact
thousands of protesters marched through the chilly Danish capital and nearly 1,000 were detained Saturday in a mass rally to demand an ambitious global climate pact, just as talks hit a snag over rich nations' demands on China and other emerging economies
12.12.2009 | Associated Press
Human Rights Day
HUMAN RIGHTS DAY: Treaty of Lisbon – Environmental Protection and the Right to Water
10.12.2009 | Anke Stock
Countdown to Copenhagen: WECF publishes book on Nuclear Energy "The Critical Question"
In both English and German, The Critical Question offers first hand reports from the frontlines of the nuclear fuel chain
04.12.2009 | WECF Press Release
Live from Copenhagen : WECF at the Climate Summit
With five side events, an exhibition a book-launch and 55 delegation partners, WECF emphasised the need for a strong and equitable outcome of the Climate negotiations
03.12.2009 | WECF Press Release
New European Pollutant and Transfer Register Launched
This week the European Commission and the European Environment Agency launched a new European Pollutant and Transfer Register (E-PRTR)
12.11.2009 | Anke Stock
Copenhagen Climate Summit 2009
WECF was present at the UN Climate Change Conference 2009
01.11.2009 | WECF Event
Dniester River Conference 2009
The International Conference "Transboundary Dniester River Basin Management and the EU Water Framework Directive" took place from 30th September to 1st October 2009 in Odessa, Ukraine
30.10.2009 | Anna Samwel
To the 20th Birthday of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
In a changing world, WECF fosters the right to a healthy environment for all and especially for children
26.10.2009 | Olga Artamonova
ECO Forum/WECF and HEAL report
EEHC and Ministerial Declaration drafting group meetings October 13-15, 2009 Parma, Italy, in preparation of the 5th Ministerial Conference on Health and Environment to take place in Italy,9 – 12 March 2010
26.10.2009 | Sascha Gabizon (WECF) and Genon Jensen (HEAL)
L'UNHCR en stage: Les Nations unies au Salève
26.10.2009 | Dauphiné Liberé
Video Report on Annemasse NGO WECF France
l’UNHCR – Haut Commissariat aux Réfugiés des Nations Unies a organisé dans la cité frontalière de Genève un stage de formation pour ses officiers. Retrouvez ici le reportage réalisé
Aarhus Convention news: Protocol on Pollutants Release and Transfer Registers
PRTR adopted at Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention in Kiev, October 2009
12.10.2009 | Anke Stock
Children's Environmental Health: WECF calls for good project examples
Good Practice Award will be awarded during Ministerial Conference in Italy in March 2010
04.10.2009 | Olivia Radu
Report of the Meetings of the Task Force on Public Participation in International Forums and of the Expert Group on Public Participation, 6, 7 and 8 July 2009 in Geneva
WECF participated heading the NGO coalition on behalf of the European Eco-Forum during the Fourth meeting of the Task Force
15.07.2009 | Anke Stock
WECF present at International Soroptimists Conference in Amsterdam 9-11 July 2009
Soroptimists Go For Water: WECF partners and staff give presentation on Ecological Sanitation in Eastern Central Europe
07.07.2009 | Chantal van den Bossche
Noreena Hertz, Minister Cramer at WECF Anniversary
WECF celebrated 15 year anniversary with conference "Innovation for sustainability - the crisis as opportunity"
11.06.2009 | Chantal van den Bossche
Noreena Hertz, die niederländische Umweltministerin und führende lokale und globale Persönlichkeiten für Nachhaltigkeit beim WECF Jahrestag
WECF begeht in Den Haag den 15. Jahrestag mit einer Konferenz zum Thema
11.06.2009 | Johanna Hausmann
Countdown to Copenhagen: Bonn Climate Change Talks Invitation
Announcement of the WECF Side Event at 9 june 2009
01.06.2009 | WECF Press Release
5th World Water Forum, Istanbul 2009
WECF activities and stand at the 5th World Water Forum
16.03.2009 | WECF Event
Nairobi UNEP GC: Governments come and go – but women stay: governments listen to the women’s major group at UNEP
Executive director of WECF, Sascha Gabizon, represented the Women’s major group at the Governing Council Meeting of the United Nations Environment Programme.
02.03.2009 | Sascha Gabizon
Report from the workshop on setting targets and reporting, Geneva 10-11 February
Report from the workshop by Anna Tsvetkova, coordinator of EcoForum issue group and member of WECF's International Advisory Board
23.02.2009 | Anna Tsvetkova
Nesting Spain officially launched: website helping parents to create a safe and healthy environment now available in 7 languages
Lo que desea tu bebé – un comienzo sano desde el principio
02.02.2009 | Isabella Ripa, WECF Spain
Europe's Sanitation Problem, WECF report on seminar during Stockholm World Water Week
WECF co-organises Expert Group Meeting on Gender, Water and Sanitation
WECF, as part of the UN task force on gender and water, co-organised 2 day expert group meeting on December 1 and 2, at UN headquarters in New York - Defining better indicators for global and national progress on MDG 7
20.12.2008 | Sascha Gabizon
Live from Poznan: Gender cc statement by WECF IAB member during closing session Poznan
Svitlana Slesarenok speaks on behalf of the Women's Caucus on Gender and Climate Change
14.12.2008 | WECF Press Release
"Spoilsports! Let's get rid of toxic toys!" WECF campaign for toxic-free toys
Proposed revision of the European toys legislation continues to allow carcinogens and hormone disrupting substances in toys, WECF organises international press actions
11.12.2008 | WECF
Live from Poznan: Nuclear Power is a Mickey Mouse solution to Climate Change
300 NGO's say no to nuclear energy as a solution to Climate Change during meeting in Poznan
11.12.2008 | Joint Press Release
"Stop aux mauvais joueurs! Finissons-en avec les jouets empoisonnés!
WECF lance une CAMPAGNE pour la Révision de la Directive Européenne sur la Sécurité des Jouets : à partir du 1er décembre 2008
10.12.2008 | WECF Press Release
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) turns 60
Human Rights Day - 10 December 2008 - WECF states: "A Healthy Environment for All is a basic human right"
10.12.2008 | Anke Stock
Live from Poznan: WECF and Inforse side event on Poverty Reduction in Asia & EECCA
Sustainable energy and climate change policies: a zero carbon scenario in the EU
09.12.2008 | Nicole van Gemert
WECF, has signed a Collaboration Agreement with Foundation CONAMA in Spain
Foundation CONAMA is the organiser of the National Environment Congress that runs every two years in Madrid and started on December 1st
01.12.2008 | WECF Press Release
L’impact des substances chimiques sur la santé, en particulier sur le fœtus et le jeune enfant, enfin inscrit à l’ordre du jour politique
The impact of chemicals on health, especially in fetuses and young children, finally on French political agenda
01.12.2008 | WECF France Press Release
Pre-final Russian version of HeRWAI (Health Rights of Women Assessment Instrument)
To be published in Russian by WECF and Aim for Human Rights in early 2009
Spelbrekers! Geen gif in het speelgoed van onze kinderen!
WECF teleurgesteld: 16 december keurde het Europese Parlement de nieuwe speelgoedrichtlijn goed
27.11.2008 | WECF Press Release
WECF Executive Director online expert on United Nations website
On November 21st, Sascha Gabizon, executive director of WECF, featured on the UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) homepage as an invited expert for an online discussion.
21.11.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche
WECF France: It's about time that EU commits itself to common healthy, environmentally friendly agricultural policy
Avenir de la Politique Agricole Commune : Il est temps que l’UE s’engage dans la voie d’une agriculture saine et respectueuse de l’environnement
18.11.2008 | WECF Press Release
report from Madrid working group meeting on Guidelines on Water Supply and Sanitation in Extreme Weather Events
First Meeting of the drafting group on Guidelines on Water Supply and Sanitation in Extreme Weather Events
06.11.2008 | WECF partner AWHHE
What Happened at POPRC4: reviewing chemicals proposed for listing of the Stockholm Convention
The Stockholm Convention POPs Review Committee (POPRC) met for the fourth time from 12 – 17 October in Geneva to make important decisions on candidates for addition to the Convention.
03.11.2008 | Ipennetwork
Pesticides not only destroy insects' nervous system; children's as well
European Parliament will vote for new pesticides regulations. Stricter regulations will be especially important for agricultural sector
29.10.2008 | WECF Press Release
International Advisory Board meeting at WECF offices
The International Advisory Board of WECF met from 22nd - 24th of September 2008 at WECF’s offices in Munich
21.10.2008 | Bistra Mihaylova
Welt Wasser Woche in Stockholm: WECF bringt Europas Sanitationsproblem auf die Agenda
20.10.2008 | Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung
WECF France will co-organise the “Fair Trade Weeks” in Annemasse in Mai 2009 together with ATB, a local association.
Nathalia Dejean of WECF France will present the action in November to different shops
18.10.2008 | Anne Barre
Major threat to Lake Sevan Armenia - WECF sent letter of concern
Strategic stock of fresh water for Armenian population is threatened by mining industry
15.10.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche
Report on WECF lunch event at European Parliament on developmental harm of children
Europe's children’s brains and reproductive organs are at risk from hazardous chemicals if European Parliament does not improve proposed legislation on pesticides, toys, cosmetics and chemicals
09.10.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche
WECF shared practical experiences with students at IHE
In the framework of the Summerschool at UNESCO IHE, Alp Ergünsel and Claudia Wendland from WECF gave lectures to international MSc.
25.09.2008 | Claudia Wendland
Will French taxpayer again have to pay for nuclear plants in neighbouring country?
WECF is worried that nuclear industry is making promises which will not be kept
24.09.2008 | WECF Press Release
"Contaminés dès les biberons" - article on WECF's work on chemicals in L'Express Magazine
Contamination from within the bottle and from other baby toys
18.09.2008 | L'Express, Vincent Olivier
Environment Groups Giving a Face to Climate Change - Interview with WECF's Sabine Bock
interview with Sabine Bock, Climate Change Coordinator WECF
18.09.2008 | Deutsche Welle
267 Chemikalien am Pranger
Article on SIN list and WECF's work in Berliner Tageszeitung
17.09.2008 | Heike Holdinghausen
WECF support 'End Water Poverty'
coalition of NGO's have pledged their support for bold action to meet the sanitation and water MDG targets.
12.09.2008 | Claudia Wendland and Sascha Gabizon
WECF issues annual report and publishes new flyer
2007, a year of continuing growth and development for WECF
11.09.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche
Safe and affordable toilets for all Europeans
WECF at Stockholm World Water Week: Europe needs a rural action sanitation plan
21.08.2008 | WECF Press Release
Stockholm World Water Week: WECF puts Europe's sanitation problems on the agenda
WECF seminar at the World Water Week looks at urgent measures to provide safe sanitation for 20 million European citizens living in inacceptable bad hygienic circumstances
19.08.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche
Europe‘s Sanitation Problem - Discussion Paper on sustainable, affordable and safe sanitation in the EU
Sustainable, Affordable and Safe Sanitation for citizens in the European Union – impossible?
Training on Health Rights of Women Assessment Instrument (HeRWAI)
On 14th and 15th of June 2008 WECF organised a training with the aim to introduce HeRWAI, the Health Rights of Women Assessment Instrument developed by Aim for human rights, an international NGO based in the Netherlands.
18.07.2008 | Anke Stock and Jennifer Ricketts
Aarhus convention – the international law on civil participation celebrates tenth birthday
WECF participated with 9 partners from Armenia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine and Russia in the Third Meeting of the Parties (MOP-3)
18.06.2008 | Anke Stock and Karin Adolph
Global Energy Conference at the European Parliament
Energy Globe Foundation and the Committees of the European Parliament (ITRE) hosted conference„Awareness Raising and best practice as key tools for implementing energy efficiency“, Brussels, May 27th, 2008
01.06.2008 | Margriet Samwel
New Chair CSD positive on women's networks during Convention on Biodiversity, Bonn
WECF glad with addition of Dutch Minister of Agriculture, Gerda Verburg, at Meeting Network of Women Ministers during Convention on Biodiversity (tekst in het Nederlands)
01.06.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche
Poor sanitation is a major contributing factor to high levels of child mortality occurring in developing countries
WECF present at international Workshop „Water and Sanitation in International development and disaster relief“, organised by the University of Edinburgh and UNESCO, 28-30 May in Edinburgh, Scotland
30.05.2008 | Margriet Samwel
New European Chemicals Agency must act on hazardous chemicals
A coalition of European environmental, health,women’s and consumer groups, including WECF, is calling for the new European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to giveabsolute priority to the protection of public health and the environment.
26.05.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche
Without diversity everything is grey!
WECF joins Planet Diversity, the world congress on the future of food and agriculture
14.05.2008 | Karin Adolph
WECF partner Central Asian Alliance for Water (CAAW) present at CSD, New York
WECF networkpartner presents succesful ecosanitation programs during side event panel discussion (press release in Dutch)
13.05.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche
Petition for GMO-free village
WECF signed Greenpeace letter for a GMO free Borger Odoorn (tekst in het Nederlands)
09.05.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche
WECF alerts EU Ministers of Health and EU Commissioners on pesticides
Letter emphasises the need to eliminate the most hazardous pesticides from the EU food chain in order to protect our most vulnerable groups from reproductive and developmental harm.
02.05.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche
WECF director speaks at UNEP business and environment conference, Singapore
Chances for business – NGO partnerships
02.05.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche
Dutch Environment Minister attends WECF presentation in Georgia
WECF Field Officer Anna Samwel presented on Labour Day ecosan toilet projects to Dutch Environment Minister Jacqueline Cramer
02.05.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche
Prevention is the cure!
WECF's message on primary prevention of breast cancer well received at Breast Cancer Conference in Berlin (press releases in English and German)
16.04.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche
Matra Project Belarus
WECF baseline surveys to improve capacity building in the areas of water, waste and energy efficiency in Belarus”.
12.04.2008 | Tatiana Deriviago
Meeting of the Task Force on Indicators and Reporting to the Protocol on Water and Health
The First meeting of the Task Force on Indicators and Reporting to the Protocol on water and Health took place on 13–14 March 2008 in Geneva, Switzerland.
14.03.2008 | Anna Tsvetskova
Guidelines for the safe use of wastewater, excreta and greywater
In 2006 the World Health Organization published its new Guidelines for the safe use of wastewater, excreta and greywater. Together the Guidelines offer a safety framework, and minimum requirements for the safe use of wastewater, excreta and greywater in agriculture and aquaculture. Anyone interested in safe wastewater management will benefit from getting acquainted with the guidelines.
06.03.2008 | Sanna-Mari Kuisma
Water scarcity and Climate Change
WECF present at European Parliamentarians' brainstorm on water scarcity
26.02.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche
No toxic substances in children's toys
WECF demands a ban on all hazardous substances in toys as European Commission presents draft proposal for new toys directive
25.01.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche
Nuclear Power increases child leukaemia risk
Children living within three miles of nuclear power stations are more than twice as likely to get leukaemia as those who live further away, scientists say
10.01.2008 | The Telegraph UK, Nic Fleming
Asbestos a silent killer on a global scale - WECFs work on asbestos and the Rotterdam Convention
Asbestos is banned in most industrialized countries: yet it is the biggest occupational killer worldwide: the International Labor Organization estimates asbestos causes 100,000 deaths globally every year through occupational exposure alone. Still asbestos is being produced by many countries, including Canada and Kazakhstan.
01.01.2008 | WECF Campaign
European Eco-Forum’s Aarhus Strategy Meeting
On 17 and 18 December 2007 the European Eco-Forum’s Strategy Meeting on the Aarhus Convention took place in Vienna
19.12.2007 | Anke Stock
Don't Nuke the Planet!
WECF organizes anti-nuclear protest at Climate Conference in Bali (text in English and German)
13.12.2007 | Sabine Bock
What is the Story of Stuff?
The Story of Stuff is a 20-minute, fast-paced, fact-filled look at the downside of our production and consumption patterns
10.12.2007 | Chantal van den Bossche
Aarhus Convention: reporting cycle for 3rd meeting of the parties
Call for Action
05.12.2007 | Anke Stock
Aarhus Convention: Third Meeting of the Task Force on Public Participation in International Forums
The Almaty Guidelines and their future after MOP 3
30.11.2007 | Anke Stock
WAVE Report 2007 Available
Women as the voice for the right to a healthy environment
23.11.2007 | Jasmine Osorio
Newest development on REACH
22.11.2007 | Sascha Gabizon
WAVE Belgrade Declaration- adopted
120 participants from 30 countries call for the Right to a Healthy Environment
13.11.2007 | Jasmine Osorio
Women's Environment organisation organise a conference for the right to a healthy environment
Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) aktiv bei der UNECE Konferenz „Umwelt für Europa“ im Rahmen der Europäischen Umweltministerkonferenz in Belgrad (text in German)
09.10.2007 | Johanna Hausmann
50 years after the nuclear accident in Mayak, Russia - lessons have not been learned
Mayak 1957, Tschernobyl 1986 – und wenig dazugelernt, WECF fordert die Abkehr von der Atomenergie (text in German)
02.10.2007 | Johanna Hausmann
Almaty Guidelines on PPIF
Request for comments.
10.09.2007 | Anke Stock
Awards highlight eco-tech measures that can save children’s lives
3 WECF Partners and 1 WECF Member were among the top 15 winners to showcase their projects at the Vienna Health and Environment Inter-ministerial Conference
16.07.2007 | WECF Press Release
European Environmental Policy
Meeting between NGO and Minister on the Environment, 19th of June (text in Dutch)
26.06.2007 | Sascha Gabizon
Children have a right to a healthy environment
WHO should set up a competition for the best children's environmental health programme. (Text in German)
20.06.2007 | Johanna Hausmann
CEHAPE Process - Children's healthy environment
WECF Partners from Armenia, Romania and Georgia won "Best-practice-Award" in Vienna (text in German)
15.06.2007 | Johanna Hausmann
Too early to celebrate REACH
Flaws and weaknesses, say environmental and health NGOs.
25.05.2007 | Sonja Haider
WECF CSD 15 side event May 2, 2007 - "From Best Practice to Policy”
Effective policies for countries in transition to address indoor and outdoor air pollution, health effects from nuclear industry and promotion of energy efficiency and Renewables.
14.05.2007 | Sabine Bock
Women as the Voice for the Right to a Healthy Environment
WECF took part in the UNECE "Environment for Europe" Conference from October 10 - 12, 2007 in Belgrade, Serbia and held its own network meeting
01.05.2007 | WECF Event
Integrating Health into Lisbon has reached Commission ears!
Results of the Consultative Forum on the Midterm Review of the Environment and Health Action plan
24.04.2007 | Jasmine Osorio
WECF Report: Environmental Health and the Lisbon Agenda
WECF makes report and summary from the High Level Roundtable in Brussels available online.
24.04.2007 | Jasmine Osorio
The EU environmental NGO Statement on CSD 15
WECF provides input on countries in transition on energy poverty, nuclear risk and climate change
01.03.2007 | Sabine Bock
Aarhus Convention
Campaign on Public Participation – NGOs Input
23.02.2007 | Anke Stock
Breast Cancer: Policy and Prevention
Linking Breast cancer and our environment; is chemical exposure the missing link factor in the rise of the breast cancer epidemic?
01.01.2007 | WECF Campaign
Stand Up Against Poverty
World record attempt Stand Up Against Poverty 15 & 16 oktober
30.10.2006 | Ger Roebeling
WECF organizes High-Level Roundtable, November 27th, Brussels
International Event on Environmental Health aspects of the Lisbon Agenda and the Sustainable Development Strategy: "Clean, clever and competitive from a citizen's perspective"
12.07.2006 | Irma Thijssen
WECF Activity Report 2005
Women in Europe - Dreams and Drives - Projects and Advocacy
European Women's Lobby Petition
Advancing equality between women and men through the better provision of care services in European Union (Text in English and French)
26.06.2006 | Sascha Gabizon
4th World Water Forum Mexico 2006
The water and sanitation sector meets every three years at the World Water Forum
01.01.2006 | WECF Event
WECF writes letter to Dutch Ministers
Lot of vegetables and fruit still contain residues; women are concerned about health of children and unborn baby's
23.12.2005 | Irma Thijssen
Toxic Teddybears
PBDEs in all plush toys tested
21.12.2005 | Sascha Gabizon
Aarhus Convention
Information, public participation and access to justice - useful tools for WECF and its members
Baby milk scare shows urgent need for a strong REACH
Comment by Greenpeace and the European Public Health Alliance Environment Network (text in english and in dutch)
01.12.2005 | Sascha Gabizon / Irma Thijssen
WECF and AWHHE host side event at Ministerial Conference
WECF and it's Armenian member AWHHE host side-event at the Ministerial Conference on Financing Water and Sanitation in the EECCA region, 18 November 2005, Yerevan, Armenia
15.11.2005 | Sascha Gabizon
EU chemicals regulation in bad shape - send an email to your MEP now!
Last days before the EU Parliament Vote - Chemical Reaction is asking for EU citizens to act
10.11.2005 | Daniela Rosche
WECF writes letter to European Voice
WECF sends a letter to the editor of the European Voice on the nomination of Hartmut Nassauer
29.09.2005 | Sascha Gabizon
Dutch NGOs present Sustainability Manifesto
Only by respecting the rights of the poor, and by reducing one's 'ecological footprint' can the Milennium Development Goals be met (text in Dutch)
01.09.2005 | Sascha Gabizon
Joint open letter to EU Environment Minister
European NGOs including WECF have written an open letter to the EU Environment Minister about the ban on DecaB.D
11.07.2005 | Sascha Gabizon
Millenium Development + 5 Summit
Women's major group statement Millenium Development +5 Summit WECF endorses and contributes to the women's statement
16.06.2005 | Sascha Gabizon
WECF goes to Brussels
WECF meets with the new European Environment Commissioner Mr. Stravos Dimas
13.06.2005 | Sascha Gabizon
Petitie aan Nederlands parlement
Oproep om petitie aan Nederlands parlement te steunen voor meer financiele mogelijkheden voor maatschappelijke initiatieven gericht op duurzame ontwikkeling en milieu.
10.05.2005 | Sascha Gabizon
Greece - REACH Youth Event
REACH youth event Athens
01.04.2005 | WECF Event
Lozing hexachloorbenzeenhoudend slib in de Rijn (text in Dutch only)
Minister Peijs geeft toestemming tot het lozen van grote hoeveelheden slib, verontreinigd met een kankerverwekkende en hormoonverstorende stoff
31.03.2005 | Isolde van Overbeek
8 Maart Persbericht Vrouwen voor Water conferentie
(text in Dutch only)
08.03.2005 | Margreet Munneke
WECF side event at Beijing+10 on Women and Environment
and USA withdraws its anti-sexual and reproductive rights ammendment
07.03.2005 | Muborak Sharipova
Beijing 10+
Ten years after the commitment of worls leaders to strengthening women's rights and involvement worldwide, WECF organized a conference on Women, Health and Environment at the NGO Forum
01.02.2005 | WECF Event
WECF's 8 points to strengthen REACH
WECF and Dutch NGOs sent a letter on REACH to Dutch Prime-Minister and parliament
22.12.2004 | Sascha Gabizon
Statement on Women and Environment for Beijing+10
Genanet, WECF and other women's organisations prepare statement on
21.12.2004 | Sascha Gabizon
Mainstreaming Gender into Climate Change policies
Statement presented at the Climate Convention Conference of Parties in Buenos Aires, December 2004.
17.12.2004 | Ulrike Röhr
Joint Lobby Action - EU chemicals directive REACH
German environment NGOs and WECF send letters to German Ministers of Economy and Environment
30.11.2004 | Sascha Gabizon
WECF and MNGM send letter to Dutch MPs
A call from the Netherlands for a better and healthier chemical policy.
13.09.2004 | Sonja Haider
WECF calls on new European Members of Parliament
Support a strong chemicals legislation (REACH) to protect our health
16.07.2004 | Sylvia Altamira
WECF gives 3000 signatures to Secretary of State for Environment Mr. van Geel
Dutch Women want Toxic-Free Bodies (bericht in het Nederlands)
12.07.2004 | Marie Kranendonk
WECF Report from Budapest – June 2004
More than 100 women from 25 countries of the WECF network came to Budapest to take part in the Health and Environment Conferences. Much happened...
08.07.2004 | Sonja Haider
Hungarian Women's Chemicals and Health Day
WECF organises training and media action with Hungarian Women's Organisations on the dangers of chemicals in daily-life products such as cosmetics and children's toys
05.07.2004 | Sylvia Altamira
Don`t pollute our babies bodies!
Women in Europe for a Common Future Members Stand in Silent Appeal to WHO Conference Delegates
30.06.2004 | WECF Press Release
WECF invitation and draft agenda for Budapest 2004
The letter of invitation and the draft agenda for “Our Common Future - European Women’s Conference for a Sustainable Future” are ready.
27.05.2004 | Marie Kranendonk
Budapest Health and Environment Ministerial Conference 2004
NGO strategy meeting, Bussels 15-16 December 2003
25.05.2004 | Sascha Gabizon
Paris Appeal: WECF calls for signing this declaration
Declaration on the link between cancer and environmental pollution presented during conference "Cancer, Environment and Society"
23.05.2004 | Sascha Gabizon
Women demand end to pollution of humans
Call for Action: Towards a Toxic Free Future. Women and children should not be the testing ground for industry
15.04.2004 | Sascha Gabizon
"Our Common Future"
WECF network conference in Budapest 2004: 100 European women's leaders build capacity on participation in policy making
01.03.2004 | WECF Event
3rd World Water Forum, Kyoto 2003
WECF present at the conference of the water and sanitation sector
01.01.2003 | WECF Event