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WECF joins new campaign "With Women"

On January 8, WECF launched the Campaign "With Women", together with the french Coordination of EWL and the support of Corinne Lepage, Nicole Fontaine, Michèle André, and UNESCO

18.01.2010 |WECF Press Release

On January 8, WECF launched the Campaign "With Women", together with the french Coordination of  the European Women's Lobby  and the support of Corinne Lepage, Nicole Fontaine, Michèle André, and UNESCO. A successful launch meeting took place in the Senate in Paris, with the presence of many women's associations and NGO’s.

The appeal to change the world with women

Because in strengthening the role of women it is our world we are changing!  We are facing a global crisis: economic, social and environmental. The next decade will be crucial in taking major decisions for the future of our planet: energy transition, natural resource management, nutrition, solving the issue of climate refugees.

We must now consider how best to change our everyday world if we want to preserve the future generations. Today, women represent a major factor of change:   "Women are among the main victims of climate change (...). They must also be considered as the principal agents of change for reducing global warming and achieve the millennium goals to improve the lot of mankind "  Ban Ki-moon, UNO General Secretary, December 1st 2009..

All around the world, women are at the forefront of the fundamental issues of health, education, peace, food security and respect for nature. And yet, women are still the first to suffer discrimination, violence and poverty, and are still underrepresented at major political and economic decision making

A call to change the world with women
This appeal aims to challenge the Governments on the urgency of implementing a global plan of action to  strengthen and enhance the role of women. Many personalities are committed: Corinne Lepage, Nicole Fontaine, Elisabeth Badinter, Isabelle Giordano, Sophie Davant, Catherine Laborde, Alexia Laroche-Joubert, Rachelle Bourlier, Pierre Rabhi. They call all citizens to sign the Appeal on

« The Appeal to change the world with women rejoins my firm belief that this cause is one of the most promising and exciting way to shape a different future for our human community. This is why my commitment is entire »  Nicole Fontaine - President of the European Parliament 1999-2002 - President of the Honorary Committee With Women

A successful campaign launch, with many NGOs and the committed support of UNESCO
The launching meeting held in the Senate in the presence of Corinne Lepage, Nicole Fontaine and Ms. Corat, from UNESCO, has rallied many women's organizations, who signed the appeal. Ms. Corat welcomed the initiative and stressed the commitment of UNESCO to the appeal "With Women". Nicole Fontaine, Corinne Lepage, MEP, are truly committed alongside With Women, and support the appeal, which will be presented in New York during the UN Commission on the Status of Women in the first week of March 2010. 

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