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Mainstreaming Gender into Climate Change policies

Statement presented at the Climate Convention Conference of Parties in Buenos Aires, December 2004.

17.12.2004 |Ulrike Röhr

As an illustration of the conference: a WWF event at the Climate Summit in Buenos Aires; Tango with Rubber Boots in a Pool

LIFE, WECF, ENERGIA and ETC Statement now available:

The UN is formally committed to gender mainstreaming within all United Nations policies and  programmes. In all societies, in all parts of the world, gender equality is not yet realised. Men and  women have different roles, responsibilities and decision-making powers. Many people, however, find  it difficult to understand in what way gender might be a factor in Climate Change or how it should be  addressed. This paper summarises the issues as discussed at two gender focused side events organised  by LIFE, WECF, ENERGIA and ETC foundation during COP10, one focusing specifically on  adaptation and one on the UNFCCC process in general.

Download the full report on Mainstreaming Gender into the Climate Change Regime (pdf.)

Download the press release from the CoP 10.