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Stay here to browse our website archive (2004-2019).

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Women Engage for a Common Future | Featured Project & Campaign

The objective of the new five-year project is the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) until 2030 with a focus on Gender Equality (SDG 5) and Mitigating Climate Change (SDG 13)
04.04.2016 | WECF Project

WHO European Environment and Health Process (EEHP)
In April 2015 Israel brought together health and environment ministers from 53 countries to assess how far we have progressed with the targets set in 2010
20.03.2016 | WECF Campaign

Women International for a Common Future | Featured Project & Campaign

Crowdfunding Project: Biogas Toilets for deprived families in Uganda
Via a crowdfunding campaign WECF collected more than 4.600 Euro to fight the sanitary grievances in rural Uganda. Thanks to over 50 donations WECF builds in cooperation with our local partner organization ARUWE 17 Biogas Toilets in Mulagi Sub-County.

International Advocacy for Women's Interests
WECF represents women and civil society in a number of international policy processes and United Nations organisations
24.02.2016 | WECF Campaign

Latest Publications

Economical and social empowerment of remote communities in Uganda
Publication on the impact of integrating conservation agriculture, gender, business and accessibility to financial resources on remote communities in rural Uganda

Comparative study on energy cooperatives in Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans
Study made in collaboration with ZEZ (Zelena Energetska Zadruga)

Report on National Workshop on SDGs in Georgia
On the Interlinkages of Environment & Health in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

From Marrakesh to Marrakesh: The rise of gender equality in the global climate governance and climate action
WECF’s experts publish chapter in Routledge Handbook of Human Rights and Climate Governance

Menstrual hygiene and the environment
Check out our videos for the #plasticfreelent campaign!

Proudly presenting the CLEEN results!
The CLEEN project has come to an end, and it has reached many great results.

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WICF is the international division of WECF

WECF Netherlands: Korte Elisabethstraat 6, NL - 3511 JG Utrecht
Phone: +31-30-2310300, Fax: +31-30-2340878

WECF Germany: St.-Jakobs-Platz 10, D - 80331 Munich
Phone: +49-89-23239380, Fax: +49-89-232393811

WECF France: Cité de la Solidarité Internationale, 13 Avenue Emile Zola, F - 74100 Annemasse
Phone: +33-450-834810

WECF Field Offices in Tiblisi (Georgia), Hamburg (Germany) and Sofia (Bulgaria)

Contact us via our email form!

WECF / WICF receives supports from many donors, including from individual donors, social responsible enterprises, the European Commission, European member states, UN organisations, see our Sponsors & Donors page.